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This was so fun and wholesome!



I relate to Meilin Lee a lot. I was afraid to stand up to my mom between the dates of September 20th through 26th 2019. I was going a certain sad and frankly traumatizing event. I didn't have the courage to stand up to my mom to do what I thought was right. As a result the decision I made has haunted me ever since. I could easily blame my mom for imposing her will on me, but ultimately it was me who couldn't bring myself to do what I knew in heart to be the correct course of action. I don't feel comfortable explaining the events in full for reasons. Just know that through all the "cringe" (I don't think it's cringe anymore but I used to) I relate to Meilin because I too, have an overprotective, overbearing mother who means well.


For a pixar film this was a little dissapointing, but the message is really good. I feel like it achieved what it wanted to and it worked, but I don' t think I'd ever rewatch it.


I really enjoyed it honestly. Not sure it has huge rewatch potential but was just fun. Dare I say it felt similar to Ms Marvel but this did things better (don't come for me 😂). I'm guessing there is a lot of undertones that I'm not too sure about, like maybe the older women binding their pandas is like some reference to menopause, honestly no clue. Maybe I am forgetting things, but this defo felt the most upbeat Pixar film I've seen and a very likeable main character. Obviously had it's meanings too but I feel like other more recent Pixar films have had more impactful life lessons that really hit home. Me noticing a voice Seb didn't at all I think might be a first lol. The grandma is surely Madame Gao from Daredevil. Also classic unintentional Seb pun "turning into the bloody panda" 😂

alejandro valles

i loved this movie so much, it's definitely got that rewatchability to it for me! and also so relatable

Bailey Ross

I believe 4 is an unlucky number in Chinese cultures


Didn't like it as much as most other recent Pixar films but I felt I've come to enjoy it more watching other people's reactions. I really liked Tyler's character arc. (Also he's gay now don't at me. 😂) Pixar hasn't made a full-on musical yet (Coco doesn't count). We need more Pixar classics (basically pre-2011 films)!

Nikki Sonrisa

haha, I was wondering how long it was gonna take Seb to realize the movie was set in 2002 😂 also, idc what anybody says, those 4-town songs were straight-up bangers and had no right being as good as they were lol ❤️

Jenni P

I love how Disney just said we don't need villains, the real villain is generational trauma and then made Luca, Encanto, and Turning Red back to back to back!