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I've decided to change the header from "update" to "WIP info" because the word "update" might be misleading. This probably will be a long post, so I'm sorting it out by topics with titles, that way you can go directly to what you're interested in.


I'm done with the CG rendering, but I still need to make some corrections to the text. I'm trying to get the text in the video scene to match the text in the room scene. After rendering the pictures and seeing what they actually look like, I've noticed a part, almost at the end in which, even though the text matches, I don't feel satisfied with it. I think I could deliver a better "punch" at the end of the chapter by changing the script in that part.

I also have the after-image process (adding the text, effects, numbering... etc...). It's a simple process, but it takes time because you have to work on every image, one at a time.

I really wanted to finish before the end of March, but I guess the time I lost because of the problems with my old laptop is billing me now. If I hadn't lost those 5-6 days I could have finished on time... but then again, now I can work much faster with my new machine... so it's not all that bad... but I'm also in a pinch for money because of that... damn!!... I guess Life is just complicated!...

IMPORTANT: All Patrons that pledged any Tier in March will get early access to this chapter, even if you canceled your pledge after March. All Patreons that pledged the Antagonist Tier and above in March will also have access to the extra camera angles for this chapter, even if you changed Tiers or canceled your pledge after March (around 100 extra Patreon exclusive CGs). I'll send it to your emails and by PM here on Patreon as soon as it's done. I think that's fair! Of course, Patreons that pledge in April will also have access to it.


Yesterday afternoon, after realizing I wouldn't make it, I thought of making a post explaining this to my Patreons, but I also felt I needed to compensate them in some way. That's how I thought of making some Pin-Ups of Erika (one of them you can watch in this post... the most SFW of all... I think it's SFW... I hope it's SFW or Patreon will be mad!!...), but as I was posing her and looking for camera angles an idea came up. I have to say that I find it fascinating how minor details (a gaze looking the other way, a camera angle, a window in the back...) can make you wonder: "What if..." and concepts, chapters, even whole stories can be born from just that.

So, after wondering "what if..." I start to "draft" a little, just for the sake of it... and before I knew it, I was making something completely different than what I originally had in mind.

That's how a short textless CG was born. It's a 6 base image with 4 variations of (lewd) outfits (for the first 3 pictures) that I'll be posting for all Patreons shortly after this post (15 images in total). I might actually expand that scenario because looks very promising... Let me know what you think of it when you see it.


In April I'll be working mainly on the Kanon series (both the Visual Novel and the second chapter of the Valentine's Special). I want to try to finish the second chapter of Valentine's Special this month (and advance the Visual Novel all I can).

I'll also be working on the Dirty Old Man x Hot Wife as a side project. I mentioned this before, but working on just one project burns me out (and that sucks for creativity). I've found that switching between projects every 3-4 days (1-2 for the side-project) allows me to stay inspired, thus advancing faster and making better stuff.

This also means there might not be a chapter of My Girlfriend next month. This is in part because I want to focus on Kanon in April, but also because of the time constraint. My Girlfriend will be posted as early access for Patreons in the next few days. At least 7 days later, I'll post it on Pixiv as a public release. Then people will be able to vote for the next choice (Another 7 days to give them time to vote). I won't be able to start working on the next chapter until then (15th~20th of this month), because I don't know what people are gonna choose. I'm not sure I'll be able to finish it by the end of April. I think it's better to aim to finish it in the first half of May.

Keep in mind, that this will be the only time we will have this delay. From chapter 2-4 onward, all choices will be Patreon exclusive (Yup, the choice in the next chapter will be the last public choice... so choose wisely!!...). The series will still be public though, at least until the first arc (Birthday Present) is finished.


I like how the small CG I posted came out, so I've decided to expand it. I already thought of a story that will be based on hidden sexual situations in plain view. There won't be text, so all situations will be short and self-explanatory. Consider this a pilot or a concept idea. I really want to make something of this series, but I'm still unsure how the story will work. So, I want to take this chance (while nothing is set in stone yet) to go wild and explore the possibilities.

Even though I already have some in mind, I'm looking for suggestions of stealth sex situations that can happen on the beach. The idea is to have a husband's POV where you can see that something seemly harmless but (maybe) suspicious is happening between the Old Man and Ritsuko... Then flip the camera angle to see the husband's blind spot along with what REALLY is happening.

I'll be posting an example of this in another post for Patreons to see (I can't post it publicly here because it's NSFW). It's just a draft (I still have to work on that), but I think it conveys the idea very well with just two images.


I still have to rearrange my Patreon to make it easier to navigate (especially the tags). With my old computer dying and all that jazz, I haven't had the time last month. I think finishing the next chapter of My Girlfriend should be my priority right now, so I'll probably start to work on this as soon as I finish that. In any case, I want it to be done this month.

Well... I think that's all for this update... Stay healthy!!

EDIT: I just posted a teaser/example of the first 3 images of the What If/Spin-Off scenario of My Girlfriend on my Pixiv account. So go check it if you are curious.



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