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I decided to go with Eternals! (Explained why in intro)

Honestly don't see why it got all the negative reviews and we don't care about that because we enjoyed it! Post credits were insane as well lol

Back to black widow next and would love to hear your thoughts on this one :)




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Angie H.

YES SEB DOING WHAT YOU WANT AND US BENEFITING 🙌🏼🥳💞 so glad you enjoyed it too

James Allen

Most of the negative reviews came from people upset about a lgbt in their Marvel, as well as a non-white, female lead. This movie deserves sooooo much better

Maxine Mitchell

glad you decided to catch the streaming release wave!

Zakk Pierce

This movie was made just for me lol It's got history, lots of new lore, and the introduction of a pantheon of gods struggling with being immortal (so philosophy)! History, Lore, and Philosophy in a Sci Fi package! Literally half my passions

Colleen T McClintock

A lot of people were pissed about the "SJW agenda taking over" which really means they just hated an openly gay couple and two originally male characters (Ajak and Makkari) being made female. That's it. I think it's immaculate. New favorite, at least of Phase 4 so far. It serves us amazing couples and duos. Killer action scenes. Love the twist(s). Kit and Richard on the same screen again. The introduction of Dane Whitman is LIT. So much to love.

Glenn Van Pestel

Eternals is one of my favourite MCU films. I don't get the hate either. It might be because it doesn't fit the usual MCU film style, but I find all phase 4 films are different from what we got before. Change can be good. Especially after we got the same kind of formula for 10 years. Anyway, loved Eternals. Great cast, Visually stunning. Soundtrack is killing it. The end really scared me, first time watching it in cinema. Excited to watch the reaction, Seb! :)

Jeff Cabrera

Yes! Was actually planning on rewatching it this week. Definitely liked it more than I thought it would. I think most people post-Endgame expect every Marvel movie to be an event film and that’s just not a reality. My main complaints were: 1. Too many characters to do proper development (you mentioned Sense8, and the first season alone dedicated about 5-6 hours to make you care for all of those characters) 2. Doesn’t do much to drive the MCU story forward (maybe I’ll feel differently in retrospect) That being said, I really loved elements introduced in this film (was even moved to tears toward the end). ***Also the that character tease in the post-credits 🗡 👀😱

Mario Lopez

Loved this movie very much it’s obviously not the best Marvel movie but it’s by far not the worst. I’m so excited for what’s to come in the MCU I have no doubt the next chapter for the Eternals will be amazing.

Josh Janney

I don't care what others say, Eternals was the best Marvel movie of Phase 4. :)

Isaiah Mesa

I dont think it was the best phase 4. Better only than black widow. But all are good movies. To me this movie is a solid B to B+. Better than anything DC has put out in the last 5 years.

Callum Mullen

I loved the Eternals so much! Definitely didn't deserve the negative reviews! So much better than a lot of MCU movies!


The most common comment I read from those who don't like it is that they didn't relate to the characters as much as they did on the other MCU characters. A bit understandable because there's 10 Eternals and you only have two hours to get to know them. But hey, I still loved the movie! I hope we get more Drukkari scenes in the next installment!


I love the movie, I don't get the critics either. But I saw an interesting theory about the critics score: "The critic scores were a perfect storm. Super Hero critics thought it was too Un-Marvel. Normal film critics thought it was too Super Hero. By trying something different it fell into a weird grey spot where neither Critic Type found in engaging. Generally."


This is the first time I've seen Seb being strongly against a smooch lol


have i watched eternals 4 times since it came out? yes. am i going to watch it again with seb? hell yes


