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It was a scorcher of a day in July, and the radio said it
would reach 110 by noon. It was only my third time working
out at the gym, but this time I happened to get in at the
god-forsaken hour of 5:00am. The reason I was there that
early is a long story, but the upshot is that I was there to
see what I did. I could hardly believe my eyes, and at first
I thought I was hallucinating. She was about five-foot eight
inches tall and she looked like she was carved from solid
rock. Her conditioning bordered on the obscene, and it took
me a few seconds to realize I had been holding my breath.
She had on a one-piece outfit whose one piece could have
comfortably fit in a thimble.

It started with a very tiny thong-type bottom which in the
front turned into two thin lines of material that stretched
to her breasts. The actual patch of material covering her
crotch ended at a point not less then eight inches from her
navel; it was so small I couldn't imagine it covering much
more than her vulva. At a point slightly below her breasts
the two chords of material widened, but at her breasts they
achieved a width of only about four inches. After leaving
her breasts, each side thinned to a string again and
connected at the back of her neck. As for the rear, there
was hardly anything to speak of. As I said it was thong-
style at the crotch and it only managed to widen to about
four inches where the small of her back was before thinning
again to meet the strands at her neck.

The light-gray material was stretched to the point of
ripping over the impossible angles of her hips, breasts,
back, and shoulders. At her crotch, the material was so
tight that you could easily slide a ruler in the gap between
her skin and the front patch of the thong. Her ample, but
not overly-large, breasts had enough material to cover their
nipples, but not much more. The strands of her outfit that
reached from crotch to breast didn't even approach any part
of her abdomen, but instead were pulled taut. Likewise, if
she arched her back even slightly, the strand along her back
would be suspended some distance away from her body. The
material seemed to be completely made of cotton and it was
very thin; her nipples were partially in view and you could
make out some lines where her vulva was.

She had dirty-blonde hair that fell straight to her
shoulders.  Her face was beautiful with full, red lips,
prominent cheekbones, and large, blue eyes. She didn't seem
to be wearing much makeup.  She wasn't wearing shoes so it
could be seen that both her fingernails and toenails were
cut short and painted red. She had no jewelry on except for
a small diamond stud in each ear.

Her overall condition was almost painful to witness. Not a
trace of body fat could be seen anywhere on her. She was
tendon-shredded to the bone. Every time she made even the
slightest movement you could see muscle fibers at work,
dancing under her skin. Her skin itself had a translucent
paper-thin quality to it that made it possible to see the
texture of her muscle fibers.

Her upper arm must have been sixteen inches around. Each
biceps had an insane peak that split at the top, and the
primary bulges rose at an alarming angle from about an inch
away from her elbows. Each had two large vein running along
its upper surface, one of  which split at the shoulder
towards her delts and chest.  The other, further toward the
outside of her biceps joined with the vascularity on her
delts. Away from this main vein shot three or four smaller
veins that inched towards the back of her arm, both on her
inner and outer arms. Her triceps was incredibly striated
and the horseshoe-shape was very clearly defined. Her, too,
veins spread from the center of her triceps, on either side,
towards the top of the biceps. On the inside and outside of
her upper arm, there was a deep separation between the
biceps and triceps, and on the inside of her arms a single
large vein ran through it.

Each forearm looked to be at least fifteen inches around.
Every viewing angle uncovered the same thing, huge amounts
of shredded muscle. Here and there you could see lumps of
muscle bulging away from the main mass, and the muscle
fibers were clearly visible beneath the skin. The veins here
were also  remarkable. About four thick veins ran lengthwise
on her inner forearms and another two or three ran along her
outer forearms. Between these were numerous smaller veins
running cross-wise along the inner and outer parts of her
forearms. The largest veins  on her inner forearms merged at
her elbows to form the large veins that dominated her
biceps. One vein on either forearm, further toward the
outside of this conflagration, simply snaked straight up her
outer biceps.

Her shoulders were huge and looked like football shoulder
pads.  But these "pads" were hard and dense, with tiny
striations everywhere. Each of the three heads, front, back,
and side, were equally amazing. Each of her side shoulder
caps cut sharply into the side of each arm and they were
covered in a tiny network of veins. Her back was a virtual
anatomy lesson, with muscles normally only seen on an
anatomy chart clearly evident and absolutely ripped to
shreds. The middle of her upper back was a alive with tiny
striations and veins. Smaller veins snaked out for a short
distance to either side. Her traps were huge, bulging with
muscles, and flared out to either side shrinking into the
deep cuts of her lower back. The large striations on her
lower back were startling.

