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   One of my favorite parts of the week was walking through the doors at the gym on Tuesday nights, the night when my racquetball league met. I didn't go to the gym to lift weights or anything like that; I just liked the racquetball facilities. On Tuesday nights, the most amazing bodybuilding goddess worked at the front desk. Her name was Natalie. If I were to guess, I would say she was in her late 20's. This girl was gorgeous. I had been attracted to muscular women since I was a young kid and had dreamed of someday being with a strong muscle girl. The problem was, I was a little short and skinny and could never attract girls like that. Thankfully I had guts, and didn't fear rejection.
    I walked in and saw her standing there yet again. I was a little disappointed because she was wearing loose clothing. Nonetheless she was so chiseled I could see her extreme muscularity. As I approached the desk I pretended to not be excited to stand in her presence. Her traps at the base of her neck were very visible and stretched the collar on her shirt as she looked up and gave me a cute smile.
"Hi there! What can we do for you today?" She asked in her soft cute voice.
"Oh, just come to play some racquetball as usual." I responded, handing her my membership card. She was wearing a medium fitting t-shirt, but when she reached across the counter and grabbed my card I saw every line of muscle in her forearm explode through the skin. Big veins criss-crossed back and forth on her fore-arm. Her unflexed bicep peaked out from under her short sleeve, showing amazing size. Her bicep popped ever so slightly as she moved her arm, making my erection pop ever so slightly too.
    She slid my card, the machine made a beeping sound, and she handed it back to me. "You're all set! Have fun!" She said giving me another deadly cute smile. I walked into the gym. I couldn't help but think as I smiled back at her and walked into the gym that she is not only a good receptionist but she would serve as a great security guard as well, if anybody tried to sneak in to the club. Standing at about 5'10" she must have been strong as an ox given her size. If all else failed maybe one day I would try to pull a fast one hoping she would run me down and wrestle me to the ground. Until then I can only dream of h an encounter.

    I played racquetball and ended up winning the little tournament we played that night. My confidence was flying high, that is the only way I can explain what I did next. As I left the gym I heard "How was it tonight?"
    I turned around and Natalie was still standing behind the counter, in the same outfit, giving me the same sweet smile. "Well, it was great since you ask! I beat them all!" I said, trying to show off a little.
    "Well, congrats! Come back soon!" she said very sincerely. I all of a sudden had a sudden urge to try and get a date with her. What's the worst that could happen? She says 'no' like many girls have said to me in the past. I needed to take a chance with this amazing muscle girl, so I went for it.
    "Say, is there any chance I could take you to dinner sometime." I asked rather abruptly. She seemed surprised. I braced for the rejection.
    "Sure, I'd love to!" She answered just as quick. Had I heard right? I kind of just stared back her. "When?" she asked. I finally came out of my state of surprise.
    "Uhhh, how about Friday?"
    "Friday's great!"
    "Ok, I'll pick you up at 7?"
    "Sure!" She scribbled her address and phone number down on a little sticky note from her desk. "I'll see you Friday then." She said almost sounding excited as she handed me the note.
    "Great, see you then." And that was that. I had a date with a muscle girl. I couldn't believe it. I smiled and giggled like a little school girl the whole car ride home.
    The date went great. I picked her right at 7 pm. When she answered the door I thought I had been dropped into the best fantasy of my life. She was wearing a tiny, dark purple, spaghetti string dress. Her shoulder length blonde hair brushed across her enormous traps. Her brawny shoulders were emphasized by how skin tight her dress was to her body. Her biceps and triceps jutted out of her upper arms from every angle. As we made small talk waiting at the elevator I almost lost it in my pants when I saw that her six pack abs showed dramatically through the fabric on her dress. Never before had a seen such a body either in person or on the internet in the vast female muscle community websites. I couldn't believe that I was actually on a date with this girl.
