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So, people have suggested in the past that i should find a way to keep doing these asks in a more regular manner via patreon support. For those out of the loop or those who don't use tumblr, People on tumblr can ask stuff to the MLWF cast, and I answer them with a small sketch. The picture here is an example. you can see all previously answered ones on MLWFs tumblr which i can't link because patreon doesn't want to load it. Does that sound like something you would like to see more often? To be honest i can only do these whenever i get some free time between pages or commissions or whatever. Perhaps you get to see a couple answers on a month :S if you're lucky. If people were interested in getting these done more often, or on a regular basis, the next problem we need to attend is... where to -fit- those on my work schedule. My work schedule is already pretty stuffed and almost burning me out, with 2 days of after-hours, 1 for the webcomic, 1 for monthly sketch streams, and marketing/posting shit everywhere on the days in between, plus an hour or two a day free S: So just pulling them out of the blue would be impossible. I suggest we take off 1 after-hours day and instead use it to answer 4-5 of these asks, and maybe then there could be 1 ask a week? maybe 2? TL;DR: Are you interested in seeing asks answered on a regular basis? How do you suggest it should be done?




One of the people I patronage here does something like this; maybe you could take a page with IzziKat's playbook. You could make it a raffle item. Every month for $10 and up, two or three people are chosen on a randomizer, (names on a wheel) and they are allowed to ask a question of the MLWF Cast. These winners' names are removed from the wheel until everyone has had a turn, wherein all names go back on it to start anew. What do you think of that?

Sierra Teylaas

I like the idea of taking one of the After-Hours' days for the sketches and also the previous comment about making it a sort of raffle for people above a certain level.


yeah pulling one of the after hours pages would be a good idea. 1. to give you a bit of a breather. 2. to venture in more MLWF related content. I suggest a: Back story / Ref Sheet/ Meet the new person / Asks, on an alternating schedule. you could fill in the blanks for people AND you could have a "Back story" section on here for people to click.


Having done something like this myself, lots of people won't be interested, especially with how many people we have. Plus this doesn't really find more time for kenno, which is the problem, not the content


I like the back story idea, definitely something to put in when the site gets a revamp. But who is left to do ref sheets for? All the main and secondary characters have them AFAIK.


I'm surprised you don't think you could do more asks in the time you normally take to do an after hours update, if you are able to get 8 done every time that's 2a week which sounds pretty good to me. I'd also suggest alternating between serious o silly sfw asks with nsfw asks.


For when new ones crop up or he decides to revamp someone.


there are always new ref sheets to be done. If not characters, places. Al's home, the den, etc. There could be a lot more assets i could do xD


that depends how pretty you want them. Just lines sketches? sure i can pump 10 in that time. But is that what we're looking for? =O


I'm making some guesses for how long it takes you to do things based on watching you draw for quite a while now, tell me if I'm wrong. The ask you posted looks like about 45 minutes of work, maybe an hour. If you spend the same amount of time doing these as you do the after hours pages (roughly from ~5 to 12, or 7 hours) that's 7 asks if we go with the more generous time allotment per ask. With either a little bit more time or a little less detail, I think it's plausible to get that to 8 asks. Plus, a lot of asks are more simple to do, so maybe do half higher detail asks and half quick responses, and doing that maybe you could have 3 responses a week, MWF style, which is good for keeping people aware of mlwf (for those who don't follow you specifically, they see you and your art more often, keeping you in mind for commissions, webcomic swag, etc).


Bread-chan again with the cool ideas. *slow clap* This is a good idea. a cool way to get a more in depth look at the MLWF world


as a side note easier to say this funds MLWF with more MLWF content.


If I was to see them, I'd hope the quality was between a line sketch, and the reference one (as the header). Doesn't have to be the cleanest thing ever, but sloppy would kinda detract from the experience.


Hmm, it's already kinda quiet the way it is (aside from the fact that i have 300+ asks just sitting there). Making it exclusive would make things worse :$!


Well I see some interest in this feature :O I'll make a new post with a poll and see how it goes.