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I sent the Aditional Content last Sunday. I didn't make a post about it because it's the first time since I started this path that I deliver something I'm not satisfied with. I had to rush things, and although some people wrote telling me they enjoyed it, I still feel frustrated for not be able to deliver what I initially envisioned. But this post is not to talk about that, since there are more important issues at hand.

People have been constantly asking me for more Kanon! Not only here on Patreon, but in other social media as well. I know you love Kanon! As a result, I've been making additional content about Kanon all this time... But then suddenly hit me: Why is that additional content? Shouldn't it be the main project, since so many people are eager for it?! So, maybe we should flip things: Make Teaser~Kanon the main project, leave everything else for later, or make it additional content. I think you would rather want to play Kanon's Pov in Teaser~Date~Kanon, as well as to see how the story continues in Trip, rather than have side stories about the series. I'll make a poll anyway so you can decide (although I can already imagine the results). If you want me to focus on Teaser~Kanon, I'll postpone Voyeur until after the Kanon series is done.

That's for the main project, now what's left is the problems with the additional content. What I want to do is this:

  • Main Project (around 20 days a month) -> Developing Voyeur or Teaser~Kanon series, depending on the results of the poll.
  • Additional Content (around 7~10 days a month) -> Developing an episodic story with new characters (more on that on the next update I'll be posting soon after this one).

Do you know what a pilot episode is? In case you don't know, it's a single episode (generally the first one of a TV series) that has the purpose of selling a TV show to a producer. So I've decided to do that, and you will be the producers. I'm going to develop a bunch of pilots in the next three or four weeks, so you can decide on a series that will be delivered as additional content every month.

I'm also doing this to have a good grasp of how much time it will actually take. If while developing one of the pilots I realize it will take more than a week to complete, I'll immediately drop it, and start working on the next idea.

And there are not only episodic stories, I have other ideas that could work very well, without taking too much time. For instance, the Pin-Up idea will probably take one day to make, so I could deliver a very sexy Pin-Up of Kanon (or any other of my girls), along with whatever series you choose. The magazine idea is also very interesting, I'll see if I can do it. There is also a surprise that will make great additional content, and that will take virtually no time to make, but it doesn't depend on me only, so I can't say anything about it yet.

This bunch of pilots will be the additional content reward for April and May (I'm merging both rewards into one). I think after this (hopefully), we will have a proper workflow and things will advance smoothly and fast from that point onward. 

Do you remember the polls I've been posting? Well, they were not there just for show. I'll be using the results now as a guide of the kind of additional content I'll be making in the next weeks. Running out of material is not really a problem for me, since I have dozens of stories and ideas in my mind. The real problem is that I don't have the time to make them all. So, right now, the polls will be really handy, to narrow down all those ideas. And I'll be posting a couple more polls soon after finishing this post (since I haven't posted any poll this month).

Finally, I want to thank you a lot for your understanding, your patience, and your support. You guys are awesome!! If you have any suggestions or commentaries, I'm always open to hearing them out.

That's all for now, stay healthy!!




Kanon main and second Trip :D

Stiig Dahl Nielsen

Super Kanon fanatic here! But I am also very curious about the surprise great additional content that depends on someone else :) I think this month is shaping up to be an interesting one