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First of all, don't forget tomorrow I'll be posting the riddle I promised you. The reward for the Patron that "show" me the answer (or at least tell me exactly where is it) will be a commission of something he would like me to do in one of my future works (we'll have to talk it out and reach an agreement). If none could come with an answer in a week, then I'll give you a clue! This will be repeated every week until someone can solve the riddle. The riddle will be posted at 14:00 Greenwich time (02:00 p.m. Greenwich time). I'm choosing that hour since I read that's the time most people are awake around the world. Since I have Patrons from all over the world, I wanted it to be as fair as possible for everyone! 

I was trying out beach maps and the lighting I'll use for Teaser~Trip~Kanon! I didn't like the results, but I still have lots of time to fix it, since I'll have to finish Teaser~Xmas~Kanon! and Voyeur~One-way Mirror~Ryouko! as well as implement the POV in Teaser~Date~Kanon! first, still, I wanted to show you a little bit of the results for you to know and also to share an idea I had.

I'm thinking of making Kanon and Pornstar-chan (yes I haven't decided a name for her yet...) meet during the trip in Teaser~Trip~Kanon! Keep in mind that this is just an idea and I might discard it, but maybe they could meet during a beauty pageant taking place during the trip to determine the queen of the summer (maybe on the second or third morning of the trip). They meet and hate each other instantly! So while they are going toe to toe against the other, their poor boyfriends (or to be boyfriend) will have a hard time trying to control them.

This is something I want to implement, not really for the sake of Kanon's story, but for Pornstar-chan's story. For Kanon's story, it will be some happening that took place during the trip. However, for Pornstar-chan's story, or rather, for his "to be boyfriend", this incident will become something very important in his relationship with Pornstar-chan! (By the way, the CG will be with bikinis in the actual VN, this was just a lightning test after all).

I think romance is very important in any NTR story. The sweetest and more romantic it is, the harder the NTR will hit later! But romance can't happen out of nowhere (at least not the good kind!), so special moments the characters share, are the cornerstones of any good romance! At least that's how I see it! So when you play Pornstar-chan's visual novel and see the scene from that side, you'll realize just how important that moment was for his "to be" boyfriend. That' why I'm considering including this scene in Teaser~Trip~Kanon! (again, it's just an idea that could be discarded at the end).

Finally, I want to introduce you all to Hiro's grandpa. He will play a small role in the micro visual novel I'm making for The Main Character and above tier ($8 and above). I'm in the process of making the takes of the backgrounds and CG's. So look forward to the release next weekend!

Well, that was all for this update! Until the next one! Take care!



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

Hope you still plan to include Sophie in the Teaser~Trip~Kanon!