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   "Excuse me, Tiny, but do you know where Mrs. Claus ran off to?  I need to run these new toy ideas past her."  Santa Claus asked his head elf Tiny.

   "Yes, sir.  I believe she said she was going to work on the sleigh."

  "Thank you, Tiny.  And great work on the last batch of firetrucks.  That new siren you installed works perfectly."  Santa said, giving Tiny the thumbs up.

  "Thank you, sir!  But it was your idea.  You deserve the credit."

  "Teamwork Tiny.  We all do this together.  Now I better find the wife.  I'll catch up with you later."  Santa waved, leaving to find Mrs. Claus in the far end of the workshop.  

  He greeted nearly every elf as he passed by, checking to make sure everything was running smoothly.  And of course sneaking a few extra cookies, fresh out of the oven, as he walked by the kitchen.  He found Mrs. Claus right where Tiny said she would be.  Only she wasn't working on the sleigh, rather working out with it.  When Santa walked into the machine shop, he found Mrs. Claus with the sleigh balanced across her back, as she squatted it with ease.  She then, for good measure, started to press it over her head.   

  "You know, Martha, when Tiny said you were working on the sleigh, I'm not sure this is what he had in mind."  Santa said with a chuckle.  

  "I am working on it.  I just needed a break."  she said, gently putting it on the ground, before approaching Santa.  

  With every step, she got larger and larger.  As she came to a stop just in front of him, Santa got an eyeful of her magnificent chest, two medicine sized lumps of flesh, overflowing her red suit like loaves of bread rising in an oven.   

  "I think I may need a bigger suit."  Mrs. Claus said, nonchalantly picking up Santa's round figure, and setting him on her massive, prize winning pumpkin sized shoulders, his favorite seat in the entire North Pole.  "The arms are getting a little tight."  she continued, while bringing her arm up and flexing her bicep.

  It rose towards the sky, her large fist disappearing behind the vein covered mound rising until it's craggy peak came to rest right in front of Santa's widened eyes.  Her short sleeve, trimmed with white fur, tore all the way to her shoulder, pulling apart right underneath Santa as he reached out to touch the enormous flesh mountain.  She loved it when he touched her muscles, the soft, warm feeling of his hands exploring every nook and cranny of he endless striations and finger thick veins, sent reverberations through her body, like a lightning bolt of pleasure.  He was magical after all.  Tonight, she was in for a special treat, for he leaned over and hugged the gigantic muscle, wrapping his arms around and leaning his cheek against it.  It felt like she was getting hit with a million tiny sparks, crescendoing into an avalanche of orgasmic bliss.  She felt more powerful than ever, flexing every muscle in her body as hard as she possibly could.  Her entire suit exploded into tiny shreds of fabric and fur as she shook with a seemingly never ending sexual fury.  Santa grabbed onto her bicep tighter as mini muscle earthquakes started to pulse through her body, causing random muscles to pop up and out higher than ever before.  Her bicep quivered and shook sliding against Santa's skin as it's soccer ball sized peak ascended nearly half a foot past her previous record.  Mrs. Claus screamed as she unleashed a flood, cum covering nearly half the floor, as she finally felt the release she was craving.  

  "Oh my."  Martha said between gasps of breath.  "Thank you dear.  That was wonderful."  She set Santa on the ground.

  "My pleasure, darling.  Those muscles of yours are a gift that keeps on giving." Santa said.

  "Well I have to be strong for my Santa.  Someone has to do the heavy lifting around here."  she said with a grin, as she began to curl the sleigh, the mighty peaks of her arms denting the side of the sleigh a little more with every lift.  "Don't you worry.  I'll have that all "buffed" out by morning."  she said with a sly wink.  

  "I have no doubt.  You are, after all, a wizard with metal.  Now I wanted to go over the list of ideas for new toys.  Feel like grabbing a cookie?"  Santa said, pulling out his list.

  "Of course dear.  I hear Maddy has come up with a new protein recipe.  Have to eat to grow! I'll clean this little mess up later."  Santa started to drool a little as he watched Martha's prodigious quad muscles jiggle and flap with every step.  Calves as wide as both his legs put together flexed with every heavy footfall into heart shaped masses.  She grabbed his hand and they began the trek back to the kitchen.

   "Hello, Maddy.  Have any cookies ready to sample?"

  "Hello Mrs. Claus!  Santa!  Of course ma'am!  Fresh out of the oven.  I even put in some of your favorite vanilla chips!"  Maddy, the head baker elf said, placing a plate of cookies in front of Mrs. Claus on the counter.

  "Oooh. Yummy."

  Mrs. Claus grabbed one of the thick, yet soft cookies and raised it to her mouth, then suddenly paused.  

  "I have a better idea."  she said.  

  Laying her arm on the counter, she balanced the cookie on her outstretched bicep.  Winking at Santa, running her tongue over her lips, she slowly began to raise her forearm.   The massive mound began to contract and then expand upwards in slow motion, inch by inch it continued to rise, halfway up the forearm, higher and higher, straining  and pushing against it as the rumbling ball of meat hit wrist level, but still it rose.  Drool dripped down Santa's chin, his tongue hanging out, as the peak began rubbing against her fist, the cookie now nearly eye level, but still she wouldn't stop.  The massive mountain of beef continued to pump upwards, to the top of her forehead, a hot dog sized vein piercing the skin underneath the cookie.  

  "Where, O, where has my cookie gone?"  Mrs. Claus said, feigning surprise, a grin breaking out on her face, as the mountain's shadow grew even larger.  

  She began to caress the inhuman mound with her flexing hand, as the tent in Santa's pants bulged even further.  

  "I so wanted to taste that cookie.  But, wait.  Is that a crumb I see?"  

  Her tongue slithered out of her mouth and began to lap at the side of the bicep colossus, as it continued its slow ascent, poking the air above the top of her head.  

  "What a tasty little morsel.  Oooh.  I think I spy another one."  she said, her grin growing with her arm.  "Do you see it, dear?"  

  "I, uh. Uh..."  Santa's mind was on the edge of a meltdown, as Mrs. Claus clenched her fist, a literal army of veins and striations exploding out of her skin as the muscular behemoth mushroomed nearly two feet higher!  Mrs. Claus began to pop the mass up and down, her fist slapping the side of beef, as it dropped and rose nearly a foot each time!  Somehow the cookie remained teetering on the vein, still out of reach of her wanting mouth.   

  "And for my next trick..."  Mrs. Claus said, as Santa began to sway slightly with lightheadedness.  

  She let her bicep relax until it the peak was just below her chin, lowered her forearm slightly, and then clenched her fist so hard her knuckles turned white.  The bicep bulge began to shake, rumble, and sway, like a volcano ready to erupt, the skin turning a reddish color.  She wagged her tongue at the cookie, bouncing her eyebrows at Santa, as a nuclear bomb of muscle detonated.  Santa could barely see the cookie fly off of the fifteen foot tall pinkish monster in front of him, before the cookie dropped perfectly into Mrs. Claus's mouth. All of his strength was zapped, legs giving out, and the world went black, as he dropped like a sack of potatoes on the floor.

  "These are great, Maddy!  Whip me up a couple more batches will you?  I've got to get Santa upstairs.  Put this extra protein to good use."  

  "Um, yes. Right away, ma'am!"  Maddy said, in awe of what she just saw.


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