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Certified banger, McAvoy and Fassbender carried this one for sure

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Not my favorite X-men movie but Fassbender does an incredible job in this. When watching Days of Future Past please make to watch the Rogue Cut instead of the original theatrical release 😊😊

Jordy Van T Zand

One of my favorites!!! Glad to see you continue the X-men franchise!!🤓

Jeff Cabrera

This film did such a good job developing Charles and Erik’s relationship. It makes you understand why they don’t really go all in to defeat one another. Fassbender and McAvoy did such an amazing job with it. This is definitely one of my favorite X-Men films. I remember the collective gasp in the theatre during the bullet scene at the end (not how it happened in the comics but IMO this was better and it made sense for this story).

Jeff Cabrera

For the next one, some people prefer the Rogue Cut of Days of Future Past, but I prefer the theatrical version 🤫😂


Azazel remind you of anyone who has the same pointy tail and teleportation?? 😏


This movie wasn’t my favorite but it was necessary to bring about Days of Future Past which I actually enjoyed a bit more.

Connor Ellis

Defo watch XMen Origins on your own time. There's some good jokes taking the piss out of it that will pop up later.


Glad you're continuing these movies. I have only recently watched them all myself and I was actually surprised how much I love them.

Kai d'T

Fassbender was fantastic and McAvoy was pretty great except for the incessant need to touch his temple. I HATED Katniss Everstique... she was terrible and was a stark disappointment after the Rebecca Romijn portrayal. They relied too heavily on her popularity as opposed to getting the best actress. Darwin dying the way he did was incompetence at its finest but we all knew who would be expendable even though somehow he was the hardest to kill there. I truly hope Marvel Studios does far better when they get into the x-movies.

Connor Ellis

Alex is Scott's older Brother


I don't get Logan, I would be very happy to have Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy come to me in fancy suits.

Colleen T McClintock

It's all about The Fassbender for me. WHEW does he make a sensational Erik Lensherr.

Anne M.

Alex is actually Scott's brother, that's why they have the same last name ^^ I love this film so much, it's for sure the best X-Men movie. Shaw's death is one of the best scenes from any Comic Book films ever, it's just so powerful. I was speechless in the theater watching that.


Daddy Fassbender is fluent in German and English, though not French it appears! You should watch The Inglourious Basterds sometime if you haven’t already (or ahem, Shame, for “research” purposes). 🫢😉

Inhuman Paradox

My favorite X-Men film. It has the most energy, the most creativity, the action of the comics. The old movies always got the commentary right, even some emotion right, but they coated it in dull black leather and "realistic" set design that never "felt" like X-Men. First Class was a paradigm shift, no doubt inspired by the success the MCU was having with more comic accurate visuals at the time. To me, this film was a sign of hope for the series we needed, and it kills me that they ultimately didn't go with this director's plans for future films. Even though the next film (Days of Future Past) is still damn good, arguably a better film than this, I will argue to the death that it was too fast a transition away from this film and Vaughn's planned story. In fact, Days was meant to be the THIRD reboot film, not the second. They skipped over a film to Days just to then reset the tone again, and the results of that led to Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix. Which are... controversial to say the least. Days is still a great film, but in retrospect it was the film that chain reacted into the death of the franchise, while First Class and what it originally was setting up could've sustained it much longer. Because of that, I find FC has become the better film over time.

Inhuman Paradox

"Relied too heavily on her popularity" but she wasn't popular at this time. Hunger Games didn't come out for another year, Lawrence was not a star when she was cast for this. Which is why she was decent her and in DOFP (Romijn wasn't a fleshed out character either, she just looked cooler. That's all she had, she's still just as much a butchery of the comic character for how bland she was). It was only in Apocalypse where she really let the fame carry her and put in 0 effort. And Dark Phoenix... NOBODY tried in that film let's be real.

Kai d'T

She had acted in movies and the Bill Engvall show which is where she was known before this. It wasn't my type of show so it held no meaning for me but that was literally how everyone referenced her that I knew before this movie. And DoFP is where it really showed, her Katniss was just like her Mystique, so much so they turned Mystique into a hero. One that Storm looked up to? And it's just my opinion but I'll take the RR look, delivery, and badass over the hodge-podge mess that was JL's version; even though she was given more time, it didn't feel better to me, it just felt like it was getting worse & worse. But it's subjective, so it's cool if you loved it. Ever since the first movie, I've had to accept that the Fox version was just terrible fanfic with mainly subpar acting/writing, which is why I hope that Marvel does a better job.


Idk if anyone has mentioned this yet, but the x-men where created as a metaphor for the American civil rights movement. And, although unintentionally, professor x and magneto and their opposing views became an allegory of Martin Luther King Jr and Malcom X and their opposing views on how to address the movement.

Nate Terry

X men is literally my favorite comic of ALL comics. you asked what was with the bad guys and their fancy suits.....they are a group called the "Hellfire Club." lead by Sebastian Shaw, all the villainous members are dressed up. Men wear suits and the women wear ballroom dresses(they made an exception for Emma Frost) also, yes to Magneto's red suit that is from the comics. you should google what he looks like from the comics. SICK!


Agreed! Makes more sense, adds some more emotional attachment

Gambit (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-03 20:13:42 Can't wait for days of future past! great reaction Seb! xoxo <3
2022-05-07 15:20:44 Can't wait for days of future past! great reaction Seb! xoxo <3

Can't wait for days of future past! great reaction Seb! xoxo <3

DarkStar 57

Very glad you watched this! You missed the end credits though! :)

Little Guido

Funny thing is when they went to wolverine, the reason Logan said that was because while shooting Hugh Jackman forgot his line and improvised. And just like that we got one of the most infamous scenes in the X-Men movie franchise.

Anthony Jackson

I honestly don't understand the hate on origins. can you maybe run a poll?! I truly think you would like it!!!!! sad to hear u say you're skipping

Amber Castro

Elite ,Skam or it's a sin are great shows you can watch !