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Even crazier than the last one again?!



How has your brain not turned to mush and your bones not broken with all this Jackassery?!? Are you going to watch the doc “Dumb” on Hulu? At this point it is a must to get the whole Jackass experience.


Japan for Netflix VPN if you can get it to work


For all the stuff they didn’t show, they have the “.5” movies like Jackass 2.5, 3.5, and 4.5. They’re just about as good as the original movie.


I think this one felt the most tame but maybe just getting desensitised too much to their stuff. This one was defo toilet humour central (pun intended). It's funny when I try to avert my eyes from the movie in the disgusting/painful stuff, I still end up seeing it in the tiny mode 😂