    We went to dinner at her favorite restaurant, and got drinks at the riverfront bar. We sat their laughing and talking till closing time. I never got the guts to bring up her physique. Dammit! When I finally took her home, she immediately spun around at her door to give me a hug. The moment I had been dreaming for my whole life had arrived. I slid my arms across the ripped midsection and back of a true female muscle girl. Her arms draped lightly around my neck. Her slightly flexed bicep brushed my chin on the way by and rubbed against my neck almost making me explode. We only hugged for a brief moment but it was long enough to feel how solid her body was. If that was the only chance I got to feel her physique, that would be ok, it was a feeling that would stay with me the rest of my life.
    "So, I had a really fun night." She said. As I was about to respond, she cut me off. "I'd really love to see you again." She said somewhat shyly. I couldn't believe she was the one asking me for another rendezvous and that she was acting timid about it.
    "I'd really love to see you again!" I said. It was all I could come up with given my fantastic excitement.
    The next weekend I took her to the annual yacht/fishing trip with my company. It was another amazing night. The other guys in the company were floored with the kind of girl I brought. I had never been with a girl that every single guy around was staring at. It felt good.
    When I took her home this time, the encounter went I little differently. "You want to come upstairs?" She asked giving me a little smile.
    "I'd love to!" I responded right away. I hoped for the best, but I didn't know what to expect. I couldn't imagine she liked me. Why would someone with such an awesome body be into someone an inch shorter than her and relatively a bean pole physique compared to her bodybuilder form? We sat on the couch drinking wine until we were both slightly loopy. There was lots of laughing, lots of casual touching, and finally I made the bold move. I moved in for a kiss and she kissed me back. After a minute or so we grabbed each other in close and I was again pressed up against her sexy brawn. She instinctively took control and pulled my legs across hers to where she was holding me. As she moved me I felt her strength as she basically picked me up in her arms and sat me on her lap with not the least sign of strain.
    After a long while, she stopped and gave me a happy look. I just wanted to keep going, I was hoping this would lead to more. She obviously had the same idea. "Parker, I really like you." She smiled as she made a move I never expected in my wildest dreams. She reached down, never taking her eyes away from mine and started undoing my belt. "I think we could be really good together."  She continued by unzipping my pants. "I want to be your girlfriend." She said with a cute smile.
    I needed to tell her the truth. "I really like you too Natalie. You are one of the most fun girls I've ever been with." I paused. "But that's not it, I am and have always been a female muscle lover, and I first just wanted to ask you out because I was attracted to your muscles. I hope you don't think that's too weird."
    "I don't think that's weird at all. Actually, I've always been really aroused by skinny guys. Especially when I think of me being stronger than a man." She said with another tickling smile.
    "Well, I guarantee you're stronger than me." I responded. By now the conversation was making me breath heavily. She smiled at me, pulled my pants off and stood up. Natalie moved around until she was standing in front of me. Looking at her muscular body, it appeared she had just done a 2 hour full body workout. I guess the steamy scene had made her blood flow pumping her muscles up to ridiculous size. She slowly pulled the halter top from around her neck and over her head, and continued to push her dress slowly down her built body until it was around her ankles. She kicked it away. I was now face to face with my life's ultimate fantasy. One of those things that you never dream of happening. Her shoulders and biceps dominated the room. I would have guessed that flexed her biceps would measure 16" plus. Her breasts were incredible; though I was sure they weren't real. Underneath them were solidly separated pecs. She had an eight-pack abs which popped and rolled with every tiny step she took towards me.
    Natalie sat down on my lap, her massive ripped quads engulfing mine. She leaned in, her lips a half inch from mine. "You drive me wild." She whispered erotically. She then slipped her veiny arms around my chest, trapping my arms in a strong bear hug. She started squeezing. Her pythonic squeeze knocking the wind out of me making me turn blue. "How does this feel?" She whispered in my ear.
