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Emily kept her gaze low as she entered auditorium and yet she couldn't help feel that everyone's gaze was upon her. She felt like the elephant in the room which amongst a sea of bulging beauties was no small feat and yet something was stirring in her, bypassing those nerves that caused her to shake, it was pride. To Emily bodybuilding was more than a hobby, it was a way of life, a religion and this was one girl that happily devoted her hours to the church of muscle.

She was the youngest by far, most of the women there had spend their entire lives devoted to being the best and yet Emily dwarfed them all so effortlessly. She had to of easily weighed more than all of them combined and even the veins throbbing across that excessive bulk were thicker that their entire arms. She was only slightly over average height for a girl her age and yet her muscle seemed to tower even higher, her towering traps looming over her and her head so tiny, so minuscule amongst the rolling hills and valleys of rippling flesh that threatened to engulf and overwhelm her.

Whilst her body was incredible, her features seemed almost at odds with the titanic flesh, so out of place like someone had forced a jigsaw piece in the wrong spot. For a girl of such incredible almost limitless power she seemed very timid, her little nose twitching cutely giving the impression of a field mouse as a pair of fashionable glasses teetered on the edge of her nose. She was cute rather than beautiful, her hair fiery red, her skin lightly freckled and her features small and slight which only seemed to make her muscles look even more colossal.

It was Emily's first contest and she didn't know what to expect, at first she never really wanted to compete, she thought it was exploiting her obvious advantages but her friends had talked her around and she could already hear them whooping and cheering in the audience. It had taken her over an hour to force herself into her posing bikini, the first time she tried it twanged off and smacked her in the eye and the second time it hurtled towards the window making a rather gigantic hole; her landlady Mrs Morris was not going to be pleased.

"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the European Bodybuilding Championship! The professionals will be strutting their stuff in a few hours, but now it's time for the amateur league to hit the stage. First off we have a newcomer on the scene, Misssss Emily Shaw!"

Upon hearing her name Emily rushed to the stage, the ground shaking underneath her heavy footsteps, almost tripping over her own feet. The crowd went silent, they didn't know what to expect, some looked on in awe, others in horror, whispers of "Fake", "Monster!" echoed through the crowd as Emily stepped on the stage. Her friends were cheering, waving to her from the back causing a blush to settle on her cheek and the rest of the auditorium fell into stunned silence to the point you could hear a pin drop.

"You...you may begin your routine Emily" the announcer called out shaken by her monstrous appearance.

Emily took a deep breath and tensed up, her body seemed to literally expand right before their very eyes, doubling and then tripling to the point her face was barely visible amongst the rippling mass. Her pecs tensed, pushing out several feat from her hulking body causing that bikini top to strain and almost rip across her ludicrous mass. Her gorgeously sculpted 12 pack seemed to morph, countless more abdominals slamming together, fighting for room on her stomach as they were surrounded by a rippling ocean of obliques. Her stomach looked like it was cut from diamond, the encroaching veins sprawling across the tightly packed slabs only adding to the freakish appeal.

The music started. Being ever the geek she was, she'd chosen a selection of theme tunes from her favorite movies, starting off with the first, the theme from Conan the Barbarian as she took center stage. As the war drums hammered at the speakers, Emily took one final breath and launched into her routine, bringing up her arms, slowly curling them, her arms exploding into a flex as those titanic biceps swelled several foot towering over her. Every single person in the auditorium was on the edge of their seat, watching as those biceps swelled higher and higher, those towering monstrosities taller than she was.

"Oh...should I flex now?" Emily asked, finding her confidence there on the stage, her voice sweet, quiet and beautifully feminine. "Ok then," she said, taking a breath and tensed the flex, putting a little extra effort into it now as those biceps rose higher and higher. They were fast approaching the lighting rig and everyone knew, if she flexed any harder she'd take the whole thing down. Emily had to restrain herself. She could have put so much more effort into her flexing but this stage wasn't big enough; it couldn't hold the sheer power this young geek possessed.