Her chest was simply breathtaking. Even relaxed there was a
clear separation evident running from her neck to the bottom
of her chest, two finger-widths wide, and you could see
striations on either side of this crevice. There was a small
triangle in the middle of her lower chest that opened onto
her upper as. Inside the triangle was a small indentation,
another indication of her unearthly conditioning. Her
breasts would probably fill a C cup nicely. They were shaped
perfectly (perhaps a bit too round for some), and they
defied gravity with arrogance.

There is no way that I can possibly say enough about her
legs.  Her thighs were at least twenty-eight inches around
and as hard as diamonds. They were unshakable pillars of
granite. Her calves were about fifteen inches around and
equally freaky; hard balls of muscle riding high on her
lower leg. The front of her thighs were cut to shreds, with
a large tear-drop muscle crazily defined just above each
inner knee. Within each tear-drop there were striations
criss-crossing wildly. The outside of her thighs swept
outward at an impossible angle and you could make out
ribbons of hard muscle stretched along the surface. Her
hamstrings were more defined than any male bodybuilder I had
ever seen, huge, hard, masses of muscle bunched up into an
immense knot, bulging and deeply cut. Even her glutes had
striations and they were the most beautifully shaped muscles
I had ever seen. They were obviously hard as rock and they
swept slightly downward and inward. Her entire hip area was
ripped to the bone, and even her adductor muscles that ran
from her inner thigh into her crotch were big, hard, and
cut, causing the patch of material there to be stretched
even further.

Veins ran in all different directions over her entire legs.
A few very large veins ran down the front of each thigh,
over each knee and down the front and back of her calves.
Smaller, but still large, veins crisscrossed between these
large ones. I could even make out a couple of veins snaking
along her inner thighs and along her hamstrings. Small veins
also bunched up on the side of her hips and a couple even
approached her glutes. The largest veins on her thighs
bunched up at either side of her crotch. Some of these
disappeared below her tiny bikini patch and resumed their
course afterwards up her ultra-ripped, bulging abdominals. 
Some of the veins traveled on either side of the patch, and
these too snaked up her lower torso. I could count at least
four large veins that pulsed up her tight lower abs, and two
clearly continued up her abdominals. One of these ran up her
painfully shredded inter-costals, merged with a vein on her
inner lat, ran behind her shoulder and into her back. The
other ran up the front of her four muscular abdominal ridges
to the triangle of her lower chest and disappeared there. As
she walked I could even catch striations coming out on her

I gasped audibly.

She walked up to me and asked, "You're here a bit early,
aren't you?" in a sultry deep voice. My brain seemed to be
recovering, but I still couldn't get my mouth to work very
well. "Uh, yeah," I deftly responded.

I had enough rational thought left in me to sense that she
enjoyed torturing me by her mere presence. "Well, as long as
you're here," she said, "why don't you help me with my

II. Workout

She didn't give me much time to respond. Not that it would
have mattered since I was absolutely speechless -- stunned
into silence. Instead, she turned quickly and headed over to
a rack of dumbbells. Pausing for a second before settling on
a pair of  45s.  She sat on an incline bench and started to
pump out some presses.

She easily cranked out ten reps as if  the weight were
hardly there. From there she picked up a pair of 60s. These
reps didn't come quite as fast, but she got to ten without
too much trouble. But she didn't stop at ten. At rep 20 she
started to really slow done, and her chest exploded with
striations and veins. She started arching her back off the
bench, seemingly pushing her breasts up toward the ceiling,
straining the already over-burdened material of her suit. On
rep 21 she let out a ragged breath as she drove the weights
up. With her arms extended, I could see the veins running
along them. She lowered the weights, getting a full stretch, 
her pec-shoulder tie-in just strands of striated muscle. She
pushed it up four more times, grunting with effort each

