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It says "reached" on my goals! :D how crazy is that O_o!! thanks guys! Let's keep this patreon growing :D!



first of a big congratulation to you kenno and a big cheers to my fellow patreons that made this possible.


oh yeah we getting somewhere!! celebrate!!


Big thanks to mr Xavier for donig the stretch to reach the goal ;o


Congrats Kenno!

Paul Gabbard

Woo-Hoo!!! congratz on the first goal being reached Kenno :)


Nice! Hopefully support will continue to grow.


Thinking about it- patron will pay per strip right? If you started updating twice va week you'd get paid twice :0


Well, I'd guess he'd still only do it once every other update (Once a week) if it he actually got to Double MLWF~


I actually was thinking on donig both pages, but only publishing one as "paid content" S: cuz that would be the fair thing to do? but idk, what do you think?


I wrote a huge long thing, but then patreon is janky. I personally think of patreon as a way to encourage you to update more often, since I'd love it if you were updating twice or three times a week like the other comics I follow. Besides, if anyone doesn't like it they can put a max contribution per month limit in their settings on patreon. If you still feel guilty, take the money and invest it in some ads on e621 and project wonderful ads so you can start snowballing your readers (if you start updating more frequently, you can add something like "now three times a week or twice a week or whatever" to the ad)


Also, you might want to change the goals to something only for patreons (ie @ 100 USD per page, do nsfw mini comics once a week, 200 twice a week, etc), and just keep publishing the webcomic as normal.


What are you talking about?


To clarify: I don't think it's cheating to publish all the comics you make as paid content because that's what we're here to support anyway. I think having the goals as they are now doesn't encourage anyone to donate more because we still get the same bonuses (nsfw sketches and such). I mean if you're getting paid to draw each page then you're free to update as often as you want. So having a goal at 300 doesn't make much sense, because you already get paid per page

Paul Gabbard

I think you should get paid per page, though I don't know how many pages a month I could afford. I signed up to pay per page, but I was also basing that on 4 updates a month. Of course I could cap my donations but I don't feel like that would be quite fair to you. I was able to watch a good portion of your livestream on Sunday, and those comics are a lot of work, a lot more work than I imagined. For example, I have agreed to pay you $5 bucks an update, if you give me 8 updates I feel that I owe you 40 bucks. If I cap that at 20 bucks then you have will have put in the work and the effort to give me 8 comics, but I will have craw-fished and figured out a way to only have to pay for 4 of them while I still enjoy the benefits of a $5 pledge. This would also not be very fair to the other patrons that hold up their agreements either, they would be shouldering my burden. Perhaps the answer could be to gain more patrons and be able to achieve the stretch goal and beyond by spreading it out among many wallets, many hands make for easy work. The three questions then are: How do we help you to recruit more patrons? Why doesn't Mugger have "STRIPES" painted on her tail? and If a monkey should bite you, what kind of medicine would you have to take? I'm just really curious about the last two questions, but I am serious about the first, what can we do to drag more patrons kicking and screaming to the table?


I think more patron only content would get more subscribers, especially more frequent nsfw stuff. I know if moving to 10 bucks got me double nsfw comic updates I'd do it in a heartbeat and I imagine the same is true for many others


I guess i would have to redefine the goals. Although, thinking about updating more often, i don't think i would ever go beyond twice a week. Think about it, most webcomics that publish 2 or 3 times a week, have WAAAAY simplier quality; they are either black and white, or just autoconclusive 3 frame strips or stuff like that. And you know as good as I do that My Life with Fel is very afar from that model. I would have to reach a VERY big ammount of money (like 400-500 USD per page) to mmmaaaaybe update three times a week, but that would absorb all my time, i would have to close commissions, and probably live sketch commission streams would be a lot less often. To be honest, it's incredibly tiring. Working on a page for MLWF is just as time consuming and body stressing as a live sketch commission stream, sitting for around 13 hours in front of the screen and such. Only if i reached those astounding numbers maybe then i could focus entirely on the webcomic, and, for example, divide the work between a couple of days.


Paul, you shouldn't feel guilty, really! (although it's a good sign, that means you really care about the project) If you couldn't pay for more updates than your limit allows, that's fine. The thing is, you're not PURCHASING a product. You're supporting it. It's a thin and wobbly line, specially when it comes to stuff as abstract as artwork can be. My friend Izrax was mentioning just that, people could get a $5 usd tier, but place their limit to 5 usd. literally supporting only 1 of 4 monthly pages, and still getting access to that tier's benefits. Stuff like that is going to happen. But what can you really do about it? Well. nothing. again, it's more a supporting and funding platform, than a product you purchase to use. It's like a long term "Pay what you want" thing O.o


Garrett, your ideas kinda made me think that we could turn this patreon page into my own version of a paysite XD is that a coincidence?


Not at all ;D


Yeah that does make sense kenno, without the massive hassle of maintaining your own site. I was confused earlier by the ideas but I SEE THE LIGHT NOW. Solid thoughts Garrett.


That's what I was thinking, but I dunno how that lines up with your goals.


Hmm i'm not sure. I mean, it could be cool n all, but first of all, i wouldn't like to temper down the regular comic content (after all, it was a page for the webcomic, not for the porn of it xD) and second of all, i couldn't give a promise of quality, or even talk about a standard of what could i deliver, since it's a "pay what you want" kind of model. If i knew i would recieve X amount of money EXACTLY, (like with a sub fee) then i could say "ok, i can do this and that", but with this, it's a lot more... random. Which can actually be something good? what do you think?


Do whatever you think will work, most people here are pretty chill I think


For the record, if you started a paysite with frequent comic pages I'd subscribe. Especially if it was you and another couple of artists trading off, or you joined up with hentai united or something like that.