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When growing up we had family friends (the Bradshaws) that lived in the apartment next
door. Our families would often go out together for various activities (sports games,
camping, etc.) They had one daughter that was almost 4 years younger than me, her name
was Samantha.  As far as back as I could remember, because I was older Samantha
always looked up to me, and wanted to do whatever  I did.  She would always follow me
around, ask me endless questions, and imitate whatever I did. Samantha was always very
athletic, competitive, and participated and excelled in every sport imaginable.  I believe
her parents encouraged her involvement in athletics in order to keep her weight down. 
Samantha was always large for her age and a little bit on the chunky side, but her
involvement in sports (especially gymnastics) helped her keep her weight  under control. 
I on the other hand was perpetually slim and on the short side, although I still had an inch
or so on Sam because of  the 3 and a half years age difference. 

By the time that Samantha turned 12 her  hero worship transformed into a full blown
crush. She would always try to flirt with me, try to hold my hand or give me a hug,
engage me in pointless conversation, send me mushy notes, and was always trying to get
the two of us alone. Samantha was a very cute girl with a bright energetic personality,
however, because of the difference in our ages I would always reject her affections for
me. Generally I was not bothered by her attention, .and in fact I was a bit flattered, but
the more I declined her advances the more infatuated she became.  I was beginning to get
concerned that her attraction to me was becoming excessive.

One day I came out of my bedroom and found that Samantha was watching television in
our living room.  This was not uncommon as her Mom would often leave her with us
when she and my Mom went shopping.  I said hi and sat next to her on the couch.  Her
eyes brightened and she smiled demurely as she made room for me.  She was watching
some silly cartoon that I had no interest in, and I asked her to pass me the remote.  She
said no I am watching this.  I said come on hand it over and reached across her to get the
remote.  She grabbed the remote at the same time, and  I then tried to pull it out of her
hand.  I expected to easily pull it from her hand, but with no effort she held it tight in her
left hand.  I then put both my hands on  the remote  and leaned my weight backwards. 
She still easily held onto the remote with her one hand.  I was dumbfounded, as I never
expected her to be this strong.  I  was unsure what to do next; I did not want to give in to
this young girl, which would indicate that she was stronger than me, but I also did not
want to further embarrass myself with a fruitless struggle.  As I redoubled my efforts to
wrench the remote out of her hands, Sam began to giggle at my attempts.  I decided to let
her keep the remote control rather than further embarrass myself, and  I said "Watch
whatever you want".

Samantha was extremely amused over my having given up the struggle and began to say,
"Wow, I didn't think I was that much stronger than you, I mean you are almost 4 years
older than me and I am a girl."  I shot back "don't be ridiculous, there's no way you are
stronger than me", but my voice betrayed the fact that I was not at all confident.    She
took this as a challenge and said "oh yeah, lets find out,  you want to wrestle."  Having
just lost that small test of strength I new this was definitely not something I wanted to do. 
I responded that I don't wrestle girls, and began to walk away.  She ran up behind me and
grabbed me from behind and wrestled me to the ground.  In no time Samantha had
pushed me down onto my back and was sitting on my chest.   I was so surprised I was in
shock.  She had her knees pressed down on my arms, her behind pressed squarely on my
stomach, and her arms crossed over her chest.  For several minutes I yelled get off of me
while trying  to buck her off, but she continued sit confidently on top of me and laugh at
my pathetic attempts.  "I think you have to admit now who is stronger " she said with a
smile.  I was very frightened that my Mom or Dad might come in anytime and find me in
this compromising position.  I asked her to please let me up. 

I will let you go, but first you have to give me a kiss.  She leaned her face forward and
closed her eyes.  I did not want to give in but I saw no other option.  I lifted my head up
and gently kissed her for several seconds.   I then said "There, now please get off of me". 
She had a huge smile on her face and giggled as she eased off of me.  As I got to my feet
she was going on how she loved being stronger than me and that she would work hard on
becoming as strong as possible.  She than said she will become so powerful that she will
be able to make me do whatever she wants, and then I would have no choice but to be her
boyfriend.  I didn't know how to react to this statement except to say that I was to old for
her.  She said no your not, and besides you will have no say in the matter, I will make
you do whatever I say.  Just then my Mom came through the door and said Hi what are
you two up to.  Samantha responded, "we were just playing a game".  My mom then said
to Sam your Mom is home now.  Sam said Okay thanks Mrs. Adams, and skipped
cheerfully towards the door.  She stopped at the front door, turned to me and said "See
you soon Brian".

