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The issue got resolved, but I won't be able to continue with the Tomoe story, at least not as I planned. This whole issue really killed my motivation to continue that story, so I'll work on something else instead. If I continue the Tomoe story at some time in the future, I'll have to make some major changes and probably change the characters too. Having said that, I'll post the whole textless sex scene between Tomoe and Ririka in my Pixiv account as public content, so all my hard work won't go to waste (since Patreon already told me it's alright to do that).

Another reason I won't continue with the Tomoe story (besides avoiding problems with Patreon), is that it really didn't solve the "monthly content" issue. I really want to give you some quality monthly (or at least periodically) content. I mean, I don't think you will support me every month if I don't give you something in return. I see a lot of developers publish partials of their games/visual novels, but I'm not sure that will work with Mystery NTR, since the whole catch to it is to be able to enjoy the whole husband/boyfriend POV first, and the wife/girlfriend POV later. But maybe you think differently. What do you think?!

After thinking about the issue these past days I realize that is not really what story I'm telling, but rather how I'm telling that story. If I want to give monthly content that can be made under 10 days with enough quality... and I came up with an idea of how to make it. I'll try it as soon as I finished and publish Teaser~Date~Kanon 2.0 (with Kanon's POV) to see if it works. I know that you want to know what this idea I came up with to tell this story is, but I think it would be much more effective to show you, rather than explaining it to you. But for that, I first need a concept story to work on. I already have 4 possible stories (one of them I'm considering turning into a VN, because I think it has potential), but rather than just makes you choose between them, I would like to hear about what kind of story you would like.

I came out with the Homestay Series concept to both, focus on a specific concept that can go in many different ways (depending on who are the characters) and also because it allows to tell the story with the idea I came up with (not to mention all the juicy stealth sex that kind of scenario will allow). The conditions for it are simple: netori guy, heroine, and main character have to live in the same house, and there has to be NTR. For your information, I make several consultations with the Patreon staff (that I'm not sharing to not bore you), and they told me that "step" relationships are not allowed, but "in-law" is. You don't have to tell me the whole story, you can suggest characters (like who the netori character you would like to be), situations, relationships (like wife/husband, childhood friends, lovers, engaged couple, etc...).

For instance, here is the concept of one of the stories I came up with:

The main character (MC) has been always in love with his childhood friend (the heroine), but he never was able to confess his feelings. He had to move out of town to attend university leaving her behind. Two years pass and now he lives in the house of a friend of his family (best friend of his father), a middle-aged man (let's call him "the uncle") that used to be his neighbor, but moved years ago. Since "the uncle" lives in the same town and near the university the MC attends, it's perfect for him to stay at his house, plus he has always been like a second father to him, someone the MC trusts completely and that will never betray him... right?!... Right?!!

One day the MC hears that his childhood friend (the heroine) is transferring to his university. What's even better, she will be living in the same house as him (her parents insisted because they don't want her to live alone, they trust "the uncle" and the MC). Living under the same roof as the girl he has always loved,... This is like a dream-like situation that came up out of a rom-com for the MC. He can't stop fantasying about all the opportunities he will have... all the experiences he will share with her. Maybe the spring of his romantic life is finally blossoming?!... I'll let you imagine what comes from here... 

I think you get the Homestay series concept. So hit me with your ideas and suggestions. I'll probably make a poll later this month or the next to decide on one of them. In the meantime, I'll keep working on TDK 2.0. In the next update I'll share my advances with that.

That's all for this update, stay healthy!!

Edit: Just to be totally clear. The Homestay series is what I try to make to give you monthly content. My main projects (Visual Novels as Voyeur or Teaser) are going to still be my main priority. What I want is to give monthly content that doesn't take me too much time to make (The Homestay series - about 10 days per month) while working on my main project the rest of the time (Voyeur maybe after I finish TDK 2.0 - about 20 days per month).



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

So no Ryouko or Voyeur in the near future? Since you were allowed to release the first part of Tomoe why not just release it with the text if it was almost done?


Ryouko and Voyeur it's not a problem because it doesn't have violate any guidelines on Patreon, so I want to work on that as soon as I finish TDK 2.0. I didn't post the text because I won't be able to continue the story, at least not with those characters. I think it's worthless to continue with the text since there won't be a continuation to that story. It would be like posting the first chapter and never posting the second.


Have you played Anim. teammm's NTR homestay2 ? I think the homestay concept is pretty good, it is really interesting to see the antagonist stealing your love under the table. I do have a lot of idea about it but I need some time to sort it out:) Imo the most important element about the Homestay/any NTR is watching the wife/gf slowly become another person (dress style become lewd, hairstyle, makeup, hidden tattoos etc...)


Yes, I've played them. Stealing the love interest under the table concept is something I'll aiming at with the Homestay series. About the change in the heroine, that's something that will be present on Voyeur. That's why I want the heroine to be a Tomboy with short hair, that changes into a more sexy woman as the story progresses. I've thought of the Homestay series to be more of the NTR Type A, since I want to give NTR content right from the start. I think a change of the heroine is more suited to Mystery Visual Novels, but maybe it can be done if I get creative... That's why I want you all to give me ideas, so I can rethink my own, and hopefully create something even better than I first thought of. I'm eager to hear about your other ideas.