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A really nice story with an AMAZING SCENE (you guys know)

Good to visit star wars again and will have to watch more in the future


Rogue one pt.mp4

This is "Rogue one pt.mp4" by Sebscreen on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Ryan Bellefleur

Yes I just started an ep. of Andor and was just thinking I wonder if seb will ever watch more star wars!

Ryan Bellefleur

I really would love and think it would be a big hit for YY if you were to watch mandolarian <3

Jordy Van T Zand

This one is one of my favorite Star Wars movies and now with Andor going more in depth with Cassian is so cool! That show is so good!!!

Shawn Looney

I agree with Jordy ⬆️. For me, it's the best Star Wars film. Obviously, the original trilogy is excellent, but Rogue One is just excellent story telling. And the Andor series has some of the finest acting of all the Star Wars shows/movies. Highly recommend!

Jeff Cabrera

IT’S 👏🏽 ABOUT 👏🏽 DAMN 👏🏽 TIME 😂 Tbh I get that the fandom for this franchise is unhinged and you were hesitant to even reenter this space (pun intended lol)…but this film is so damn great! Still my favorite of the series. “I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.” 💫


I think I am like you in that I had never seen this one but I think I have seen Force Awakens or a chunk of it. I probably need to go back and watch the Mandalorian, I stopped watching it after you said you weren't doing Boba Fett or whatever it was called. Truly has been a long time since you forgot to unmute your mic 😂 I thought this film was decent, possibly the best SW I've seen though I think ROTS was more exciting so still prefer that one. The production in this one seemed so good though. Some really beautiful shots. The destruction of the city was really something. The droid really carried the characters for me, so funny. I didn't actually care that much about any other character really they were just ok. I too felt a little dumb by the end thinking they were going to blow up the Death Star and maybe they had a chance of living but makes it a solid ending and connects the prequel and sequels well I guess. Was it known of this defect in the sequels? I can't remember. Was cool seeing some throwback characters as well and Darth Vader scenes as well.


do you watch all the shows as well? how do you rate them?

Jeff Cabrera

The only show I watched was Mando. Am lagging on Boba Fett, Obi-Wan, and Andor.


I wonder how many people are going to be hounding him to watch Andor after this 😂 I need to go back and watch Mandalorian. I thought it was ok but slow in the first few episodes I saw.

Connor Ellis

This film is how they got the plans, and then the original films is then HOW they used the plans. The end of this leads seamlessly into the original film. Vader catches up and boards THAT ship with Leia on it. She then hands the plans to R2D2 and sends them to Tatooine. The rest being history. Fucking legendary film.


I’ve watched all the live action shows. Mando was probably my fav among the first three that came out. I really enjoyed Boba Fett as well, but I know many people had complaints. Kenobi sadly was a bit disappointing. Andor, however, has been absolutely amazing (even flawless, dare I say). Best live-action SW since the original trilogy.

alejandro valles

i feel bad for saying i fell asleep both times i watched this in the theatre 🥲🥲


I actually envy people that could sleep in a theatre, or really anywhere public. I could never 😂

alejandro valles

@Mark Hardiman haha 😂 i actually don't know how i fell asleep, i feel like i must've just been incredibly tired. i usually wouldn't fall asleep in a movie either!

David L Pickard

It can't logically and logistically be the best Star Wars film because the only reason it works is the existence of the original trilogy, specifially the original movie. But as someone who grew up as an OT fan in the 90's, it's still my favorite outside those three. Andor has been absolutely incredible

David L Pickard

First off, I don't mean this to sound offensive whatsoever - the films you're referring to as the "sequels" are the original trilogy. Generally the films are referred to by OT, PT (prequel trilogy), and ST (sequel trilogy - Ep. 7, 8, 9). The "flaw" is something that folks thought of every now and then but no one ever really considered a major issue, and someone at Disney decided it would be good for a story once they acquired Lucasfilm. There was much more about how the Rebels got this before Disney took over, but it's no longer canon. That being said this is my favorite movie outside the original trilogy, and I'm of the age that grew up with the prequels.