    "I can't breathe." I barely muttered. Already there were uncontrollable tears coming from my eyes, not for any other reason but because she was squeezing them out of me. She sighed with ecstasy as she was noticeably turned on by how easily she could overpower me.
    "Tell me when you can't take it anymore." She said as she started to slowly increase the already nearly unbearable pressure. I let out a painful grunt, but in a way I didn't want her to stop. She giggled every time I made a pained noise. Finally, I had to signal her to stop by shaking my head back and forth. Her granite biceps were putting so much pressure on my upper arms that I could feel the bones about to snap. She let me go as soon as soon as she could see I was in trouble.
    "That was awesome." I said under heavy breathing.
    "Yes it was." She responded. I unsnapped her bra revealing her beautiful breasts.
    Next thing I know I was being cradled like a little baby in Natalie’s powerful arms. I was carried into her room and she laid me on her bed and climbed right on top. She striped me of the rest of my clothes and made me mine. The thought that made me the most aroused was that, even if I tried to resist with all of my might she could rape me all night if she wanted to. But she didn't have to, that's for sure.
    She went up and down on me for about 2 hours, bringing me to orgasm countless times. After a few times she got creative. Once she held my body tight in her quads and put her flexed bicep up to my face. After she rubbed and bounced the boulder of muscle in my face for about a minute I let go, sending my mess flying everywhere.
    Then a little while later she laid on top of me. She pulled my manhood up so that it was sandwiched in between her rock hard stomach and my soft stomach. She flexed and inflexed her abs massaging my erection with each brick of muscle. With each flex I groaned with ecstasy, which made her giggle. Finally I gave up again and my mess hit me in the chest and the face. I don't know how long the night lasted because I think I finally passed out from sexual fatigue. I woke up the next morning in Natalie's muscular arms. I had to take a trip to my family's house in the suburbs that day so I left in somewhat of a hurry. Before I left she gave me a key to her apartment. She wouldn't let me go right away. She hugged me lifting me off my feet and gave me a sensual kiss goodbye.

    One night after we had been dating a few weeks Natalie decided to surprise me. This would turn out to be one of the best nights of my life. I got to Natalie's apartment after work one day, excited to see her and feel her muscles. I was so disappointed when she wasn't home and the apartment was dark. I set my stuff down and sat down on the couch. I heard a little bumping noise from her bed room. I walked back there and it was dark. "Natalie?" I called out. "Are you there?"
    All of a sudden, I was pounced on from behind by Natalie. Her muscular weight brought me down fast and she flipped me over onto my back. "Hey baby, I've been waiting for you forever, I'm in the mood to 'play' tonight." She said with a sinister emphasis on the word 'play'.
    "Awesome, me too. What did you have in mind.?" I said.
    "Since we've been dating you've never resisted, you've never made me feel like I really had to try to overpower you. I want you to REALLY fight me tonight." She said. Usually I just let he do whatever she wanted to do to me, but every so often I tried to resist her, she just didn't know. But now that she wanted me to, I figured it couldn't hurt to put 100% into fighting back against her.
    "Ok, I can do that, but I'm afraid I won't be able to be much of a match for you." I admitted as if she didn't know.
    "It's ok, I just want to feel like I'm truly overpowering your body." She added. "Take your clothes off and try to attack me. I'm going to do what I want to you, just make sure you try to resist me with everything you've got." She made me promise. I striped all the way till I was completely naked like her. Just for fun I tried to take her by surprise by lunging at her knees. For someone so bulky and muscular she sure was fast. I lunged and before I knew it I was being slung through the air, absolutely dominated by her upper body. I felt like I was a tiny rag doll being thrown around the room. As she pinned me over and over, harder and harder she has a smile on her face the whole time. The more I resisted and tried to find a way to hurt her or throw her off balance the more helpless I felt. She laughed hysterically every time I tried something, failing miserably. I was starting to feel tired after minutes of being slammed against the wall, against the bad, against the floor, and against her hard body. I wanted to say I had enough, but the pleasure I got from rubbing up against her washboard abs and her peaked biceps poking and touching my body was enough to keep me from stopping her.
