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Edit: Thanks to your comments I just noticed I made Katsuhiko look just like the MC of the Yakuza series. I played the first couple of Yakuza games years ago. When I was thinking of this character I was looking for a Yakuza, though as nails kind of appearance for this guy...I never noticed I made it look just like the MC from the Yakuza series (until someone mentioned his name in the comments). I wonder if somewhere in my mind I just remembered him unconsciously, thus modeling this character just like him (also unconsciously). The mind works in mysterious ways.

Now, this is really troublesome since I probably have to change his appearance. I mean it's too obvious. He looks just like him. I really can't believe it. I was truly amazed when I googled his name and find out how similar he looked.


I still have to work with the poses (especially for Ryouko), but I already finish the characters, so I might as well introduce them:

Tanaka Shahid (no image): The new employee at Kiriyama's Workshop. He's a very hard-working young guy that wants to avoid going back to the farm of his fathers in the country. He's a little bit naive and timid, so he often gets caught in other people's paces. He has surprising observant skills and a good sense of deduction despite his naivety. He's Japanese but has Indian blood from his great-grandfather's family.

Kiriyama Ryouko: The heroine of the Visual Novel. She's a flirtatious sexy woman with a playful attitude, a passion for cars, and a very bad attitude whenever she loses. She's married, but her passion for cars drove her to work as a very skilled mechanic in her husband's workshop.

Kiriyama Katsuhiko: The manager and owner of the successful Kiriyama Workshop (Ryouko's husband). Because of his serious attitude and old-fashioned taste for clothes, people often mistake him for a Yakuza. Even though he looks scary, he's actually a good, kind-hearted man... (or at least that's what the people who know him say about him) 

Sunohara Tomoji: Katsuhiko's right hand. An easygoing, care-free, and friendly guy. The type of guy that can befriend anyone. Because of his care-free personality, he doesn't seem too reliable, however, he's Katsuhiko's right hand for a reason.

Sawakita Shigezuki: A very successful and powerful businessman. Founder of the Sawakita Corporation (one of the biggest in the country). Despite his power position, he's much more down-to-earth than anyone will think (maybe because of his humble origins). Cleaver and cunning, he's used to getting whatever he set his eyes on. He's Kiriyama's Workshop's V.I.P. client.

Other Characters: Apart from the main characters described here, there are other minor characters that will play roles of different importance in the story.

About Voyeur: The story I'll tell in voyeur it's a little bit of an experiment. NTR is often tall with Mystery first and Revelation later, or switching between heroine's and MC's POV through the story. I wanted to change that a little bit.

What I intend to do with Voyeur is tell a story in which whenever we see the POV of a character, this character will become the voyeur: A character that will be detached from the actions that are happening in front of him, but withness of it all. Even the extra content that unlocks after finishing the main story, in which a certain character tells the player her own story, will be in a way that almost seems like this character is witnessing it, rather than telling it. Despite all that, there's only three POV's in the whole story, since I didn't want to go crazy (and derail the whole thing).

Now, that's the idea at least. if I'll manage to accomplish what I'm seeking...Well, that's something even I'm not sure of. But I want to try anyway. As you have seen, I don't really like to stick too much with NTR standards. While I do try to follow the tropes that make this genre great, I also want to try out new things. I don't really want to just copy-paste whatever other authors have done. I like to shake things up a little bit.

And that's all for this update. Stay tuned for more updates, including the info for the Aditional Content for March (that will be delivered on the 9th or 10th of April... If I can finish by then).

Stay Healthy!!

PD: Now that I reviewed the pictures, I just noticed I forgot to change Ryouko's Top Tank and Underwear (she was supposed to wear another set)... Well, I leave it like that for now.

Also, I forgot to mention that creating male good-looking characters in HS is extremely HARD!! There's no problem with the chads and netori guys, as these guys should look ugly or menacing/imposing... But I would really like to create more anime-like male characters for the "good guys". So, please excuse me if all the male characters look like thugs. I'll try to work a way around it in the future. For now, I'll try to fix it with storytelling.

Having said that, the husband was supposed to look like that. I'll conceive him like that since  I came out with the story. In fact, he ended up being almost exactly as how I imagined him. Why did I create a character like that to be the husband?... Well, you'll have to find out when the VN is finished.




You sure you wanna mess with the wife of someone who can throw hands against two tigers... and WIN?

Stiig Dahl Nielsen

Thought the adventures of Kazuma Kiryu was over... The "creating male good-looking characters in HS" I think you managed well with how Hiro looked in the end of Teaser Xmas Kanon. He was pretty enough.


I never noticed until you mention it! You probably don't believe me but this is a coincidence...or maybe something like that! I remember I played the first couple of Yakuza games years ago. When I was thinking of this character I was looking for a Yakuza, though as nails kind of guy...I never noticed I made it look just like the MC from the Yakuza series. I wonder if somewhere in my mind I just remembered him unconsciously, thus modeling this character just like him (also unconsciously). Now I wonder if I should change the apparence.