My lord there was a lot in this film to talk about. I did really enjoy it but it didn't feel very much like normal Marvel, that's not a bad thing necessarily though, the TV shows felt different as well and those were great. There was a lot of characters and as you said probably was best they were skimmed down, though I wouldn't rule out Icarus still being alive somehow. I liked the diversity of characters though, they all had very different personalities and ethics yet as "one" they could cover such a wide variety of superpowers. I'm not quite sure what their future is going to be in the MCU whether they will now just full on interfere with all the human stuff or not, I guess most of their purpose will be in their connection to the celestial(s). I guess Phastos could be a sort of replacement for Iron Man with all the technology stuff. I really liked all the history stuff they did, I said this with WandaVision that it's nice to go back before 1900s for once and see what the long term history of some of this stuff was. They picked some interesting examples as well. If my memory serves me correct, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were never properly located so in a way makes sense that their ship would have stayed hidden until present day. I thought the action was really nice, though I think the villains were a bit meh. I don't think Icarus' plot development was that realistic with his quick change of mind. I really loved that they showed some proper scale to the Celestials though, was really cool. I think in past films they often try and hide the scale of such gigantic beings, but they really went all out in this film. Arishem's voice as well, chilling. Those post credits scenes were nuts. I was so surprised when Harry Styles turned up and as Thanos' brother no less, the hell? Also means Daddy No.3 or whatever it was is also a superhero movie daddy and of the numbered daddies I think they all are now lol. Also Dane, I have no clue what all that is. I thought maybe it was Excalibur they showed earlier in the film? So he is maybe related to Arthur or Merlin. Didn't know that was a thing in Marvel if so. But yeh, really enjoyed this film, adds a whole other dimension to the MCU universe and so many new characters to enjoy and learn about in the future.


A tidbit about Harry Styles: The director, Chloe Zhao, said she specifically wanted him for Starfox and wouldn't have used the character if he had turned down the role.


I love seeing gay representation in Marvel, but the other kind of representation in this movie gets talked about less. I saw how happy a deaf person was to see a deaf superhero, Makaris. And she's a great character, my favourite in the movie.

Steven Jump

I really liked it. Not the best Marvel movie but far from the worst! Several countries banned Eternals because Marvel refused to take out the gay content mainly the kiss. Which hurt it's global box office. Hopefully Marvel will continue having lgbt superheroes in future projects.


I think the fact that there are a LOT of new heroes being introduced at once did not help the ratings/reviews. In my opinion, this is one of the best of the new phase, I enjoyed it more than Shang-Chi simply because of how much it opens up to explore in the MCU.


I enjoyed this movie and was entranced from start to finish. cannot believe it got criticized so much!


Very true, I guess also nice that the deaf person's superpower isn't related to the deafness either. I'm also somewhat thinking whether this is the first MCU film with an openly LGBT actor/actress in a main character role? So many to keep up with that wouldn't be sure on that one


Appa sneaking into his first bed cameo. Dobby and Snorlax finally have another friend 😃

Benjamin Price

It's so telling how there's a full on straight sex scene in the movie, but people think that the gay kiss is an agenda being shoved down their throats lol baby steps :) Such a beautiful movie, loved every minute!


That's cause it wasn't Ikaris smooching Captain America! 🤣😇


Great watching this with you! Even though in the poll I marked going in order, I'm glad you chose to do it now. Not sure how long I could have waited, it was already burning a hole on my Disney bookmarks, lol. And so great that you brought up Sense8 at the end with characters and joining of minds, pretty good correlation. Always fun when you bring up other content you are watching into others shows. Im like, Exactly! Of Course! LOL

Nora Bossa

I really loved this movie and the way Marvel took risks was definitely the thing I liked the most. People always complained for getting the same “Marvel safe formula”, and when they finally decided to change it, they complained again. It happened at the beginning of Wandavision as well, with the first episodes, (I don’t know why because they were a masterpiece) anyway, glad you give it a chance and enjoyed it. You should check who’s voice is at the end of the post credits scene, by the way. 😉

Angie H.

when he mentioned superhero sex, my mind IMMEDIATELY went to that whole sub-plot in The Boys 👀 Seb, it’d be cool if you watch it yk, with season 3 coming out in the summer and all

Colleen T McClintock

Okay after watching this a second time, I like it even more and I'll even say significantly more. This one warrants a second watch-through at some point. I also want to recommend reading up about Dane's character a little bit, if you're willing to learn. If you want to be completely surprised and learn what his family is/who he is organically, then screw it and disregard. But once the MCU does the reveal, whenever it does, I still recommend reading his and his family's comic history. It's, in my opinion, one of the more interesting and multifaceted storylines in Marvel in general and I'm so glad they brought him in finally and cast Kit, no less.