yeh I knew I was kinda using the wrong terminology but wasn't sure in the moment what to use and knew people would know what I meant still, can be confusing sometimes. Even in the film I was feeling a little confused as the chronology of the releases and the stories are jumbled so messed with me a little. Ah ok, so it wasn't like explicitly known about the flaw in the context given in this film before then? I still think it's a cool story connector though


I struggle to even sleep on overnight buses and trains so even unintentionally I still envy you 😂


With this amount of Andor stanning everywhere, maybe he will check it out. Dunno what views are like for it at all though

Shawn Looney

@David I'm not sure I agree with that logic and I don't think that the OT is the only reason Rogue One works. It's a pretty good story & movie on its own. Would Ep III: Revenge of the Sith not be able to be considered better than Ep I: The Phantom Menace since it builds on characters and storylines from that film? That would be a hard argument to make I think.

David L Pickard

That's a fair point; I just meant that the entire plot is contrived from a perceived plot hole in A New Hope, so while it's actually done very well since it is using primarily original characters, it is also done entirely to set up the beginning of the next movie and plays off the fact that generally, the audience knows that and so there are many winks at them and lines or scenes that don't carry the same weight if the viewer is watching this as a standalone. I think I could argue that someone who's never seen any of the other movies could watch Revenge of the Sith on its own and still follow the story without needing any background knowledge; I think it's harder to make that argument for Rogue One since its success and where it shines is for people who have seen the original. To each their own though. I absolutely adore the movie.

David L Pickard

I'm probably in the minority, but I personally would love for you to watch the sequel trilogy, if nothing else just so you can see how the saga ends.

Ned Stark

You should watch the Obi-wan series, it has Darth Vader in it and its good.

Balazs Foldes

Great reaction, Seb! Fun to watch somebody watch this who does not have a huge depth of incredible Star Wars trivia and decades of experience in their head. :) So, as you must have put two and two together, this was an immediate prequel to New Hope. At the start of New Hope, Leia is trying to escape with the Death Star plans, and when Darth Vader's star destroyer catches up with her, she places the plans in R2D2 and sends it over to Obi-Wan. Who is the "jedi friend" that Bail Organa mentioned in this movie, who is hiding. And to whom he said he will send a person he would trust his life with - i.e. his (adapted) daughter, Leia. Then he goes back to Alderaan, to warn them that war is inevitable. :( Which is the planet that will be blow up in New Hope, with him on the surface. The "reactor trap" thing that Galen mentioned, is an explanation of how Luke, with a small star fighter and a couple of torpedos could destroy a huge Death Star. It was not dumb luck, it was intentional design flaw: Galen designed the reactor system in a way that a couple of shots can destroy the whole station. So, basically, Rouge One expanded on all the story lines that were used in New Hope, and showed us the tragic story of how the rebels got the Death Star plans, which allowed them to destroy it. A really well-done movie, I enjoy it immensly. You are right, in many ways, it feels really non-starwarsy. At the same time, it has so much of the real Star Wars feeling as well - the aliens, the planets, the dozens and dozens of little link-ins with the other movies, that makes it a real experience for me. Plus, you now, Darth Vader going postal in that corridor... come on!

David L Pickard

Issue is it's not the same draw because there are virtually no "known" characters in it or actors other than the title character. It's insanely well-written though but is not action every 5 seconds which is a turn-off for some viewers. It in my opinion is the best-written Star Wars show period, in the same way that people talk about Daredevil or Jessica Jones for MCU.

alejandro valles (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-09 05:04:34 tbh it's really not well received, it's a pretty bad show but i wouldn't hate if Seb wanted to watch it
2023-02-09 05:04:34 tbh it's really not well received, it's a pretty bad show but i wouldn't hate if Seb wanted to watch it
2022-11-20 08:19:28 tbh it's really not well received, it's a pretty bad show but i wouldn't hate if Seb wanted to watch it

tbh it's really not well received, it's a pretty bad show but i wouldn't hate if Seb wanted to watch it