From that point on I could think of little else but Sam's physical domination over me and
her prediction that she would  use her physical dominance to make me be her boyfriend. 
I felt she was too young to even understand what being her boyfriend means, although I
was starting to believe she would have no problem enforcing her promise to make me to
do what she wants.  I decided that I would try to steer clear of Samantha for a while and
hope that her interest in me fades.

My hopes of her losing interest in me were short lived because over the next couple days
I could hear the sound of weights clanging from the Bradshaw's home gym.  I also
overheard Mrs. Bradshaw's discussion with my mom of Sam's newfound obsession for
weightlifting.  My anxiety over the young amazons predictions only became worse as I
would hear Sam spend several hours every day pumping iron. 

The next time I saw Sam was several weeks later in church.  Her family was seated
several rows ahead of us, and  Samantha was wearing a dress, which was rare for her.  I
looked at her in a new way, as I nervously tried to gage how much bigger and stronger
she had become from her daily weight training.  The dress she wore appeared to be
getting too small for her, especially near her thighs and around her arms and shoulders.   
As I looked at her in a new light, her body looked different than I always remembered it.
Her shoulders and  hips looked very wide and round for someone of her young age. 
Previously I had always assumed that her healthy thick curves were just baby fat, but I
now could see the power and muscularity of her body.  Suddenly Sam turned her head
and caught my eyes with hers, I was frozen momentarily like a deer in the headlights. 
Sam smiled devilishly and turned slightly as she used her right hand to pull up the short
sleeve covering her left bicep.  She slowly curled her left arm bunching up her bicep into
a sizeable round peak.  It looked incredible large and hard.  My heart was now beating a
mile a minute and I nervously looked away.  I then quickly looked around at my Mom
and Dad to make sure that they did not see this display, but  luckily they were busy
watching the service.  I then glanced back at Sam and saw she had her hand over her
mouth giggling like a school girl.

I could not believe what was happening.  I was being teased and taunted by this young
girl, and I could do nothing to stop it. I knew it was only a matter of time before she
would come after me to test the growing power of her young body. Because of my small
size I was used to being bullied by guys my own age but this was completely different.   I
would die of embarrassment if my parents were to find that I was being terrorized by a 7th
grade girl, so I knew my only option was to try to steer clear of Samantha. 

As I spent a large amount of time at home I could not help but listen to  Sam's long
workouts each day. I  successfully managed to avoid her for nearly two months until one
day when my Mom asked me to go over and ask Mrs. Bradshaw to come over and look at
something she bought.  I of course wanted to avoid going over there and facing
"Why don't you just call her", I said. 
"The line is busy,  Mr. Bradshaw is probably talking to someone". She responded. 
"Why don't You go and knock", I whined. 
"She was obviously annoyed with my questions and said, "because I am cooking dinner. 
It will only take you a minute, so get up and go do this for me!"   
I grudgingly agreed to go but decided that I would stay in the hallway and not go into
their apartment. When I knocked on the door Samantha answered wearing baggy sweats
and with a big smile on her face.  She looked a little taller than before.  She said "hi
Brian, long time no see".   

