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This poll is going to be extremely tough. Thanks for all your suggestions even though a lot of them were tv shows lol which we can start another time once we finish the ones we are watching :) 

I picked out all the most popular suggestions for the Poll and to be honest with how long I will probably be making reactions I will get to 95% of all of the films mentioned lol.

I think it will be close between Twilight and Maze runner (I am down for Robert Pattinson personally) but lets see what happens! 


Melissa Cavanaugh

Is there a way to vote AGAINST Mazerunner and Pirates of the Caribbean? 😁


Lmaooo! Idk why, but he fact that a lot of people are crying for twilight or anything else because they don’t want Pirates to win, is fucking hilarious to me.

Melissa Cavanaugh

I won't lie. Twilight and Mazerunner are both mediocre franchises. I own all of them, and love them, but they are just okay.I wouldn't actually ask someone to watch all 3 Mazerunner movies! The first Pirates is great, but the rest go from mediocre to really awful. I don't want to make anyone commit to any of those franchises. Jurassic Park is the only one the I will happily go with all 6 (after Dominion comes out).