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The last episode before Season 2! Loved the whole feel of this one too with jules and I am super excited for whats to come :)



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This is probably one of my favorite episodes of the show to date. Granted, I'm probably biased since Jules is one of my favorite characters of the show but I genuinely just love everything about this one. Rue's special was fantastic too but for slightly different reasons. Honestly, these two specials are probably my favorite episodes of the series so far


I really liked this episode and the last one. I think they will add so much to the show and to both characters. I dunno if I have seen anything quite like these episodes before, the long form talks just add a different dimension entirely to what you normally get. In a way these two episodes were both the same and opposite in how they went. This episode was to me a lot about the uncovering of Jules' mentality and how it was shaped by her past and how that led to how she treated Rue. It really creates a real and complicated relationship between them when they have to deal with these issues. I've seen a fair number of stories from trans people which mirrored a lot of Jules' words in this, in that they try and put the societal norm's vision of femininity/masculinity onto themselves including who they should have sex with. Once they find who they are more as a person a lot of that can be stripped away in the end. I think that applies to everyone in a way though, particularly from when we are children. I think the online stuff mentioning it often feeling easier and what not, can be true for sure. Though for me there is like a line where most of these online connections hit a barrier, particularly if there is a lot of anonymity. At the end of the day I want a real connection with people and a lot of online people you talk to don't really care about that, they just want to have fun gaming or whatever else. I thought the bits about Jules and love and the whole "Tyler" stuff was really interesting, I feel it leaves a weird door open in her mind to let Nate in somehow if he becomes more "Tyler" again (big doubt). But then she talked about not caring about men anymore, so hard to tell. The whole falling in love easily thing is interesting. I've never fallen in love with anyone so I don't know what that feels like really. Obviously I might use love for random stuff like commenting on a film or something but when it comes to people I use it pretty strictly. I think less than a dozen people in my whole life I would have used that at one point for and for people I still interact with it's maybe 5 people currently. I don't like it when I've had friends who say they luv/love a massive ton of people, even people they barely know, makes it so when they say it to me it feels more hollow or I can't trust it. I never want to make people feel that way so that is for sure one of the reasons I am strict with using it. That's down to my insecurities though so no shade to anyone 😂


I feel like I was a lot like Jules in high school in terms of how easily she would "fall" for people. For me, it was any guy who gave me even the slightest bit of a positive interaction. But for Jules, I think it's more about people who see her in a positive light since she definitely grew up with a self-hating mentality and it's hard to break free of that, subconsciously or not. I definitely am guilty of that to this day despite being nearly 30 lol. But it took me into my twenties to realize that all of those feelings I had for the men who wouldn't treat me like shit wasn't love--it was infatuation. Like Jules, I built this entire personality of them in my head and what our relationship would be like and it only felt like love because it wasn't based in reality. And I think that's exactly what Jules goes through with Tyler, just on a deeper level. So I wouldn't personally say she falls in love easily--I think she more or less grows attachment to the possibility of what their relationship could be like. Anna, the girl Jules made out with in the city, was really what kind of made that apparent to me. She didn't know Anna for more than a week, maybe? And Jules claims she was in love with her. But I didn't believe that. I was very familiar with that feeling and I knew it definitely wasn't love haha. Infatuation, at most. But I totally understand why you don't say you love somebody very easily. I'm more or less the same way these days, even with platonic relationships. People I make friends with say I love you within a couple months and I just kind of awkwardly laugh and either dismiss it or reinforce that I do, in fact, care about them. But what we're feeling isn't quite love. At least in my eyes. Because we don't truly know each other, we haven't grown with one another, we haven't faced hardships together. Again, this is just my personal view on love and what it means but I think that's what truly separates actual love from those intensely positive feelings about someone. Really enjoyed reading your reaction to this episode, Mark! Always like reading your thoughts on the contents of the episode since you're going into it just as blind as Seb is


Really appreciate those words. Hard to know sometimes if people are bothering to read my often long comments, so I'm glad to hear some are enjoying reading them. I can relate to what you said about infatuation, though I never really related it to falling in love or similar as particularly people in school that I would feel that about would be likely not interested in my gender and didn't think they would ever really want to be with me even if they did. So I understand Jules' and your story to a large degree but not quite my experience as such. I think when I use the word 'love' for friends, for me it's having a core connection with them and feeling like they value me as a person and that they will support me (and ofc me about them). So time can definitely be a factor in creating that but doesn't have to be a long time. I think the stuff you said about facing hardships together and growing together is stuff that adds to that love rather than a pre-requisite for me. As well as strengthening friendships and stuff. For me, even the people who I said I loved and we don't interact currently anymore, they still hold a place in my heart and if they were to come back into my life again at some point then I would probably treat them just the same as I did before. Of course most of this is me trying to logically rationalise my feelings after the fact, so even if I say these things, chances are it won't follow for every person or instance 😂