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Hey guys I know it's been a long time since my last post but as I promised this post is the release.

It the last month I was moving the location of my irl job that along with this project had me extremely busy that was the main reason I was not able to keep up with updating you guys on my progress here and on discord, but this situation showed me my weaknesses and to address that I have given A mod role to spidey96 on the discord channel so If I am MIA you guys can get updates from him

As for the release:

It mainly focuses on the Tori route, Lily corruption route and the Tom Ntr route

This is the alpha and is being released to the top tiers

It focuses mainly on Lily corruption route

This release is again my writing without any revision or rewrites done by Elizzy

So, expect lots of mistakes and bad subpar writing

There are about 45 new artworks aside from backgrounds and sprites

And around 80 pages of dialogue

After releasing the last two versions I have a better understanding of how long it takes me between each full releases so my next full release which would be v3 is going to be in about 6 to 8 weeks I think it’s a good turn around considering I’m the only one working on the art and coding and most of the writing, also I plan on releasing the final version somewhere in the middle between this release and v3, the v2 final will have:

A stand-alone Mc and Sophia event which is fully written by Elizzy

And I have started drawing for it

It will also have a revised script rewritten by Elizzy

Along with a Mike Ntr event and a few additional artworks on the mc and tom Ntr route that was not included on this release

Hope you guys enjoy playing this as much as I have enjoyed making it 🍻



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