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I feel terrible -.- Yesterday I got a mild fever (37.1-37.8 °c) and a constant headache throughout the day, as well as pain in hands and feet, they felt like there were on a fucking bucket of ice. Went to the doctor yesterday. There was no sign of infection or anything cuz I don't have nothing on my throat or lungs and I hadn't thrown up or had diarrea or anything like that, so he just gave me stuff to treat the fever and the vertigo I was feeling. I went to sleep at friggin 8 pm like a babu' yesterday cuz I felt horrible, just to wake up at 2am shaking and running to the bathroom to throw up <. a="" about="" am="" an="" and="" anyways="" as="" asks="" at="" attend="" aware="" can="" cancel="" cancelled="" continue="" cuz="" day="" depending="" didn="" effort="" entire="" eyes.="" feel="" feel.="" gets="" have="" headache="" here="" how="" i="" if="" is="" it="" keep="" like="" make="" many="" maybe="" me="" might="" month.="" next="" nicer="" night="" not="" now="" on="" only="" or="" people="" puffy="" really="" reason="" rest="" say="" skip="" stream="" stream.="" streams="" t_t="" telling="" terrible="" than="" the="" these="" this="" to="" today="" tomorrow="" tonight="" try="" tumblr="" until="" up="" updated="" waking="" well="" with="" work="" you="">



Damn, hope you get better.

Paul Gabbard

Take it easy and feel better Kenno :)


oh no! hope you feel better soon, just get some rest Kenno.




Aww I hope you feel better soon o___O, take advantage of the days off tho!