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I wake up around 7-8 am, I spend the first two hours just checking my social media, emails, play something for a while, until my parents wake up and we all have breakfast. Then i come back to the pc and have an overlook at what i have to do. Usually my list of "to do's" are either: Commissions, My Life with Fel stuff, tumblr stuff (such as the "Ask me anything"s), or life stuff, like... washing my car. After i decide which one is the most needed to do first, i go straight ahead and work on that until 1-3pm, when my parents usually come back home and we have lunch. After that i come back to my lair and either continue to do what i was doing, or choose a second thing on the list (Sometimes working on a single thing all day long is just too much, so i rather progress a little on two or three things?) until 4-5 pm. By that time i always get kinda sleepy or bored, so i take a break (either stay in the pc and watch youtube videos, or see if any artist is streaming; or go and play the latest game on my 3ds, or my wii U (i haven't finished wind waker >_> ) After an hour i start to feel guilty xD so i come back to work and finish what i was doing. By that time it's 8-9pm. I go to the kitchen and eat something for dinner (usually a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch, the cereal of champions) and then come back to the pc. Usually this time before i get sleepy is the "freestyle time" So i either sketch something i had in mind, or re-check all my social media (i check everything like 20 times per day, its absurd) or play something again. By 10-11pm, i'm already on my bed. Yep, that's how a "standard day" goes by. Although this is about to drasticly change (well, not THAT much really) because tomorrow i'll be moving (finally) from my parents, to my girlfriend's apartment. She recently moved from her parent's home too, and we wanted to share the expenses and start this cool trip on our lifes~. So i guess i'll have to add going to the laundry, the supermarket, washing dishes everyday, cleaning the apartment once a week, and stuff like that. I'll share pics of my new workplace as soon as i'm settled there :D I'm 22 btw O.o I just finished college; don't think i'm a 45 year old man that still lives on his mother's basement.




Kenno's a highlander!


I'm in a similar situation(add a year or two). Congrats and good luck with the move : )


I think you mean Apartment, not Department, unless you and your girl are moving into a Sears or something :P So it sounds like you only have ~4 hours of free time a day (ignoring meals), that's a lot of work! Do you end up tired of drawing every night?


You're right xD i did a forced translation there. we use the word "departamento" as the one you use as "apartment". Sorry for that :P and well, nah, I usually just get idea-less, and just go to play something xD Except for stream days, those days i end exhausted in both body and spirit.


Languages are interesting, I love all the false conjugates in english and spanish (at least I do now, hated them in high school when I had to memorize them!). And hey, if you run out of ideas I'm sure people here are more than willing to try and inspire you xD


Private time with the girlfriend will take up a large portion of your time for the first month or so.


Do your parents know you draw porn? (I assume so, especially with the giant mugger pillow you have xD. Isn't that kinda awkward?


well i've been "visiting" her once a week, and also take her to the laundry and to do the grocery stuff xD but yeah! and also my economy is going to go bananas, so it will be a tough month. About my parents knowing, i don't really know? they have never said so openly (which is perfectly understandable). But cmon, everybody can find out with my nickname and a little google.


Also, i don't use my pillowcases u_u mainly because i didn't have space to put them, or either have the pillows to fill them :c


Do you go by kenno at home? I remember living with my grandparents, occasionally they called me by my nickname I used for games and it felt weird as heck :P


xD Nah, i'm alonso for the mortal beings