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I'll leave this post visible for $5 patrons too so they know how it works.

This time around i have both patreon and substar to count votes on. There's just a few guys over the ideas tier over there.

So, adding both sites polls it leaves the results as:
Hookup hooter: 7 votes
Horny crime doesn't pay: 9 votes
Alex and Ollie's hallloween witchy adventures: 8 votes.

Horny crime doesn't pay it's gonna be!



Will Feral

Also I know the story kinda goes however people want in the moment but if you want some extra info on how the story's "supposed" to go for the first page or two lmk on discord or smth


I'll focus the first page introfucing characters and places. We can steer the story from there 👌


Is there a short synopsis you can share from the winning concept?


Duh i should have posted it 😅 here it is https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gt29k54t0xuygjluruoff/firefox_kFbRrx2xRx.jpg?rlkey=xhvhddpr62q1oyjnobjwlwzc7&dl=0