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Hey guys I would like to start by saying that I am sorry for not being responsive over the last few months and I would also like to thank everyone for sticking around, my life took an unexpected turn at the end of July, my estranged father was diagnosed with cancer and was given 7 weeks to live. Even though we did not have a good relationship in the past, I took on the responsibility of taking care of him during his last days, as I was the only other family member living in the same country as him. During his last days we were able to hash out our relationship and gain some closure. I’m sharing this story because as cliché as it may sound, I want everyone reading this to understand life is short and it’s best to forgive and cherish your loved ones. No matter how bad someone's actions may seem to you, understand everyone is human and every human is flawed in their own way. During this time, I was not in the right headspace to work on this project or be present online and all my family visiting me was not helping either. I hope you guys can understand my reasoning.

Last weekend I performed the last of my duties during his cremation and now I’m trying to put this chapter behind me.This time away gave me the opportunity to read a few erotic novels and play a few games that I would not have in the past. This has given me enough knowledge and confidence to continue the project on my own. This means I will not be enlisting anyone's help with the script, that being said; I have already started working on the project, and I will be back on discord in the first week of October thank you for understanding guys.

Ps. This is what I was able to put together with the drawings I completed before I received the news about my dad, and some of the writing is from the last two months hope you guys enjoy it.






Awesome, well awesome you are back as this game has a really good NTR plot in the making. Not awesome is that situation, sorry you had to go through that.


thank you, my goal is to create a stand alone NTR story along with the main story line. Meaning I want the two routes to feel like two different stories