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I started making the CGs for the NTR Magazine extra content. Things are going well on that front and I already have the general layout for that. I thought introducing an inexperienced curious "good wife" would make a great start! The idea is to begin with an interview in which she would tell about her (and her sex life with her husband), and later go to the sex recording pictures of her first sex with a pro! I plan for her to come back some months later to make a second take (and slowly get corrupted by pleasure, turning from an innocent wife into a sex-loving slut).

Since this is a pilot, and since 55b, very kindly is letting me use his characters, I decided to use Nurse-san, one of the girls that made a cameo appearance in Teaser~?????~Kanon (since someone asked for her):

The two lovely ladies in the back were created by 55b, one of the artists I admire (and from whom I get inspiration from). Support him if you can! You can see more of his awesome work on his WEBSITE.

I had to make some changes to the original character, to fit my style (my characters are taller, and generally more voluptuous, although Nurse-san's original design was very voluptuous to begin with). The original character was in 4K, so I had to change her skin for the LRE environment. I also had to add some makeup (because it's a necessity for the LRE environment, or she will look like crap with some lighting). But I tried not to change too much to conserve the original design. The final result was some middle ground between 55b and my style.

The second half of the CGs are from Clueless... But before you get hyped you have to know that I probably won't be able to complete Clueless this month. I had many problems with the story (specifically the characters... more specifically the main character - the husband). The first character I created didn't match the story. What I mean by that is that he was presented in a way that you will think it will become a totally different character later (in short, I thought at some point: there is no way this character won't realize his wife is cheating on him unless he had some brain damage between the introduction and the first sex scene). So I changed the main character, but I made it too much of an idiot, to the point that I thought: No one is gonna care for this husband, he's too stupid for anyone to care about him... At this point, I hit a roadblock... but that's not necessarily a bad thing, in fact, maybe it's something good since I tend to hit roadblocks (and find a way out of them) in the works I'm most proud of.

To understand the blur effect you have to know that the husband wears glasses. He can't see shit without them. And since they are on their honeymoon in a Japanese Hotspring (an Onsen), his glasses get foggy because of the steam, he has to clean them from time to time (that's why the view gets foggy and clear again). And on that note, I really don't know why more artists/developers won't make use of husbands/boyfriends with poor eyesight since they are perfect for stealth/hidden sex scenes (so many possibilities for stealth/hidden sex on plain sight). Of course, I don't plan to depend only on the husband's poor sight for stealth sex, but that adds a new layer of juicy possibilities.

But sadly I first have to fix the problems with the story and the main character (husband), before this can become a reality. So this will probably be released as next month's reward (if I can fix the problems by then). However, I still wanted to show you the potential of my idea by using Sophie and a random male guy. While making that scene I also thought: what if I make her cheat with someone the husband trusts? One problem with the story was to make it believable enough for the husband to not doubt his wife. The original idea was to make the wife cheat with whoever... but, now I'm thinking maybe it will work better if she cheats with someone the husband trusts (like his father... the father in law... for instance). I love stories with fathers-in-law stealing the wives from their sons... so maybe that could be an option?... What do you think?

Well, that's all for this update. As always I'm open to suggestions and ideas. Next weekend (if there're no major problems), I'll be releasing the pack of extra content from this month and after that, I'll start to write the script for Kanon's POV in Teaser~Date~Kanon.

Stay healthy!!




Thank you for your hard work! Im very happy to support such amazing work! I cant wait to see the wife's interview. And i really hope we get to see another interview with her after a week or so after she has been with her husband again! And nurse-san looks amazing! Cant wait to see more!


I'm glad you like the idea!! The only thing I can say (because I don't think it's a spoiler), is that she's going to get fucked silly for the first time in her life... so there's no way she won't come back later for more!... But that would probably be for another edition of the Magazine :D