    Natalie eventually got tired of just pinning me easily. Again she brought creativity into the mix. First she threw me onto the bed, quickly climbing onto my stomach before I got away then she pinned my wrists hard above my head. She moved my hands together and grabbed both wrists with her right hand. I was speechless when I put all my strength into trying to wrench my arms free and couldn't budge her arm an inch. She sat there and laughed at me for minute.
    "You are sooooo cute!" She poked my midsection in a playful manner. I grimaced a little bit. "Wait...are you ticklish?" She asked menacingly.
    "No no no no no no!" I screamed but it was too late. She already was going through with it. She dug her fingers into my ribs tickling me for a few second. She laughed when I screamed and freaked out.
    "Hahaha, oh you love this don't you!" She smiled and lightly tickled right underneath my armpits switching between my left and right armpits. I screamed even more in torture and she laughed. Her tickle torture continued for several minutes as she tested every part of my body.
    "Look baby, I don't even need to go to the gym anymore. Wooooo!!" She teased as she rolled over onto her back. She pulled me long ways across her chest, grabbed me by the neck and the thigh, and pushed me up into the air. "I can just bench press you! hehe." She giggled. I flailed and kicked, trying to meet her demands of resisting her, but she just kept pushing out reps holding me tight in her hands. She pumped out about 30 reps and finally tossed me behind her head.
    Before I could even recover from being tossed around everywhere I was scooped up again. I found myself thrown over Natalie's bulky shoulder being walked into the living room of her apartment. Dropped me down at the base of the wall in the living room, pulled me to my feet facing her sandwiching me between her body and the wall. I felt the lean weight of all of her muscles on my naked body. I punched, kicked, and squirmed with all of my might. But my blows only came in contact with thick, rock hard muscles.
    "How do you feel about being raped?" She whispered softly in my ear. My resistance got more intense and more violent at that point, just to play the game. I knew there was nothing I could do. She was a fearsome predator and I was her helpless prey. This girl's strength was beyond my comprehension. I fully believe she could take on and dominate two, maybe even three guys my size with no problem. I didn't respond to her verbal threat of rape, I just punched her more and more trying to get her off me. I felt like I had picked a fight with a cinder block wall. No matter how hard I punched her pecs or shoulders, no matter how hard I kneed her in the thighs and abs she just laughed and continued casually overpowering me.
    While I continued struggling to break free of her capture she continued pinning me against the wall by my chest. Then she bent down slightly and thrust herself hard onto me, over and over again. After 3 or 4 hard thrusts I was close to climax, my body went limp and I groaned, letting it all go. She backed off and let my body fall to the floor. I was in and out of consciousness for a couple minutes.
    I came to, still slumped in the same ball I fell to the floor in. I didn't see Natalie, but a few seconds later she came out of the kitchen with a glass of water. "Here, drink baby." She said. "You must be tired." She smiled. I gave her a nod in the affirmative as I took a big drink of water. "You know, I've had a lot of fun tonight, I think it's time I let you have some fun." She smiled big.
    "What do you mean?" I asked.
    "Come with me..." She said as she grabbed my hand and walked me into the bedroom. I followed behind her watching every muscle on her physique ripple. I wanted to just touch them. I wanted to feel the striations and peaks of all the sinews that popped with every movement of her limbs. This is why what she did next turned my life around. Natalie reached under her bed and pulled out a bottle of massaging oil. She handed the bottle of oil to me and climbed onto the bed, lying sexually on her side. "For the rest of the night...my body id yours." She said winking at me. My knees got weak and my mouth went dry. I walked over slowly, looking at the most beautiful female muscle body I had ever seen in my life, not knowing where to start. I started on the best and most defined part of her body, her shoulders and arms. I spent an hour playing around with her biceps, kissing them, massaging them, caressing them as she bounced them up and down. At one point I tried to hold it down with my hands as she flexed it. When I tried, my grip just exploded around the ball of muscle. The same thing happened when she just bent her arm up, without even flexing it. Insane!
