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I'm very sorry for the delay in the update. Right now I'm developing Voyeur~One-way Mirror~Ryouko. This VN will be very different from my previous one in many aspects. For instance, the POV and storytelling will be quite "unique"?! It will also touch other sub-genre(s) of NTR (it won't be Mystery, but I promise you'll enjoy it!). I don't want to give many details yet to not spoil the fun. I think my Visual Novels are more enjoyable if played a little bit "blind", but you might guess, more or less what it'll be about by the title.

The main picture of this post features Ryouko, the heroine of this game. She's a married woman. I'm still working on her, but since I like the results so far I decided to introduce her to all of you. What do you think about her? My main doubt with her is the hair. I guess her hairstyle is not really fitting for a married woman, but then again Ryouko is not your typical wife. She's playful/flirtatious, frank, easygoing, and practical; so maybe her hair it's actually fitting for her personality.

Here are more pictures of her:

By the way, the main picture from this post was made from a scene from Metagraphy. He's a very skillful modder and 3D artist that helped me in my first VN too. Some of the movie posters I used in the theater halls in Teaser~Date~Kanon were made by him (he was very kind to allow me to use his works).

I'm also been working on the scenario and hopefully, I'll finish it this week. Then I can begin to make the sprites and backgrounds, after that comes the CGs and finally the programming in Renpy and making corrections. As with my last VN I'm writing the scenario directly on Atom (the text processor I'm using with Renpy):

Finally, there's something you have to know about the titles of my Visual Novels. The titles work like this:

Genre/Style~Chapter~Heroine (series).

So, for instance in Teaser~Date~Kanon it will be: Mystery NTR (Teaser)~Name of the chapter (Date, Trip, etc.)~Name of the series (Kanon).

In my next VN it will be: Voyeur (????????)~One-way Mirror (Name of the chapter)~Ryouko (Name of the heroine/series).

Well, that's all for now. I'll be posting a poll this week for those in the Antagonist pledge (5$) and above, and I'll be posting another update next weekend.

Take care!!



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