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I wonder if there are any Seb variants that started their Youtube journey with Twilight?

On set to be my favourite series if it keeps being this GOOD!



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the fact that we got an entire show just because the hulk had to take the stairs. everyone say thank you thor 😌

Dónde está la biblioteca

Hey Seb, checking to see if you are doing the top tier movie requests this month?


My comment disappeared :( Shorter version of my last comment- Loki maybe is the "Time Keepers" as that would be the most fun and chaos possible to mess around with yourself from every universe and set up the organisation. I really liked these episodes and hoping the plot becomes clearer soon and we get a bit more introspection from Loki

Nora Bossa

I LOVE this show. I’m so happy to re watch it, still gives me the chills and the music is so on point… each Marvel show is different and they are great, all of them. But with Loki, it has a unique production design, mystery and soundtrack that makes you place it on the top.


I love the music on this show, great job by Natalie Holt. Tom Hiddleston speaks Latin, that's what he was speaking in the Pompei scene. More of my heart being broken by having this Loki find out stuff about what the future should have been, more of Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson having good chemistry. And I can't really comment on the plot while knowing what will happen.


Few thoughts and questions for anyone to respond: if there is no magic in the TVA, the moment they abducted Loki and brought him there why didn't he turn blue, his natural skin color? His adopted mother taught him illusion magic so he could appear as a "normal" Asgardian and not look like Frost Giant. If there's no magic, no illusions, why didn't he turn back to blue? Another question, why was a normal human able to beat up Loki and throw him around so easily at Roxxcart store? He's an Asgardian, stronger than humans. He survived getting pummeled by Hulk. How can a mere human toss Loki around so easily? Last question, why is the TVA so lame with what appears to be outdated technology? They can only fight in hand to hand combat or with their "electrified" clubs up close? If they monitor past, present, future, shouldn't their technology be amazingly futuristic and not retro lame combat sticks? If someone with an item like a gun, a non-magical weapon, showed up at the TVA, that person could eliminate the TVA soldiers from a distance away, pick them off without getting close. Or even a bow n arrow Hawkeye style, Stark technology repulsor rays, things like that could mow the TVA down rather easily without needing hand to hand combat or stick fighting. Does anyone agree with this assessment? If they had better technology they could've stopped Loki from afar from leaping into the other Loki's portal instead of needing to literally run down the Roxxcart hallway to try to intercept him from leaping in. The TVA is so inept and rather silly than intimidating. Seems like lazy writing on the shows behalf.


I can't put into words how much I love this show

alejandro valles

it's just a tv show, all the shows had their flaws. i wouldn't say to watch them expecting top tier movie level writing, but i do think that Loki had more writing flaws than the other shows


There is a Seb, in one of the Multiverses, that reacts to Twilight movies over and over again!!!!

Edward Reynolds

the way you can understand the timeline is that each timeline is a thread of string being forced into the shape of a rope. potentially millions of timelines contained to the specific flow. TVA is there to keep the rope for being everywhere


firstly i think he isnt blue because the general popultion of people who aren't marvel nerds like us would find hard and annoying to follow because he wouldn't look how most know our loki to have always looked. seondly it makes the tva look more powerful that their only weapons are so outdated or so untechnological, because why can't someone so powerful like loki or thanos beat someone with just batons, and so it shows their power because they don't need such things as guns or ranged weapons because they are so powerful without it anyways, just like thanos has a sword and doesnt need a big blaster and a vibranium suit to be powerful. and i think it is assumed that modern tech such as guns or stark tech cannot work their either as they must have had many variants with guns, maybe this is why the tech in the tva is so outdated and they still use old tech like typewriters. a bow and arrow tho you may be onto something there ahaha. I think he can be tossed around by that guy because the guy is enchanted by Sylvie and she needs to look more powerful than our Loki at the start for the show to work well. Overall although these things may not make sense i think that the showmakers should be allowed to have some freedoms from it making sense in this kind of way to make the show as amazing as it is. If loki was blue and the TVA was walking around with imense weapons and tech or whatever i dont think the show would be as good or as understandable for the general public some of whom may have never seen anything in the MCU. Hope this makes sense ahaha good questions tho


I hear you on the reasons to not have Loki looking Blue in TVA...kinda expect continuity to be, well, continuity. It's what they (the writers) established as part of TVA in the very first ep, no magic, therefore: Loki really should be blue. Maybe Tom had it stated in his contract "no blue makeup!" 🤔 If this were a CW/Arrowverse show, I wouldn't expect much with continuity, plotlines, character arcs. But that's exactly Marvel's brand, more of a reasonable suspension of belief. This show constantly is contradicting itself compared to other Marvel shows. I hear you on the TVA using antiquated technology, but then they show Loki and Moebius looking out a window over the city and it's super futuristic and high tech, flying cars, amazing futuristic architecture...then they fight hand to hand combat. I still find it lame. I do think you're right about female Loki enhancing the humans she's possessing. Maybe it's just me wanting better from the writers of this show. We're shelling out extra money for Disney+, we shouldn't be getting a CW/Arrowverse style Loki show. It should be MCU quality, regardless of medium, no? Hawkeye, for instance, amazing! Wandavision, amazing! I wish Loki was as amazing. Thanks for your responses Rhys and Alejandro.