As the music was reaching it's crescendo, Emily relaxed those arms with a nervous little giggle and took another deep breath. This time she was going to show off her pride and joy, those pecs, those titanic pecs that were so massive many mistook them for breasts. Puffing out her chest she threw herself into a most muscular flex, her arms driving forward as her pecs flexed proudly like gargantuan slabs of pure diamond. SNAP, TWANG, FLOP! Her bikini top hurtled across the auditorium landing on top of the judges desk, their eyes widening as it blanketed them.

"Oh crap" Emily blushed quickly covering herself with her hands, she'd just exposed herself to hundreds of people. She could see the tell-tale sign of flashes amongst the audience, others lifting up their camera phones to snap pictures which she knew would end up all over the internet. Her friends were giggling like mad, they seemed to be finding it hilarious and yet her best friend Davina was sitting on the edge of the seat mouthing something to Emily. "Keep going...flex..!" she mouthed, "Don't worry!"

Emily couldn't. It had taken all her courage to get up on the stage and now everything was lost. She could hear the Star Wars theme playing in the background; right now she'd be demonstrating her legs and yet she was frozen in place, trembling as she held onto her mighty chest.

"Ok...thank you, Emily Shaw..." the Announcer called out trying to usher her off the stage.

"No...wait!" Emily took a deep breath and let her arms fall from her chest, those large nipples exposed to the audience. She could hear whooping and catcalling from the back, more flashes of cameras and yet she didn't want to leave that stage. Finally she managed to summon up what little courage she had left and forced out one of her massive legs, pushing it to the side as she extended her foot to show off that colossal heart shaped calf as it surged and grew with even the slightest movement. Closing her eyes she flexed her quads, shocked to suddenly hear gasps and ooos echoing through the audience along with a few claps.

Emily was starting to enjoy this, she turned on her heels and began to spread that broad back, the cuts and ridges looking like the topography of a map as it rippled under her taut skin. Again she brought those arms back into play and slammed them into a flex, the lighting rig rattling violently as her biceps push it out of joint, Emily gasped and chewed on her lip hoping it wouldn't fall. Luckily it held up and she relaxed those arms once more, turning back to face the audience before showing those incredible, immense lats spreading out several feet making them look like wings spreading from her body.

"Thank you, Emily Shaw!" the announcer called out again once again, trying to get her off the stage. He was obviously starting to get rather flustered with her nudity.

"No wait!" one of the judges called out rushing towards the stage, a smile was spreading across his lips as he took the microphone from the announcer and turned to the rest of the auditorium.

"I think we can safely say that Emily here has won" The judge laughed and pointed towards the back where the rest of them were holding up a clear sweep of tens. "Despite her rather unfortunate accident she kept going and continued to wow us with her incredible body. She's a winner if ever there was one...who agrees with me?"

The audience erupted into cheers, Emily could see some of the women waiting to get on the stage were furious but right now she didn't care, this was her moment...her moment to shine.

"I think I speak for all of us when I say we can't wait to see you go pro, Emily" he smirked and patted her on the arm, blinking as he felt how hard her muscles truly were; they were unlike anything he ever touched before. "Anyway...here's the trophy for the amateur league. Enjoy it, you earned it." He handed her the trophy which seemed oversized to him but was tiny compared to Emily.

She giggled and hugged it to her mighty chest before uttering a quite and sweet "Thank you."

Once Emily had gotten off the stage and into the dressing room she was glad to finally get into some normal clothes: a green lantern t-shirt straining over her incredible chest while a pair of jean shorts looked more like a belt over her enormous legs. For now she waited out the competition, pulling out a Nintendo DS as she hummed happily to herself. She still couldn't believe she won and the shock was only starting to settle in.

She was, of course, only getting started, whilst her debut had been rather eventful, she had to admit she rather enjoyed it. Next she'd try and conquer the pro league, maybe even go worldwide but who knows what the future holds for the musclebound geek. Right now she's just happy for the trophy and glad she packed an extra set of batteries for the journey home.


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