I stood in the hallway and said "my Mom wants your Mom to come over and look at
something she bought".  Samantha said "OK come in and I'll tell her".  I responded, "no
thanks, I have to go do something now".  Samantha then reached her arm out, grabbed
my wrist, and yanked me into the apartment.  The force of her tug made me nearly hit 
the floor.  By the time I regained my balance she was already closing the door behind me
and said "why not just stay for a little while".   She stood in front of the door and yelled
to her Mom, Mom Mrs. Adams wants you to come over and see something she bought.
"Okay thanks honey".  Mrs. Bradshaw responded as she came out of her bedroom.  Mrs.
Bradshaw then said, "hi Brian where have you been hiding yourself."  "Uh, I have been
very busy with schoolwork", I mumbled.  Samantha then took hold of my wrist with her
hand and said, "Brian is going to help me with my math homework".  As Sam said this
she increased the pressure on my wrist until I was almost in tears.  Mrs. Bradshaw said,
"that is very nice of you Brian, I'll be back in a little while", and walked out of the

Sam finally released my arm and I rubbed it as I wiped some tears of pain from my eyes. 
I knew that Sam was not going to let me leave so I tried to reason with her.  "Listen Sam
you're a beautiful young girl, and I am flattered by your interest in me, but I am too old
for you.  But of course we can always be good friends."  She then said, "You still don't
get it yet, but you will.  What you say doesn't matter, I am in charge here and you have to
do whatever I say or else.  Now come on lets go play in my room."  She then wrapped her
arm around my head in a tight headlock and walked me towards her bedroom.  I do not
think she was aware of how strong she had become because even though I did not try to
struggle at all, the pain of her squeeze was incredible.  I pleaded with her to not squeeze
so hard, and that I would go willingly. 

Once we entered her room she closed and locked her bedroom door.  She then told me to
sit down on the floor.  As my head continued to throb from the previous headlock, we
began playing school girl games, which I went along with in order to avoid any reason
for another physical confrontation.  We had a tea party and then we played house; I was
the husband and she was the wife.  However in this household the husband was expected
to cook , clean ,and serve the wife.  Then came the time when the husband and wife go to
bed.  She wrapped her arms around me in a tight bear hug and rolled us onto her bed.  As
she held both my wrists tightly behind my back, she began kissing me.  First tentatively
with little pecks and giggling after each one like the school girl that she was.  The kisses
then progressively began to get longer and more passionate.  She seemed to be
experimenting with her kisses, practicing different things, open mouth, closed mouth,
open eyes, closed eyes, with or without tongue.   

As she squeezed me to her I could feel her firm breasts pressing against me.  I could tell
she had very large breasts for her age.  For any age for that matter. She seemed to be
kissing me forever and based on Samantha's soft moans, she seemed to be getting more
and more into it. I was praying that Mrs. Bradshaw would come home so that Sam would
let me go before this went any further.   I was trying to put my mind some place else,
because, I could feel that I was starting to get aroused.  My penis was rising to attention
straining against my pants and Sam eventually took a break from kissing me to see what
was pushing up against her leg.  The one part of my small body that excelled was my
cock which was expanding with each passing minute and capturing Sam's attention.  Sam
was able to capture both my arms behind my back with one powerful arm, leaving her
other hand free to stroke the bulge in my pants.  I struggled to free myself, as this was
going much farther than I ever thought it could go.  I pleaded with Sam to let me go as
this was not right.

Sam continued to kiss me while she continued to caress my sizeable bulge.   I bucked and
tried to move my groin away from her hand, but she was easily able to control me with
her powerful young body.  Sam continued to probe my mouth with hers as she
aggressively ground her body against mine and intermittently rubbed her free hand over
the bulge made by my cock.  I could not control myself and eventually exploded in a
huge orgasm.  Sam sensing what was happening was moaning, kissing, and grinding
harder than ever.  She eventually stopped and stared into my eyes beaming with a huge
smile, and said "did you enjoy yourself boyfriend".  I looked at her beautiful face and
wondered how all this came to be, and how I would break free of this schoolgirl crush.

We then heard Mrs. Bradshaw come in through the door and yelled to us, how are you
guys doing?  As Sam continued to hold me tight and give me light pecks around my face
she yelled were fine Mom.  Mrs. Bradshaw then asked, "does Brian want to stay for
dinner"?    Sam slowly increased the pressure around my body and whispered "Tell her
you want to stay".  She squeezed so tight it felt like my rib cage would collapse, I was
just barely able to push out the words "Sounds great."  Mrs. Bradshaw said "great, I will
call your Mom and let her know".  After I freshened up in the bathroom we ate a very
delicious dinner together.  Sam ate more food than I ever saw anyone eat.  She cleared
her plate several times.  She was obviously not concerned about her weight, but was
instead intent on adding more size and strength to her already powerful young body.  All
during dinner Sam would stare at me and smile, rub her leg up against mine or reach
under the table to grab my crotch. 

