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As I announced in my last update, I'll be spending the first three weeks of this month making rewards for the April-May pack (I'll call it rewards instead of Aditional Content from now on). As you know I'm making pilots so you can decide on a series that will be published as a monthly reward. So from next month I'll (finally) have a proper workflow (20 days main content - 10 days rewards). To make it more clear and easy to understand, this will be my schedule:

Up to May 21th: Developing pilots as rewards so you can vote on your favorite (that will become a monthly reward).

Last week of May and the first week of June (estimate): Writing the scenario for Kanon's POV in Teaser~Date~Kanon.

The second week of June: Making the June reward of whatever wins the pool.

Third and Fourth weeks of June: Making the CGs for Kanon's POV in Teaser~Date~Kanon

And hopefully, we will have a release of Kanon's POV in the first half of July.

Now, about the pack reward for these two months (April-May): I'm almost done with Tomoe's PIlot. It took about 10 days to do. Still not finished, but it's on schedule because I'm not accounting the time I spent creating the characters (about one day per character) and the time I spent to make the Pin-Up (about one day... more on that later). To create a character is not an easy task, it takes time... but once you've created it, you can use it forever!!! (or until the story ends... whatever happens first). So discounting that time... we are on schedule... in fact, I'll publish a preview on my Pixiv account shortly after this post. Check it out if you like (I  know some people prefer to be on the blind and wait for the final release).

About the pilot for Tomoe's story (Still haven't decided a title, but I think I'll just call it Tomoe's story, cause everyone is calling it like that...LOL). Since I already show you the potential it has with stealth sex (the husband's POV), I've decided to show you (in the pilot), it's potential to crush "hubbies" (the dark side of it). The pilot will be focused on Kunio's POV.... and who's Kunio you ask?... Well, he's a very nice guy that has been in love with Ririka (the daughter) for almost ten years (since he met her in middle school). So, Tomoe will be actually the boyfriend and Kunio will be actually the third wheel... That's something that doesn't happen much in NTR, but by now you should know, I'm the kind of guy who likes to flip the board of the standards (my first story was reverse-blackmail after all).

Some people will disagree, and I respect their opinions, but I think that as long as there is a man in love with a woman, no matter what his relationship with her is... NTR can happen! (as long as it's told right!!).

Now, about the Pin-Ups: They are done!! And they are beautiful!! Kanon fans should be warned because you're going to get something very hot!! (Make sure to handle with care, take care of not burn yourselves :D). What I did with the Pin-Ups was something I saw Japanese developers did with merchandising:
Air Dutch Pillow... or something like that... (don't know what it is?!... then follow the link). So I made something like that with Kanon in her Gyaru outfit and the Nun outfit (since they are winning the pool right now). I wanted to do one extra with Kanon in the Jogging outfit (that is tied with the Nun outfit in second place right now), but it didn't work, so the Pin-Up for the Jogging outfit will be released next month (Probably Kanon going to the shower after working out... but I'll accept any other ideas).

Since I used two outfits and since there have some really nice half-nude states... I ended up doing 8 Pin-Ups: Two outfits, two different positions, four states (clothed, half-dressed, half-naked, and totally naked). But this is too good to be true! Right?!... Yeah... so here comes the deal: I want you to allow me to give four of the Pin-Ups for free. The reason is I'm really close to hitting the 500 followers on Pixiv. So, besides the "Thank you!! Piin-Up" I'll do for everyone on Pixiv, I would really like to publish four of these "Pillow Pin-Ups" as well. You will still get four exclusive Pin-Ups (the half-nude and totally nude will be Patreon's exclusive reward).

Now, to finish this loooooooong ass update. The other pilot I'll be working on this coming week: Do you remember Clueless and Helpless? Since they have very positive acceptance here as in my social media, I decided to merge them to make a story with them. The idea is to turn Clueless into Helpless over time. Meaning it will start with the clueless MC and slowly, he will realize how slutty his wife actually is. And yes!! you read right! "his wife" because I'm changing the nature of the characters. They will be a married couple, and the story will start in their Honey Moon (Yeah! she will cheat the shit out of him right from the first day of their marriage!!). Of course, I'll preserve the double screen, so you can see what both are doing at the same time (the clueless husband and the slutty wife). I'm also thinking of making two versions when the story allows it: Meaning one CG with mystery alone (all from the husband POV) and another with both views at once (I'll just add the double screen so you can see what actually happened with the wife while the husband was "clueless").

Well, that's all for this update. Stay healthy and if you dare, check my Pixiv account to have a glimpse of Devil Tomgirl Tomoe Pilot (How does it sound?!... I really suck at title names...).




Can't wait to burn myself!

Stiig Dahl Nielsen

Congratulations on (almost) 500 followers Pixiv! I don´t mind if you share the Pillow Pin-Ups there. Devil Tomgirl Tomoe Pilot looks interesting. I assume ~Teaser Trip Kanon~ is many months in the future then? Will it come down to a vote if you will work on trip after Kanon's POV or is Kanon going to be Main Content from now on and the voting be for rewards content?


Thank you!! Hopefully, Trip will be finished before the end of the year. Whenever I finish the main project (Kanon's POV on Teaser~Date~Kanon this time) I'll make a poll, so you can decide which project should I focus on next. The next poll for the main content will include Teaser~Trip~Kanon, Voyeur, and maybe one more project.