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Spring is here, and with it, the beachbabes migratory path begins.

A lil somthin i drew on a whim for my pal Poly. another fellow byunn enjoyer. Bonnie's friend is named Abby. She's the protagonist on one of poly's comic projects, club wabbit. Do be mindful that poly's comics are the polar opposite to mine in terms of theme and tone, they're hella darker and... coarse, for lack of a better word. Viewer discretion absolutely advised (which means alot coming from a furry artist like me). Not for everyone. This is the happiest you'll see abby, ever!!!1 But i do like his storytelling and cartooning a lot. Plus bnuy. 

You can read CW over at poly's substar: subscribestar.adult/club-wabbit

You can find this whole piece in 4k glory over at the dropbox. have a great weekend




I'll have to check it out. Always in the mood for bunny booty.