Next she picked up a pair of 80s. She had a look of intense
concentration on her face, unbroken by the beads of sweat
that had started dripping down her face and body. She pushed
the 80s up, really slow and determined. Again and again she
raised them, sweat now flowing freely down her arms, pooling
at her neck, and beginning the journey down her abs. On the
tenth rep she let out a scream of agony or perhaps fierce
determination or both. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, her sweat-
soaked chest pumped beyond my belief, cut to shreds and
feathered with veins competing for my attention. The patches
of material of her top were soaked with sweat, too, and her
hard nipples stood at perfect attention through the damp
cloth. I stood mesmerized as a single drop of sweat traveled
down her chest, followed a vein off to side, reached her
left breast, trickled down the beautiful bulging sweep of
her breast, trembling there for a second, and then falling
to the floor.  On the fourteenth rep, the weights stopped
halfway up, she arched her back, screaming in agony, and
slowly pushed them up. As she started rep fifteen, her whole
body was trembling with effort. Tears flowed down her
cheeks, mingling with the sweat. Practically her whole body
was raised off the bench, and I could see her glutes
squeezed tight into striated balls dripping with sweat. The
weights were moving very slowly, shaking the whole time. She
half scream-moaned and willed the dumbbells up. They stopped
halfway there and started descending, but with an agonizing
gasp she stopped their descent. It took a full ten seconds
for the weights to reach the top, at which she let out a
moaning whimper and brought them down to the floor.

She lay back on the bench, sweat flowing freely and
copiously down her body, her chest heaving with labored
breaths. Her painfully shredded abs pulsed in and out with
each breath, and when she stretched her abs on the inhale
the veins running along them became much more pronounced. 
"Come touch me," she said. Not needing to be told twice, I
gingerly touched her abs. Her whole body was extremely hot
to the touch, and drenched with sweat. I fingered one of the
veins on her lower abs and it felt as hard as the rest of
her as it rolled under my touch. It was like feeling hot,
wet, striated metal. "OK, enough," she said as she got up
and grabbed the 100 pound dumbbells.

I could hardly believe my eyes as she hauled first one of
the dumbbells and then the other to each knee with two loud
grunts. She laid back on the incline bench and held the
weights at the bottom of the rep while hyperventilated to
start the set. Then she began. I don't know if you've ever
seen 100 pound dumbbells before, or ever tried to lift one,
but they're intimidating as hell in person. As soon as she
began, she raised most of her body off the bench so that
just the back of her shoulders was touching it while her
feet were touching the flour. The first rep was slow, but
determined, and she gasped through clenched teeth to get
through it. Her pecs were in-human looking at this point.
Thick plates of muscle atop her chest, striated beyond
reason, and shockingly vascular. She let out a scream at the
bottom. "Up!" and pushed again. Halfway up her whole body
started shaking, but with an utterly savage, intense look in
her eyes the weight continued up to the top and back down.
She adjusted her feet slightly, causing muscle fibers to
ripple along her thighs and into her crotch with  striations
darting through her abs. "Win!" she yelled, and the weight
moved once more. Tears started streaming down her face,
mixing with her sweat.

Sweat from her face, back and glutes kept dripping onto the
bench, while sweat from her arms and legs dripped onto the
floor. Unbelievably, she managed to get them to get them to
the top, but she looked ready to explode from the sheer
effort, agony written all over her face. Veins ran all over
her inner arms all the way down to her armpit and the down
her inter-costals. Down the weights came. Even in the down
position, her whole body was trembling violently now. She
screamed once, twice, trying to push the barbells again, but
they would not move. She started sobbing, and screamed in
pain. "Win!" she moaned, and incredibly, inexorably, the
weight begin to move up once again. She kept screaming and
shaking all the way to the top, her chest heaving
uncontrollably in convulsions of effort. Just short of the
top the weights stopped for a second then started to fall.
But they fell only briefly. Her whole body seemed to flex to
the breaking point, and she willed the weights to the top.
The she dropped the weights and fell to the floor.