Sebbb youll understand better if you watch it for the 3rd time :)


And i also bursted out laughing once harry appeared because its just ridiculous,

Inhuman Paradox

This kind of deconstructionist style is something critics tend not to like. Chloe Zhao has said one of her inspirations were the DC films by Zack Snyder, and that kind of mythological, self-seriously, even a little pretentious style is all over Eternals. As a Snyder fan myself (Although not a Snyder Cultist I should stress, I take issue with that side of the fandom, the harassment perpetuated by RestoreTheSnyderVerse crowds is unforgivable), I kind of like that. Unfortunately, Eternals does not have the 4 hours that Zack Snyder's Justice League did to develop all its characters, nor does Zhao have a Snyder-style cinematographer to create a high-contrast hyper-stylized look. Eternals ultimately was too Snyder-esque to mesh with critics or more purist MCU fans who prefer that traditional style, but not stylized or fleshed out enough to fully appeal to people like me who love films like ZSJL. It's a film with great ideas, but this should've been a 3 hour long film or a 6 part Disney+ series (Which are basically 4 hour films, to the point where many of the writers and directors have even said they were written like 4 hour films). I will say, if you liked this? I do recommend the Snyder trilogy of films (Man of Steel, Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice: Ultimate Edition, Zack Snyder's Justice League). MoS and ZSJL in particular have a lot of this self-serious epic grandiose feel.


Why is it ridiculous? Or can people only do one thing their entire life? He's a pretty good actor.


Hard to go in to in a patreon comment aha but my issue with this movie comes with the characters, there's too many and they aren't fleshed out, I was left not caring about any of them. Like you said this should have been a show, the movie felt both too short and too long. But regardless it's still nice to see someone enjoying the movie! People like different things


A lot of people downvoted this movie cause the gay kiss/characters. See some of the reviews...


Loved the representation in this movie. Loved that they didn't do the same Marvel formula. Can't wait to see what happens with them next! Great Reaction Seb! xoxo <3


I think I have to agree , like cap marvel people just tried to hate on it on any excuse but the only fault I can see with this movie that can bother them is the gay kiss.


It was ridiculous. And I liked him in Dunkirk.

Bence Virag

I mean there were definitely people who were bothered by that, but to say that's the only fault you can see with the movie that can bother someone is pretty ignorant. I gave a fair chance to the movie, I wanted to like it (especially because I loved the trailers so much, and I don't really care about crtics reviews) And it's not like it's a terribe movie, it's certainly not a 1/10 or something extreme, but I still left the cinema dissapointed. For me there were too many characters to be able to connect to any of them properly. Maybe if it was a series more time could have been spent with all of them. Also a lot of the movie's messages were too on the nose, and very cliché for me. I don't know. I don't regret watching it, but I also don't feel like I want to watch it again. The 48% from the critics is still ridiculous.

Sam Saavedra

I actually really liked this movie as well! The cinematography was great. I thought the shots were beautiful. Story was pretty good. I liked each of the characters. Loved the diversity. I definitely don’t think it deserves the bad reviews.

Chad Johnson

This movie is an SJW hater’s wet dream of things to complain about….yand at the same time completely entrap them in their own defense of “well if it makes sense for the story…. But you don’t have to shove it in my face.” Um it makes sense they would send artificial life forms mimicking every variety of the human form. So they could easily walk among humans to protect them, even children. Also the story totally makes sense to me because especially the final act. This is a marvel film I think will only age better because sooooo much was in this movie to unpack. I mean a planet size being just knocked on our front door & will be coming back to judge life. We also learn Thanos had a brother….which means Thanos was also an eternal? Thanos knew cosmic energy was needed to give life to new celestials…. So was his plan to prevent entire worlds from being destroyed by delaying the emergence of ne3 celestials? Hmmmmmm?/?

A Vicarious View

I loved this movie when I saw it in theaters and love it even more with each watch. I like how they peppered clues about Dane here and there with her giving him a ring with his family crest and then Sprite mentioning the Ebony Blade which is the sword he almost touches at the end. Can't wait for more Eternals and Dane Whitman. Also, I don't think Ikaris is dead. Richard Madden is too good to only use in one movie and I think he's too strong to be killed by the sun. He probably chilled in the sun for a bit, bummed that he wasn't burning, and now he's doing some soul searching around the universe before coming back. lol

Elsa B

Druig is fit.. that is all


I love this movie. I feel like the reason so many people don't like it is because they are used to the marvel movies that have had years to build on and make great. Or even the major scale marvel movies like Endgame. This is a whole new story that is just getting started and I cant wait to see more.

Arslan Imdad

Great aesthetic. The cinematography was A plus. Loved the cast too.