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This really cranked up the tension and was actually such a good film! 

I'll take any chance to make more bakery boy jokes and time to hate SNOW :)

Just about recovered after NWH yesterday lol



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The movie is my second favorite after Catching Fire 🔥 it’s getting interesting…


i can’t wait to watch this one. in my opinion, not as great as catching fire BUT nonetheless still a great film

Jeff Cabrera

I will never look at the three finger salute the same way again after these reactions 😑😂 Let’s be honest, Lionsgate only split this in two parts to make more money (they did it with a few other book adaptations as well); IMO the only series that justified a split was Harry Potter (would’ve listed The Hobbit, but even that was expanded into 3 parts). That being said, it was still an enjoyable movie. It’ll kick off in Part 2 though, trust me lol

Jeff Cabrera

And also because they filmed Part 1&2 at the same time, Phillip Seymour Hoffman still appears briefly in Part 2. He just didn’t complete a few scenes for it.


😂😂 cracking me up. Thats good we still see him in part 2, thanks for the details

Angie H.

so happy you’re enjoying these movies!! peak of ya dystopian books to adaptations😭💞


As someone who read the books years ago, before the films came out I was thrilled they made Mockingjay into 2 parts to ensure pretty much everything that happens in Mockingjay made it on screen. I found it completely necessary to wrap up the whole story & give it the conclusion it deserves. Mockingjay is my favourite book in the series. And probably my favourite of the movies too. What I needed was to see the consequences of The Games. The War. And you do. The story does not shy away from the atrocities & hurts of war. We see the physical & psychological pain & suffering Katniss, Peeta, Finnick etc go through. I also don’t think it was necessary to kill off any characters in Part 1. They still have roles to play. And the shock value is really there what the Capitol did to Peeta.


Yeah, looking at word count, all three books are very similar in size with the Mockingjay actually clocking in a little shorter than Catching Fire. From longest book to shortest book, it goes Catching Fire, Mockingjay, then Hunger Games. Splitting the third book into two movies was definitely a cash grab. Having said that, the movies are also very faithful to the book. Knowing what's coming in Part 2, I really have no idea what they could have cut out to make it all fit into one movie without that movie being over 3 hours long or seriously leaving a lot of material cut out. I have SO MANY things I want to say in response to your reaction to this one, but I can't due to spoilers! I'll have to remember them for the next reaction! 😁

Jeff Cabrera

💯 There were definitely some things I wanted to comment on but I’ll wait til the Part 2 reaction lol 🤐

Miss Timi Fantastico

I think I’m one of the few folks who is glad they split the final book up into 2 movies. It does lead to two dramatically different films, but I remember when I was reading the book it seemed to fly by so fast. I remember rereading certain paragraphs and chapters like “holy crap what just happened”. This one is definitely on the slower side, but I love that they delve into how traumatizing everything Katniss has been through would truly be. This is the one film that I think might have benefited from a katniss voiceover occasionally. They usually come off terribly in film, but her inner dialogue and thought process through this portion of the story is truly illuminating. They really push the love triangle in these films, but katniss much like the adult viewer is basically rolling her eyes the whole time like “dudes, can we just like live first please?”

Colleen T McClintock

Couldn't have said it better myself! This is why I think these movies merit a read of the books because their brilliance, IMO, is topped off by the psychological nuance of Katniss's narration.


That singing and dam explosion in the cinema was just bone chilling, so damn good.


This one was kind of more slow paced. Not as much action as the others, but still enjoyable. "three fingers ;)" Great Reaction Seb! xoxo <3


Great reaction. This film isn't as good as Catching Fire in my opinion, but it's necessary before the finale. They could've trimmed 15 minutes of fat off, but it's still an enjoyable film. As for what franchise to do next, I suggest the Scream franchise now that the newest Scream has just been released. It's a solid horror franchise that makes fun of its own cliches/tropes without being banal and while maintaining a level of gruesomeness.

Jordan Faith

the second half of the film is definitely stretched out compared to the book, but honestly, once you rewatch the movies you see how many details they put into it, and how much foreshadowing they do. I think this movie is better as a rewatch than an initial watch. this movie gives you so much information regarding the second film. def recommend watching the maze runner trilogy next - those movies are just as great as these.

Calvin Graves

When Harry Potter stretched the final book into two movies, stuff still happened in the Part One. This movie flopped because it cut out the exciting stuff for the 2nd. She was just making videos in this one.

Calvin Graves

enjoyed the reaction tho bruv. Don't know the recommend policy, but as an American, Final Destination is our best series of films.


Seb: "Gale is just jealous." Oh buddy, he is SO much more than that. I've held off on expressing my opinion of him because I knew in time you would see him for what he is. I absolutely loathe the character of Gale Hawthorne. He is a petty, selfish, narcissistic, emotionally manipulative douche bag and a borderline sociopath. He has ZERO respect or empathy for the unimaginable trauma that Katniss and Peeta suffered TWICE. To hear him talk shit about Peeta the way he does makes my blood boil. Fuck Gale.

Angie H.

haha Pollux is played by the actor who plays Foggy Nelson in the Daredevil series


I can see why you'd think some death would improve the story and give katniss more of a drive, but I don't think it's necessary at least for the second point. I mean, i think the freedom of hundreds of thousands of people as well as the elimination of her hometown are enough to motivate her. Also, i think that the character at this point just need more to do. Gale's just been sad boy and that needs to change, prim is in the midst of becoming a more useful character, and peeta's worst fear has actually just come true so to him this might actually be worse than death.

Colleen T McClintock

The death you were hoping for, in my opinion, is Peeta. Obvi not a real death but it is the death of the person who unconditionally loved and protected her from the time she was starving as a child. They took the real Peeta out and put something else in. He's not gone from Katniss, but instead despises her and wants to kill her. And they don't really go into deep detail of what they've done to him in this (or the next) movie, and I won't spoil it in case you're going to read, but his transformation is truly horrifying. He's even said to Katniss before that he'd rather die than this.

Elsa B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-26 14:42:28 when I watch these as a 26 yr old I realise how annoying Gale is lol
2023-03-26 14:42:28 when I watch these as a 26 yr old I realise how annoying Gale is lol
2023-03-26 14:42:28 when I watch these as a 26 yr old I realise how annoying Gale is lol
2022-03-20 10:14:04 when I watch these as a 26 yr old I realise how annoying Gale is lol

when I watch these as a 26 yr old I realise how annoying Gale is lol