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First thing first: I sent the last chapter of My Girlfriend to the mails of all Patreons that pledged during March and April. If you didn't receive it, please contact me and I'll send it to you right away!

If you don't want to read my whole big ass monologue you can skip to the end of the post for the important stuff.

I'm really sorry for not posting anything for so long. Finishing the last chapter of My Girlfriend was much more daunting than I originally thought. I had to rewrite the story several times till I was "satisfied" with it. I also had to make lots of corrections to the pictures, lots of editing, lots of frustration at times... you get the idea!

 I guess I have to admit at this point that I don't like CG. I like to work with it on short works like what I did HERE or HERE, however when I have to make longer stories it gets really difficult for me! To be honest I'm much more comfortable doing Visual Novels or Manga (even though I'm a rookie to manga).

I don't know how to explain it very well, but in my experience so far I feel like CG is a very rigid format. You have to fit the text to the images and vice-versa... so if you want to add more text because the story requires it, you also have to create more images... and if you want to add more images, you also have to create more text to include in those images. This doesn't happen in VN or Manga.

In Visual Novels, even though I have to write walls of text, the images serve as a complement to the text. I can use just one image or two or ten, whatever I see fit, to lie in the background while lines and lines of text are shown on the screen. In that regard is much more flexible than CG, because I don't have to create an image for every line of text.

The same happens with manga, but upside down. In Manga is the text that serves as a complement to the images. You plan your story in a sequence of panels and use the text to clarify what's happening on those panels. So I'm spare to write walls of text to tell a story (believe it or not, working on the text of the story takes a lot of time, at least for me). So is a much more flexible format in that regard.

The manga pages at the top, are something I did very quickly before posting this (it's just an experiment I did... I may or may not use it for the main story in the future). I didn't put much thought into it, just followed my guts and made a quick continuation (kind of) of THIS. It took the same time as doing 2 or 3 images for a CG, but I ended up getting 6 images for a full manga page. The reason is that I don't have to draw every panel as a 2D artist would. One of the advantages of 3D is that I can flip the camera angle, make some adjustments to the pose/expression and I can get the image for a new panel very fast! So it's a much better way to double productivity for the same working time.

Manga has also the advantage of allowing me to show a bunch of cool angles that you won't normally get to see in CG or VN. When I work on the pose and expressions of my characters I often run accidentally into those angles, but most of the time I have to discard them because of the CG/VN format. That's such a waste! 

That's why I'll be switching from CG to manga in the future, but mainly because I feel much more comfortable with it! I'll still make CG, but only when I feel the story is appropriate for it (short CG). I'll also continue to make Visual Novels, in fact, for the rest of the month I'll focus mainly on TDK 2.0!

The important stuff

My plans for the rest of the month are to work mainly on TDK 2.0.

I'll also be working on the second chapter of the Kanon's Valentine Special. I'll try to finish it before the end of the month, but if I can't I'll post all the manga pages I've finished. I've seen many artists doing that on their Patreon/Fanbox/Fantia... etc... That's another advantage of creating manga (it's not that easy to do that when you're making long CG stories). I don't really like to post something I haven't finished yet, but I guess that's much better than not posting anything at all!

I'll also be working on the first chapter of Dirty Old Man x Hot Wife, but only when I want to take a rest from my other two projects (TDK 2.0 and Kanon's Valentine Special). This project won't take priority this month. If you're interested in this project, keep reading:

Dirty Old Man x Hot Wife Ritsuko (Damn!!... That's long... I think I have to find a shorter title for this story).

I was planning to make a Pilot CG in a beach setup for this story, but I'll save that for a later chapter because I came up with a good scenario to start. In most Visual Novels the story ends shortly after the heroine has fallen for the lover/chad, regardless of whether the husband/boyfriend discovers the infidelity or not. I often read in forums people commenting on how they would like for it to continue longer (I also have wished so, many times). That will be the premise of this story.

If I someday make a Visual Novel for this story it would cover from the time the couple moves to the Old Man's house to the time the Wife "falls" for him (I don't think this is a spoiler because... Come on!!... This is NTR!!... How did you think it would end!?). The VN would have multiple endings, including the "False Happy Ending" in which the husband doesn't discover his wife is willingly cheating on him and continues to live in blissful ignorance. This manga will continue from that ending.

However, leaving it at that will be boring. Every story needs some kind of conflict for it to work, so I came up with one. What that conflict will be... you will see once I publish the first chapter (or the first pages of the first chapter depending on the time).

Well, that's all for this update. Please write me your thoughts about this and the last chapter of My Girlfriend. I'm always eager to know what you think to improve myself and bring you better content in the future.

Stay healthy!!



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

"That's why I'll be switching from CG to manga in the future, but mainly because I feel much more comfortable with it!" Does this mean that future chapters of My Girlfriend will be manga?


Nop, at least the first arc will continue to be CG for congruence's sake... But I might change my mind and turn it into a manga before the first arc ends.


Hello! Is there a way to get this or other chapters for late subscribers, a higher tier sub or something? I found this on pixiv and it made me a Fan! But its only for past members. :\


Which chapters do you mean? Pretty much everything I've created is available for everyone in their respective tiers. You can check the list of available works in the lists I posted some time ago. They are under the "General Info" tag.