After dinner I was finally able to leave and go back home. I was unsure of what to do
next.  I knew that this would only be the beginning and that Sam would look for more
opportunities to come after me.  I also knew that as time went on the encounters would
escalate until she would finally start raping me.  I did not dare admit what was happening
to my parents, as it would be too embarrassing,  and I doubt that they would believe me,
and as the adult I would probably be blamed.   I was back in the same position of trying
to avoid coming in contact with Sam.

Over the next several months I was able to avoid being alone with Sam except for several
brief encounters when she would trap me alone in the elevator or a hallway and smother
me with her affections.  At home I would always look out the peep hole to make sure that
she wasn't in the hallway before going anywhere.  I also tried to avoid leaving the
apartment as much as possible except for school.  Through my bedroom wall I continued
to hear the clanging of heavy weights, a constant reminder that this young amazon was
becoming more powerful and unstoppable with each passing day.   I continued to
successfully avoid Sam until one day when I was left alone. My Mom and Dad were out
shopping with the Bradshaws.  As I wanted to avoid Sam's advances, I said I was not
feeling well.  After my parents left, from my room I heard Sam's voice singing hellooo
boyfriend.  I then realized that when Sam heard I wasn't going, that she decided to stay at
home as well, and that Mom let her into our apartment so we could keep each other

I was frantic as I knew that I would be trapped in the house with this amazon all day long.   
I heard Sam yell "Brian, I want to play house again, except this time you are the little
baby and I am the Mommy."  I quickly locked my door and  looked around my bedroom
for a place to hide.  I then crawled underneath my bed and prayed that she would go
away.  She tried to turn the knob and then realizing it was locked, said "Oh my baby is
playing hide and seek".  She said "you should know that this can't stop mommy."  From
my hiding place I could hear the door handle creak as she concentrated the power of both
her powerful hands on turning it.  I could here the handle pop as it broke apart in her
hands.  She then pushed the door ajar and from my hiding place I could see her walk into
my room.  She was barefoot and wearing cut-off jeans and what looked like one of her
dads short sleave dress shirts with the ends tied around her waist. She would normally
wear oversized baggy sweats in order to conceal her growing body, so I had not seen her
bare legs in a long time, and I was in disbelief at the size she had obtained.  Her thighs
were huge with each muscle clearly defined.

With her powerful legs flexing with each step she walked forward into the room and said
"come out baby, and I promise Momma won't hurt you".   Although I knew the situation
was hopeless I could not move a muscle, and before long she had found my hiding place.
Sam reached under the bed, and dragged me out by my ankles.  Once I was able to see all
of her I was amazed at the size that Sam had achieved.  Her shoulders looked like that
would pop open her daddy's shirt, and her biceps were straining against the sleeves.  She
also appeared to have had another growth spurt in height as she was now taller than me
by at least two inches.  She said you were naughty to hide like that on Momma. I should
really give you a spanking. As I did nearly a year before, I tried to reason with Sam
saying please don't do this, I will be your boyfriend, and I promise not to tell anyone
about this.  She then sat down on the bed and pulled me over her lap.  With one powerful
arm on my back she held me down while her other hand pulled down my shorts and
underwear.  I pleaded with her and struggled pathetically  to get free without any success.

Sam proceeded to repeatedly strike my behind with her bare hand.  The pain was
excruciating and was growing with each strike.  The pain very soon became unbearable
and I broke down crying.  I believe that Sam did not realize she was causing such pain
because she immediately curled me into her muscular arms and began rocking me, saying
Mommy is sorry, please don't cry.  I continued to whimper due to the lingering pain and
embarrassment I was feeling.   Sam continued to try to calm me repeatedly saying
Mommy is sorry.  She then opened up her shirt revealing her very large perfectly round
breasts.  She pushed the nipple of her left breast into my mouth while continuing to rock
me.  I tried to turn my head away and keep my mouth shut but she held it fast with her
strong hand and smothered my face with her breast until I was forced to open my mouth
and accept her nipple.