    I kissed and licked her abs and punched them as hard as I could while they weren't even flexed. She smiled the whole time, but eventually my knuckles started to bruise so I had to stop. I felt every long, thick line of muscle in her shredded quads. As I massaged her claves she pointed her toes in and out, letting the diamond shaped rock flex and unflex in my hands. She rolled over onto her stomach and let me massaged her back and glutes. After a few minutes of running my hands over the mountains and valleys of her gigantic back I came uncontrollably to climax again.
    Again, I woke up in the morning being held firmly to her body. I admired and felt her body as she slept quietly. My fingers ran a long every pronounced vein along her muscles. It was heaven on earth.

    The day I was dreading for months finally came. I had spent the past 5 months worshipping a having sex with a muscle goddess. My girlfriend Natalie had fulfilled my ultimate muscle fantasy over and over again, night after night. I was told that I was being promoted to a higher position in my company paying me almost twice what I was now making. This was my big break and I had to take it. It required me to move half way across the country to New York, and away from Natalie. I was so sad, and I was sure she was going to be a little disappointed.
    "Natalie, I have something to tell you." I said as we made out one evening. "I need to move to New York to take a job."
    "What?!?!?? You can't move! I love you!" She cried. We hadn't said the L word yet. This surprised me, but I just went with it.
    "I love you to, but I have to move on with my life." I assured.
    "But, you can't, we have had so much fun together, and our relationship is too important for you to throw it away like this." She continued.
    "I have had fun too, but I'm leaving this weekend. I will come back to visit and we can do this over."
    "No, that won't be good enough." She said starting to whine.
    "Well, I'm sorry Natalie, I should go now." I said sadly. She stood up and cleared her throat kind of choking back some tears.
    "I don't think you understand...you can't. I won't let go anywhere." She said sternly. I laughed a little, and stood up.
    "Natalie, seriously, I'm sorry I'm going to leave now." I continued.
    "No, I don't think you understand, you can't go, I'm not going to let you." She said, pushing me back onto the couch.
    "What-the? Natalie stop being -"
    "Stop being what? Listen here baby..." She said as she grabbed me by the hair on the back of my neck and threw me to the ground. Natalie sat on my butt and twisted my arm up forcefully behind my back. I screamed in pain. "One of two things is about to happen sweetie. You're either going to agree to stay here with me and turn down the job in New York, or you're arm is gonna snap in two." I screamed more as she started increasing the pressure. "Make your choice wisely and quickly my little boy." She whispered in my ear as she jerked my arm up another inch.
     "Aarrggghh! I'll stay I'll stay, I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt me, PLEASE!!!!" I screamed.
     "Good." She said as she grabbed me off the floor and pulled me onto her lap sitting on the couch. She leaned over and grabbed the telephone. "I think it's time for you to make a call to tell someone you aren't going to be able to take that job in New York." She commanded. I hesitated for a second. Natalie held me tight to her with one arm. Her other hand she slid down the back of my pants making me yelp as she brushed my butt-crack. She grabbed my balls in her strong hand. She gave them a tight little squeeze causing an excruciating pain to pass through my whole body. "Make the call, or you're going to have problems sweetie pie." She said menacingly.
     I had no choice but to make the call. My boss was floored with what I told him. I made up some excuse about how I didn't like city life and wanted to stay here. The phone call was over. I started to cry a little. I was completely under Natalie's control. I was her pet for as long as she wanted me to be.
     "Thank you honey." She said flipping me onto my back. She sat on me as she took off her pants and underwear. She slowly slithered up my body until her pussy was resting against my chin. "Go ahead, my little boy, I'll tell you when to stop."


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