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Hey guys! I was planning to film a lot of videos today but for some strange reason, my microphone decided it wanted to sound like it was underwater. As well as my computer completely wiping itself. Not a bad start to the week but I just wanted to let you guys know that hopefully by tomorrow the mic will be fixed (have ordered a new cable if that is the culprit) and if it is not fixed tomorrow I have ordered a new Mic that comes thursday.

I didn't have any films that I had not posted for patreon luckily that were deleted. I am sure I can download the full length from vimeo to use for Youtube (Even though the film in the bottom left will be there but that is not that bad). Just a bit of a setback with reinstalling all of the programs and waiting for the microphone to be fixed. 

I had planned on watching a few christmas films and starting some anime but I guess it will have to wait. In the meantime I will drop the Patreon exclusive show Poll tomorrow which will be interesting to see what you guys vote for.

I appreciate your patience and I am sure I will be back filming within the next 2 days. Dubai vlog coming soon too and I am trying to turn my room into a christmas room for this month too which should be fun. 

I know you guys are patient and a lot of you wanted me to take a break anyway now I am back, so your wish is granted lol. Have a great week and sorry for any inconveniences! 



don’t worry about it seb. take your time, we understand :)

Glenn Van Pestel

Don’t worry Seb, these things happen unfortunately. Take all the time you need to get back on track 😊

Angie H.

literally don’t worry about it. I think we’re a good enough community to not bitch about minor inconveniences. take care of yourself, seb 🥳

James Allen

No problem. There's no rush. Looking forward to the Christmassy movies though 🎄

David Peters

it’s all good we understand:) just take the time you need<3


Take your time Seb! We can wait 😊

Jeff Cabrera

I’ll have to drown my sorrows with Maca Root 🥤💊🥴 (Which I finally bought btw! 👀😂)

Dennis Canright

Completely understand. Hope you had an awesome trip! Happy Holidays!!


The Time Stone would come in handy right about now, damn computers! No worries Seb, take all the time you need :)


Thanks for the update and don't worry about it! Misbehaving tech is the worst 😅


No worries, we are all very patient 😇 Gives you more time to spruce the room up for those Christmas films! No doubt you will be back better than ever


no worries at all! we all completely understand, so sorry about what’s been going on! must be frustrating coming back home to things like that. super excited for all of the christmas content though!! can’t wait!


No problem for us. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Specially just after arriving back home.

Jamie Cleaton

Enjoy the extended break 💙


Just a sign that you should get back into it slowly, just like I suggested ^_^ I hate when computers fuck up tho, so hopefully the damage isn't too big!

Jason Carr

All good man, take your time to get back to square one.

Benjamin Price

I'm sorry you had so much crap happen already since getting back :( No rush at all, I hope you had a fun trip and we'll all still be here when you have everything back up and running

Nicolás Fernández

Its OK. Clearly the universe wants you to relax. Perhaps a Christmas live watch along when you run out of content in YouTube is all you need to do.

Lee David Russell

Oh man, i'm sorry about the technical difficulties, especially right after you had such a nice holiday 😣 Hoping everything goes smoothly once you're all set up again, and looking forward to the xmas content 💙

Chad Johnson

Does your recording software or hardware have an EQ or FX? Sounds like the treble/mods may be turned down or a high pass filter was applied.