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As the title says, I'm working on TDK 2.0, but also working on the first chapter of the Dirty Old Man Vs. Hot Wife Ristuko manga (damn!! that title is long, but I couldn't come up with anything better).  I also posted My Girlfriend 2-3 on Pixiv, so you can go vote on the next choice now!!

I'm sorry for repeating myself, but as I said before, I need to switch between projects to keep myself inspired and things fresh. This time I'm using the DOM Vs. HWR as a break from TDK 2.0. I'm working mainly on TDK 2.0, but from time to time I'm also working on this manga (to take a break every few days). This means I'll not be working on the next chapter of the Valentine's Special this month, but if I work only on Kanon I might get burned pretty quickly. So the next chapter of the Valentine's Special will have to wait for next month.

I also decided to work on this manga because I wanted to hone my skills. In the Valentine's Special, I didn't have a chance to work with a scene with normal conversation, so I wanted to try that with this work. I'm glad at how it's coming out (even though it's just the first three pages), however, I'm even gladder by the improvement in my speed. I really had a lot of trouble deciding the layouts of the Kanon's Valentine Special, it took lots of time and redoes to finish every page. This time however I almost did one page a day... I think I'm finally getting the hang of it! (still far from my goal though: be able to make 2 pages a day).

In a couple of weeks, I'll post an info update on the progress of TDK 2.0. I'm working at a good pace, but corrections and problems are always present in any work. I want to advance as much as I can this month so it can be released by summer!

Don't forget to vote on your favorite choice in My Girlfriend (Pixiv). I'll continue the story accordingly. You have till the next W.I.P. update for TDK 2.0 in a couple of weeks to vote. I'll start working on the next chapter of My Girlfriend then.

Well, that's all for this W.I.P. info. Take care and stay healthy!!

Edit: Almost forgot! I've decided to let the second chapter of the Kanon's Valentine Special as it is (as a finished chapter), and add one more chapter to it (so it will be a 4-chapter story). The reason is that I think it finished at a good point and that I have enough material for another 12-16 page chapter. I think that might be better than just adding some 10 more pages.

The next chapter will continue from where the second chapter left (continuing the sex scene between Kanon and Yukihiro). The  4th final chapter will be about the happenings on White Day.



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