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Thank you so much for supporting me!! This will allow me to develop quality NTR Visual Novels for all of you to enjoy!!

This could change in the future, but for now, I'll develop short Visual Novels that can have a continuation (just like Tease~Date~Kanon!). Which of them continue will depend on you and your votes in the monthly polls. The idea behind this is to develop long stories made of short Visual Novels (think of it like this: every short VN is a chapter in the story). I'm aware, however, that this kind of storytelling doesn't work with all kinds of stories. For instance, corruption (when done right) can only happen in a story that encompasses a long period of time. So I want to develop long Visual Novels too.

I'm still a beginner in this business, so your suggestions and opinions will help me improve and decide what kind of stories I should focus on (long or short; mystery or not; NTR type A, B, Netorase, Swapping...etc. ). The NTR genre is very vast and I'm still to learn what I'm more comfortable with and what I'm good at.

If you have any doubts or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

Welcome aboard and Thank You Very Much for supporting me!!

PD: Kanon doesn't need glasses. She has perfect sight. She only wears anti-reflective glasses when she's working on the computer, to protect her beautiful eyes.



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

Out of curiosity. Do you have a story or reason behind the name Fullbluff?


Actually, there's, it's a little long though. I'll try to summarize. There was a time my nickname "darkincubo" was being used by other people more often in forums and such. I had to look for an alternative one. I choose FullBluff because poker was really popular at the time (I often played with my friends). I thought that nick would work because it's kind of ridiculous, I mean, who is going to bluff with a full for a hand?! I thought not many people will think of that (also it sounded better than Pokerbluff or Royalbluff). Then, when I was developing Tease~Date~Kanon! I thought it would fit just fine because: I knew I was doing something good, I knew the story was solid, I knew I had a good hand of poker, at least a Full... But on the other hand, there was this inner fear that other people won't see it like that, that they won't understand what I was trying to make, because it was not really that mainstream, so I thought that maybe everything I was making was just a big Bluff, that would be revealed the time I publish the work, and everyone could see, I had actually nothing! Hence: FullBluff