She was on her hands and knees. Sweat literally pouring onto
the floor and down her body, gasping for air. After about a
minute or two, she turned to me and said "Get on!" as she
assumed the pushup position. I couldn't believe it, but I
walked over and lay across her, my hard cock between her
even harder, striated glutes, my grabbing her vascular
shoulders. She started right away. I was so turned on by
this that I started pumping my cock between her glutes. She
managed 10 reps fairly easily, but the eleventh was much
harder. I could feel her whole body shaking and straining. I
put my hands under her arms and on her chest. It was on
fire! I could feel the muscle fibers and the pulsing veins.
She was as solid as a rock beneath me, but the pools of
sweat on her made it difficult to stay on. Twelve. Thirteen.
She was moaning now with each slow rep. Fourteen, Fifteen.
Very slow now.  "More," I said, in ecstasy, "five more!" I
had already cum in my pants, but I was still delirious with
pleasure. She went up again, screaming as she went. With one
hand I stroked her abs. God! It was like her abs were etched
into granite! Rep 17 and 18  went the same, rep after
tortuous rep. How can she do it?, I thought. She was like a
machine. I was hardly coherent any more, awash in ribbons of
hard muscle, sweat, and veins, but rep 19 felt different.
She would pause for a second and then heave mightily. It
took three of these gut-wrenching exertions to make it to
the top. I could hear her weeping beneath me, her lungs on
fire. But she knew she had one more to go. She let out a
wild yelp and pushed up for rep 20. In the middle of the rep
she stopped. She shook and strained, but couldn't seem to
move. "You can't do it!," I said, somehow relieved that she
had limits. I even started bouncing harder on her back. She
went almost the whole way back to the ground, but didn't
touch the floor. She let out a prolonged scream and started
rising again, impossibly slow. "Stop!," I screamed.  She
paused and screamed "Nooo!" and kept screaming until she
reached the top and collapsed.

I felt like she had beaten me in some way, but I was just
enjoying being on top of her. Then she rolled me off her
back and said  between gasps of pain, "I never... told
you... you could get... that frisky. But it was so... good!"
I could only stare at her in response.  She stood up and
faced me, still breathing very hard, her arms held away from
her body, veins on her abs and chest flushed. "This is for
you she said, I won't stop till you tell me." And she put
her hands on her hips and squeezed out a most muscular pose.
She flexed and strained and every muscle of her body
exploded in even more detail! During the pushups one of her
nipples became exposed and sweat dripped off the tip. Huge
veins were spread everywhere on her chest, arms and legs,
and abs. She let out a whimper. At some point she started
quivering, and her chest became even more pumped, huge,
vascular, cut and striated. Her beautiful breasts were
shaking too. I couldn't believe it.  She dropped to her
knees, still squeezing, raising her eyes to the ceiling.
"Stop!" I said, but she looked at with defiance and pushed
for a couple of more seconds before quitting. I looked at my
watch and saw that she had been in the pose for almost a
full minute! She lay on the floor completely splayed out.
"You're incredible, " I said. She didn't respond. She lay
there for a few minutes and then got up.

She  walked over to the leg extension machine and sat down,
covering her left nipple again as she did so.  She put 100
pounds on the stack, and started cranking out reps. At the
top of each rep she would hold her legs steady, flexing, for
about five seconds or so.  As she lifted her legs they
became even more striated, every inch of thigh looking like
strands of rope bunched together. As she lowered the weight
back down, chords of hard muscle along her outer thighs
quivered under her skin. The veins that covered her thighs
and calves became more engorged and prominent with each rep.
I couldn't believe the lack of body fat on this woman. Her
skin looked dry and fragile, as even the texture of her
muscles could now be seen, at least at my close distance.
Before I knew it, she had pumped out 20 reps.

She was breathing heavy, still not fully recovered from her
chest workout. As she prepared for the next set, sweat
dripped down her chest, and down her abs. As she breathed,
her lower bikini patch would sometimes pull away from her
lower abdomen, but all I could see was darkness beneath.
While sitting, not even folds of skin could be seen between
her upper thighs and her hip. All that was there was corded,
vascular muscle.

She set the weight stack to 150 pounds. As she started the
set, she gripped the hand-holds hard, making the veins on
her arms multiply and bulge, and her already-engorged chest
seemed to swell again. She wasn't holding these reps as long
at the top, but she still managed a second or two. Droplets
of sweat covered her thighs and poured down their sides. 
After the third rep, she gasped, and breathing three quick
breaths, said "Feel my thighs!".  I placed both hands
gingerly on one of her thighs, my hands seeming suddenly
very small. She groaned with effort and pushed the weights
up, and her leg exploded beneath my hand. It was like
touching a writhing mass of snakes, only the snakes were
steel cables and slick with sweat. When she held it at the
top I could feel  (and see) her legs quivering in pain, and
I could feel the veins of her thighs filling with blood..
"Push down," she ground out through clenched teeth, and let
out another gasp and moan. I started pushing down on her
calves,  and at first I didn't feel much resistance, but
almost immediately she screamed and stopped me. She growled
"push harder!" I leaned forward onto her legs with almost my
full weight. She screamed again and threw her head back into
the pad of the machine, looking up at the ceiling, bug-eyed,
huge veins standing up around a neck corded with muscle and
drenched in sweat. The whole machine shook with the force of
her exertions, as she hunched her shoulders, and took her
glutes off the machine. Her legs looked they would literally
explode any minute, as they slowly, very slowly, sank
beneath me.  It took me about ten seconds to push her legs
all the way back, and the whole time they were shuddering
violently. Even near the end she wouldn't give up, and kept
flexing her thighs unbelievably hard for a second or two
after I had pinned them. I was winded and sweating and in

