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I am now able to charge upfront so no more declined patrons after this month! This means if you're new you will have to pay first before you access anything (I had some issues with a few people leaking stuff, hateful bitches 😂)

What this means:
➖ If you change to a pack that is priced higher than your current pack before the 15th of each month, I'll refund you the money just so you don't get charged for 2 packs for one month. (This ofcourse can be negotiated via Messages)
➖ It'll automatically renew the 1st of each month.
➖ Now I will be more comfortable sharing even better things now that everyone will for sure be paying next month!

Thank you guys so much for the support! If you have any questions, please ask!
- Chris


kenziee styles

TBH this was about time due .. like it saves you being fucked over for your hard work so fair-play:D