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Do you want the characters from My Girlfriend to have names or do you prefer for them to remain nameless?!... Sometimes nameless characters add a deeper layer of immersion to the story. Maybe the boyfriend could remain nameless... I'll be glad to hear your suggestions.

Vote for what you want and help me continue this series.

If you vote for the name option, you can also suggest a name for the characters: For the Boyfriend both, the name and surname have to be japanese. For the Girlfriend I want her to have either a western name and japanese surname or a japanese name and a western surname (since she's blonde and has blue eyes, I picture her as half-japanese, half-american maybe).


Stiig Dahl Nielsen

If there has to be names do we just suggest them here, in PM or will there be a public vote?


not sure why but the bf being named anon is my favorite


As you like. Posting it here might be preferable since other Patrons can also comment on your suggestions.


So, do you think I should keep referring to him as XXXX-kun?... Or maybe I should name him "anon"? :D