Sweat dripped off her nose as she looked at me, breathing in
deep gasps.  She stood up, and immediately fell to the
ground, catching herself with one arm before she hit the
floor.  She grabbed a nearby piece of equipment and
straightened herself up, although it didn't seem like she
could straighten her legs completely. She looked at me with
tears in her eye, but with a fierce demeanor, and said half
to me and half to herself, "I swear to God I'm gonna win."
The leg extension machine was shiny with her sweat, and it
still held the indentations of her body.  Her thighs looked
freakier then any pair I had ever seen, male or female, and
rivulets of sweat washed freely down them, sometimes tracing
a thick vein, other times following a ridge of hard,
shredded, muscle. Looking at her legs, though, shredded
seemed a completely inadequate word.  As I was watching,
stunned, she stumbled back to the leg extension machine. I
watched as she increased the weight to 200.

She was set to go, breathing hard, already gripping the
handles in a death-grip. She paused for a second to wipe the
sweat from her eyes.  It didn't seem to do much good. She
got halfway into the first rep, and the weights came back
down, as she groaned in pain and surprise. Taking a few more
quick breaths, her tears  flowing again, she started to
scream, arched her back and glutes off the machine, and
began. I'll never forget what happened next. Even now, I can
scarcely believe it. She didn't pause at the top any more,
but started pumping out quick reps, all the while suspending
herself above the machine, only the backs of her knees and
her hands were touching. Each rep was accompanied by a gut-
wrenching scream of anguish. She managed three reps like
this and then paused. Chest heaving, her arms trembling,
knuckles white, she raised her eyes to the ceiling. Sweat
fell from her body everywhere -- legs, arms, glutes, back.
She twisted her body in agony, and sweat that had pooled on
her abs and in her crotch streamed onto the floor. The
screaming started again. Four, five, six. Three more quick
reps. Each more unbelievable as the one that came before it.
Each rep shook the machine violently threatening to knock it

This time when she paused her whole body was shaking like
leaf. She screamed again, "Nooo!" Like an unstoppable
machine she pushed again, but this time the weight went up
slow. It stuck halfway up, and she let out a blood-curdling
scream. Every muscle in her body was flexing and straining
to the breaking point, as if she were trying to pour her
entire body's power into her legs.  Somehow, the weight went
up, and then crashed down. Still suspended above the
machine, she started sobbing. She sputtered something under
her breath I couldn't make out. Suddenly she screamed again
and pumped another four reps, this time lifting the machine
a quarter inch off the floor with each rep. I wasn't seeing
a human being any more. What I saw was a beast of granite-
hard, shredded to the bone, hyper-vascular muscle, bathed in
sweat that was streaming off her body. Each rep ended by
making the scream a little louder. She looked over at me
then and my trance broke. She managed to say in a tiny
wavering voice, "Push it up."  I could hardly lift the
weight using my whole body, but I got under it and
straightened her legs. At her signal I let go. Staring in
disbelief I watched as the weight stood suspended. Her eyes
were closed, and her legs were vibrating with strain. Every
muscle fiber of her thighs were clearly visible, tendons
taught, veins everywhere bulging with the rush of blood.
"No!" she cried, and she looked up to the heavens. "No!" she
cried again, defying her muscle by a sheer act of will.
Suddenly, in one motion, the weights fell and she collapsed
off the machine onto the floor.

I saw that the steel hand grips had been bent slightly out
of place and the machine had moved a few inches out of
place. She crawled, using only her arms to where she had her
gym bag, and taking out a smaller brown bag she wretched
into it.  She rolled over onto her back, and spread her legs
out. Muscles in her legs and crotch were still quivering
slightly, and the floor was wet with sweat. Her left nipple
was exposed again. The extreme vascularity of her thighs
combined with their freakish lack of any fat whatsoever took
my breath away. She lay that way for a few minutes,
oblivious to my presence. She got up, still a little wobbly,
and walked over to the chinning bar.

