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This will be another loooong-ass post!!... But you might be used to them by now... I don't plan these posts, I just write whatever it's on my mind at the moment while trying to inform you about different things. I always try to summarize as much as possible and make something concise... but I always fail... So as I'm writing this I'm already assuming this post will be long...

I'm making this post public because it's been a while since I haven't made any public posts for my followers on Patreon. That means no NSFW images! It's not because I'm stingy, but because Patreon forbids it in public posts. I hope you understand.


I'll make another Contest similar to the one I did some time ago.

The question will be posted at the same hour 9:00 a. m. GMT-5 (since supposedly this is the time with more people awake globally, I want it to be as fair as possible for everyone). The date will be a week from now... It's around 9 p.m. now on GMT -5... So in one week minus 9 hours!!

The price will be a commission! But it's negotiable! It could also be a scene, a Pin-Up, or something you wish for me to do!! (as long as it's reasonable... you can't ask me for a whole Visual Novel for instance).

The question will be posted in the Villain Tier, so all Patreons from the lower to the higher Tier can participate!! You can post your answer in the same post or PM with it! The first to get it right, get the prize!!


I'll be posting some raw previews of my work on Twitter from now on! Pretty much renders I finish through the month. This is both to promote my work and also for you to see I'm not (always) slacking off...

Jokes aside, I think it's a great medium to post mini-W.I.P. updates. I don't want to fill Patreon with a bunch of little updates with just one or two images and something like: "Working on this part!! Look forward to it!!"

I'll still post longer and more detailed updates here every month, so Twitter will be more to share some render that I want to share in the spur of the moment. I see lots of artists do that!

So follow me on Twitter if you haven't already. You can also follow me on Pixiv.


I published 8 more pages of DOM. I wanted to finish the sex scene by now, but there are still 5-7 pages left for that and also 6-8 more pages for the epilogue to close the first chapter. I'll keep working on DOM (to hopefully finish in April and release the entire first chapter), but my focus on the next couple of months (February-March) will be the 3rd chapter of Kanon's Valentine Special!!

But don't worry, you will get more DOM next month!! But it will be fewer pages (maybe 5 pages)... in exchange, you will also get Kanon's Valentine Special!!

The images I'm publishing are the drafts for the Afterword pages of DOM. There will be text in the white parts, explaining some things in the story. To be honest, I'm not satisfied with how it looks (the layout), but I don't really want to spend too much time on it since they're just extra pages with lots of explanation text.

For instance, a little bit of the background of the Old Man (Kitana Mushitarou). He was actually a very successful clothes designer in the past (he's retired now). He has a workshop in the basement of the house in which he still works on clothes. It's his shrine, no one can enter (not even Ritsuko). I thought it would be a nice detail for him to create the clothes Ritsuko will be cosplaying in some of the next chapters of the story... If you're thinking about how I haven't mentioned anything about cosplay until now, it means you still haven't read the last batch I just published... so go!!... Go read it right now!!

By the way, if you have suggestions for something Ritsuko can cosplay in the future, let me know!

I wonder if the pun on the second page got across. In Japanese, names often have meanings. Those meanings are lost when written in Romaji (since the meaning comes from the Kanji). I'm sure people who like anime know what I mean. In any case, feel free to comment about it!

Also... The black underwear she's wearing... maybe I've should have used some red or white instead... Mmmh... Well... I'll think about it if she cosplays that outfit in a future chapter of the story!

Kanon's Valentine's Special

As I said I'll be working on Kanon's Valentine Special for the next couple of months. I'm not sure if they will be 2 short chapters (around 12 pages each) or one long chapter... I'll decide as I work on it, and see what's best. Either way, I'll publish what I've finished before the end of February.

And... I guess that's it... Damn! I can be concise, after all... When I don't really have much to say about something...

TDK 2.0

I'm in the last part of the Dressing Room scene!! To be honest, my plan was to finish it this month (January), so I'm still a little behind schedule, but I can finally see the peak of the mountain! It's there! Just a little bit more!!

Of course, once I get to the peak, I'll still need to climb down... but it will be a much faster and easier path... unless I encounter some kind of problem... I hope I don't... but it happens so often that by now I'm kind of expecting it! Like, I'll descend looking in every direction wondering: "Ok! Where are you going to appear from!!"... and if it doesn't, I'm gonna dance!!... In fact, I think I'll do it anyway... When I finally finish TDK 2.0, I'm gonna dance a Jig!! (credits to the Last Boy Scout).

So, I'm still optimistic about a release in March-April!! I can't really show you any previews unless you want some spoilers. I think you will enjoy it more if you're in the blind! I'll show you some renders in another W.I.P. (hopefully my next one) when I'm finally working on a "spoiler-free" part!

Well, this is all for this loooong W.I.P... See?! I told you it was gonna be long!! I love when I'm right!! Actually, I've been wondering if you like this kind of tune when I write these posts... Maybe you would prefer a more serious tone... Do you guys even read this?!... Maybe I could just write whatever here and you will just look at it and think: "Yeah! He's working... Let's skip the reading and check the images!!..."

I'm always open to suggestions/feedback, so hit me with it!!... That's it for now!! Stay healthy!!



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