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So yeah, the regular update is done with 3 files (actually 4, but it's just the lettering process, where i use a special file i'll share later, and then export it to .psd to do the 3rd file) "171.PSD" is the file i painted in the first place, the light might look a little less "saturated", mainly because photoshop doesn't have the same kind of "luminosity" blending mode that SAI does (which is waaay cooler btw) Whenever i have to edit -the art-, i go to this file, and then merge everything and save it as "whatevernumberofthepageM.psd" M stands for merged :P Then, i can move this merged file to photoshop and simply copy+paste the merged layed to the THIRD file, which is "filename-01.psd". This third file has all the lettering done beforehand ( i do that on illustrator, that's another day's topic) and then I add the textures and translate it. That's pretty much how the pages go.


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