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Starting Fast and Furious!! Loved this so much 


Jeff Cabrera

Before the franchise blew up into what it is today, this was a (somewhat) grounded street racing film. I remember seeing this in the cinema and being blown away. The soundtrack is sick as well (Organic Audio-Nurega and the Race Wars music is still on the playlist today 👌🏽)

Connor Ellis

Yeah. These first two are weird. The next one is probably the worst and it's the same situation as Mission Impossible. After the 2nd one, it's just keeps getting better.


Thanks for giving me something awesome to watch this saturday night! I was bored and had nothing to do. This made my night! Awesome reaction and it was fun to watch this old classic again!

Peter Moe

Dont listen to people man your gonna love em, until like fast 5, thats where it gets wierd, its still a good one, but like the last good one, Everything with with Paul walker essentially.

Jonathon Senft

Yesss I love fast and furious! can't wait to watch this later!


Cant wait for you to watch Tokyo Drift


This was a childhood throwback. It's such a teenage boy film 😂 Just high adrenaline fun and some spicy drama. Only watched I think the first 3 or 4 so am excited to see the later ones, particularly the last appearance of Walker, will see if that gives the feels.