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This is the last update of the year. I wanted to give you a nice Xmas present and end the year with a blast, but I couldn't finish what I was planning (I guess I bit off more than I could chew...).

The first images of this post are a part of what I was preparing for Xmas. The idea was to make a 4th wall breaking 1st person POV of Kanon and Erika serving the Patrons... Also, I was planning an alternative NTR version with two other of my girls (that will also serve as a concept idea for a tentative work in the future). I came up with the idea just one week before Xmas. I knew it was gonna be difficult to finish it, but I was hyped about it, so I went for it...  As the date approached I was forced to cut the NTR version to be able to finish the basic version... but In the end, I couldn't even finish that on time. I thought about it and rather than posting something unfinished I decided to postpone that release and change the date for Valentine's (or maybe for White Day if I can't finish by Valentine's). I'll work on it in my "free time", meaning that I'll give priority to TDK 2.0 and My Girlfriend releases.

About TDK 2.0, I'm almost finished with the first part of the Dresser scene, so the most difficult part is almost done!! (finally!! Yahoo!!!)... I still have to work on the second part of that scene, and it's also a tricky scene, but not as much as the first part. For those of you wondering: The first part, it's from the time Kanon arrives at the clothes store until Hiro runs off to the restaurant (the end of the swimsuit show). The second and third parts I can't tell you about because of spoilers (in reality there are not really "parts", they only exist in my mind so I can get organized... in the end, all is just one single story).

I also had to rewrite a good portion of the script of that scene, because it was lacking (that also took a good part of my time). When I decided on the camera angles and got the poses and "marks" (positions) ready for the Dresser scene I went and reread the script to confirm the facial expressions... And I was underwhelmed by it (to the point I wondered if I really wrote that). I might have written it at the time I was a little bit sick of Kanon (some months ago). I also commented on it before but there was a time when I wanted to do something else, but everyone screamed: "Kanon!! Kanon!! Kanon"... so I (kind of reluctantly) decided to go back to work on that. That script really showed my state of mind at the time. To be fair, what I wrote wasn't bad, but it felt like I was just trying to go from point A to point B and then to point C in the story, without too much enjoyment in the ride.

I read some comments on forums about how some people really enjoyed the little exchange between Kanon and Yukihiro at the end of Hiro's POV. I guess that's something not very common in NTR, and the dresser scene was a perfect opportunity to give you more of that. I came to the conclusion that just as I focused on Kanon and Hiro relationship in the first part, I should take the opportunity to focus on Kanon and Yukihiro relationship in the second part. So, I rewrote that part of the script with that in mind (and I'll probably have to rewrite some other parts in the future because of that).

I really want to release TDK 2.0 by Valentine's (White day in the worst case), so working on finishing it will take priority from now on. I'll still work on My Girlfriend, in fact, I'm working on the next chapter right now. I'll release at least one chapter of MG (maybe two) every month, but my focus will be on TDK 2.0 until is finally done.

I'm posting some previews of the next chapter of My Girlfriend (2-2.5). I'll be working on that chapter and the next (2-3) this week, so I can leave you all with the next choice and go back to work on TDK 2.0. You can't see the background in the previews because I'm working on two parallel scenes. I don't know if you are interested in the technical stuff, but the more objects and light sources a scene has, the heavier it gets. There is also the problem that sometimes objects block the view when working on the scene (chairs, curtains, walls, etc...). To avoid all that and work faster lately I'm getting used to working all the poses and positions in a parallel scene with the minimum amount of objects and light sources. Then I just import the characters into the main scene, make some final adjustments and take the screenshot.

I actually wanted to finish the next chapter of My Girlfriend by this weekend, but working on my little Xmas Present fucked up all the schedule. Let this be a lesson for me: Whenever I wanted to post something special for a special day (Xmas, New Year, Valentine, Halloween, etc...), I'll plan ahead and start to prepare everything at least one or two months in advance. If I come up with an idea at the last minute, I'll take note of it and save it for next year, or for a later holiday. That way I can work on it without pressure and without it affecting my main projects.

So in the end I couldn't release anything by the end of this year, but rather than getting depressed about it I want to look at it in a positive way: That also means that these first months of the new year will have some interesting releases one after the other (TDK 2.0, The special Valentine's scenario and we are also getting to the "good part" of the Birthday Present Arc of My Girlfriend). So when all the Comiket hyped and great works (I'm looking forward to them too) come and begone... and you become thirsty for new NTR material again... I'll come to the rescue!!... I think that's a good way to look at it... right?!...

By the way, you can download the chapter 2-2 of My Girlfriend here:



I want to finish by thanking you all for your support and wish you the best of the best in this New Year!!

See you in 2022!!



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

Happy new year everyone! Just got home from new years party so am a bit tired, so I might not read it right and what I ask might be stupid. "That also means that these first months of the new year will have some interesting releases one after the other (TDK 2.0, The special Valentine's scenario and we are also getting to the "good part" of the Birthday Present Arc of My Girlfriend)" Where does the 4th wall breaking 1st person POV of Kanon and Erika things you teased fit into your schedule? Is Erika My Girlfriends name now and is the vote for names over? Cannot tell the haircolor apart, so it might be another girl. Hope surname is not Yazawa then...


It's a tentative name. I chose it because it's one of the few names that can be both western and Japanese, so I guess it's fitting for her. I was thinking of Erika Lindon Sachimoto, so she has an ambiguous name (since can be western or Japanese), and English and Japanese surnames.