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My plan to resolve the problem with the extra content turned out to be a big failure. Except for the animations and the Pin-Ups, everything else took much more time to finish than I originally planned. I really can't depend on the animations, since Touhuo hasn't given me a definite answer yet, and I'm not sure you'll be happy with just pin-ups for extra content.

But don't worry. As I promised you, I will focus on developing Kanon's POV for Teaser~Date~Kanon next month. The first chapter of Tomoe's story will become the extra content for next month (since I couldn't finish it this month), and it will be published next week. I really want to release the full version of Teaser~Date~Kanon in July, so that will become my main priority. Meanwhile, I'll have enough time to think about how to resolve the problem of extra content.

At this point you might think I'm really stubborn with extra content, while I should just focus on my main project... but extra content somehow, has become a necessity for me...

When I finished Teaser~Date~Kanon, I was kind of tired of it... I had worked so much time on it that once I finished it I didn't want to even look at it in a while. But don't get me wrong, I was really proud of what I have created and I was really glad so many people liked it, but... I really needed to focus on something else at the time (that's why I started developing Voyeur).

It might be hard to understand... I didn't understand it either when I was just a fan and not a developer, but to focus on something else really helps an artist to focus on his main project. That's probably why artists work on something totally different after their major hit... or just draw random pictures to publish on Pixiv or Twitter while they are working on their main project. I think that helps them to vent their creativity when they are inspired to do something else.

As I said before, running out of material is the less of my worries. I have just so many stories I want to tell, the problem is I don't have enough time to tell them all. Time and deadlines are becoming my main problem. In the worst case scenario, I'll get rid of the extra content plan, but that's something I really want to avoid if I can because I want to use it as a way to vent out my creativity when inspiration strikes. I'm really afraid to get to the point of thinking something like: "I really want to write a story like this...but I can't because I have to focus on my main project...shit!!".

That might be a little discouraging for you all, but they are my honest feelings, and I would totally understand if you don't want to support me anymore. But right now, I shouldn't worry about that, since I need to focus on what's ahead... and that's finishing the first chapter of Tomoe's story and Kanon's POV for Teaser~Date~Kanon...

Almost forgot... I'll be publishing a poll, so you can decide which girl(s) you want Pin-Ups for next month... so, don't forget to vote!



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

This all makes perfect sense. The whole creativity burnout is real. Even though I am top Kanon fan I would rather you work on it when you feel inspired instead of it becoming some soulless story you write because of commitment. It never worked for me at least, when making stories. As long as you are open and honest about it I see no problem. Since people can then choose, based on real information, if it makes sense to support you for that month then.