She took an over-handed grip and did 10 very easy looking
reps. She got down and hooked a 45 pound weight around her
waist.  This time the reps were slower, and by the end of
the sixth rep she was groaning with effort. Her upper back
was covered in veins that started directly in the center and
then tapered to the sides. Striations punctured her skin
everywhere, and small bulges of hard muscle gathered in
places I didn't even know were places.  Her glutes and
thighs were just being carried along for the ride, but I was
still excited by their hardness and the way her glutes
defied gravity.  On and on she went. She yelled out in
defiance as she completed her fifteenth rep. Sweat was now
flowing down her body again, and I watched as it dripped
freely off  her striated glutes onto the floor. I turned to
the front of the station and could see the pain evident in
her face, wet with perspiration. Every time she completed a
rep she would arch her back causing her perfect breasts to
push against the already war-weary material. Her abs seemed
to be flexing pretty hard, and her entire abdomen was awash
with veins and bulging with hard muscles, packed extremely
tightly under her almost non-existent skin. The sweat
pouring down her belly navigated these obstacles before 
dripping down her thighs or into her crotch.  I watched as
she completed 25 solid reps, and then jumped down.

She took off the weights and looked at me for a second. Then
she hung off the chin-up bar and said "Get on!"  I faced her
and wrapped my arms around her chest, under her shoulders
and grabbed the tops of her shoulders. I wrapped my legs
around her waist. I could already feel the strain she was
feeling, and she was already panting hard.  "Up!" she
screamed , and impossibly we moved skyward. It was a slow
agonizing rep. I moved my hands a little and I felt her back
muscles shaking with strain, the veins hot. When I moved my
hands I also realized with dismay that she was supporting
the majority of my weight with her hip and ab muscles.  She
came all the way back down. Her sweat covered me, soaking my
shirt, my shorts, and just about everywhere else on my body.
My penis was so hard it hurt, and I was sure she could feel
it. She started sobbing/growling, a strange sound that I
started to associate with her super-heroic efforts. Again we
went to the top of the bar. As we went to the top I started
to slip, but she actually paused at the top and pulled her
legs/hips forward to stop me from falling. I looked her
straight in the eye, and I saw a wild animal. Her lip was
twitching in a snarl, and two veins pulsed in her forehead.
She held me that way at the top of the rep for almost ten
seconds, the whole time I felt her body vibrating with agony
beneath me. I felt her abs, and they didn't feel like
anything organic. Instead they felt like wet, hot steel,
feathered with ropy veins. My fingers couldn't even begin to
penetrate the folds of her rippling stomach.

Then she lowered me again, and started immediately in on the
next rep! It was ultra-slow, and the machine shook badly.
She cried out many times during our ten second journey, but
she refused to give up. Sometimes when she paused I
absolutely believed she would quit, but she would just cry
out, look me in the eye and somehow we moved. I can hardly
describe it in words, her shaking all over, the muscles in
her back exploding with power. Through all of this she still
held my weight with her legs and abs. When we reached the
top, and her face was a mask of pain, I was in for another
surprise. Instead of lowering us back down, she screamed
"Win, win!" as she pulled us even higher, arching her back
and pushing her chest, with me on board, toward the ceiling.
She held that flex for two seconds, all the while sobbing
and gasping, her back muscles quivering, already past
exhaustion. Her right nipple became exposed by this latest
effort, and a droplet of sweat hung suspended from it.
Overcome with desire I hugged her close, pressing my body
close to hers and burying my face in her chest and breasts.
I kissed the striations and veins that covered her chest and
shoulders, and licked her nipple. I didn't even notice that
we were at the bottom of the rep until I heard her speak
into my ear. "This.... is.... for.... you...." With a
determination and force of will beyond my comprehension she
pulled us toward the ceiling again. This time she screamed
like a banshee the entire time, and I felt her body
convulsing with strain even as I held it tightly.  Near the
top she stalled and started applying short bursts of
monstrous power, each burst moving us another inch, each
burst wracking her body in pain. At the top she suddenly let
out a fierce scream of rage, "Yes!" and she lowered us down,
very fast and not too gracefully. I practically fell with
her when she fell to the floor.

I noticed now that she had bitten her lip somewhere in that
last rep and if was trickling blood.  Her back was
absolutely alive with striations and engorged veins. Sweat 
dripped in great streams off her breasts, legs, and abs as
she gasped uncontrollably for air. "I can't believe it," I
said.  She look at me then, and still gulping air and
sobbing she said "You... haven't seen... anything..."


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