Having me at her breast was turning Samantha on and she began to squeeze my balls
while commanding me to suck her nipple.  Having her firm grip on my crotch was a great
motivator as I sucked furiously on her large firm breasts.  Samantha was becoming
increasingly excited as her breaths became shorter.  She would then repeatedly say
"Momma loves her baby".   In spite of myself, I was getting very aroused and could feel
Sam gripping tightly my growing member.   My penis was now fully engorged and rock
hard and Sam was moaning with desire as she would squeeze my balls every time my
attention to her breasts diminished.

Sam then threw me onto my bed pulled off her shorts and jumped on top of me. I tried to
squirm out from under her and prevent her from raping me but she was able to easily grip
both my hands with one of hers and pin my body with her powerful legs.  With her other
hand she slowly guided me inside her box which was by now soaking wet.  She began to
pump her body up and down on top of me, at first slowly, then gaining in strength and
intensity until she was eventually pumping furiously.  This went on for quite some time
as her powerful muscles glistened and flexed with sweat from her efforts.  I was amazed
at the size this young women had attained; her entire body was thick with huge muscles
that popped with each movement.

Throughout the day Sam continued to use my body at her will.  She continued to rape me
several times and would in between amuse herself by lifting, dragging, or throwing my
overmatched body around our apartment.  Her power over me had obviously gone to her
head as she began treating me as a personal slave instead of her boyfriend, and forcing
me to please her anyway I could.  She eventually left me to rest and recover, and my
parents came home. 

I was still at a loss of what to do.  I considered seriously telling my parents what had been
occurring, but I knew it would be my word against hers, and because I was older I could
be the one that gets thrown in jail.  I decided that I would not go over there alone and also
I would make sure I was not left alone again.  My parents thought it was strange that I
would not leave the apartment on my own, but they assumed it was because of bullies in
the neighborhood.  This worked for a while until one day when I heard a knock at the
door.  I felt comfortable opening the door as I was not alone, although my parents were in
another room.  When I opened the door, I saw Samantha standing there smiling.  Her
growth spurt had continued as she seemed to have added another inch which combined
with her high healed shoes she had nearly a 6 inch height advantage on me.   Her body
looked larger than ever as she stepped into our apartment.

Reflexively I slowly backed away and stammered "what do you want?"  She said "relax
you wimp I am not going to hurt you.  My mom just needs to borrow some sugar".  I then
slowly turned to go get the sugar when I felt her arm around my stomach and her other
hand over my mouth.  She then lifts me off the ground and quickly  walks into the
hallway, closing our door with her foot on the way out.  Sam then carries me next door to
their apartment.  I am kicking and screaming the entire way, but no one can hear my
muffled cries.  Sam carries me into her bedroom and closes her door.  She then throws
me face down on her bed, pulls both my hands behind me, and quickly stuffs one of her
panties into my mouth.  She then separately ties my hands and feet with two pairs of her
thong panties.  After she tapes over my mouth she sweeps me up in her arms and carries
me into her closet.

As she closes the door she says now be quiet until my Mom and Dad leave.  I am having
a sleep over with some of my girlfriends tonight and I want to show you off.  Don't worry
I'll let your Mom know your helping me with my homework.  She then covers me with
some clothes and shuts her closet door.  I try to scream, but I am unable to make any
sound.  After a couple hours I can hear her Mom and Dad going out for the night.  I can
then hear  the doorbell ringing and her girlfriends coming in.  There is a lot of gabbing
and laughing and music playing as they enter Sam's bedroom.  Sam eventually opens the
closet door and I can see her and several other girls dressed in pajamas, nighties,  or bras
and panties.  Sam is wearing a lacy robe over her immense features, but I can still see her
muscular legs, her thick trap muscles, and generous cleavage. 

She kneels down in the closet and whispers into my ear, "You better be a good boy or I
will tear you apart. Do you understand?"  She grips my throat with her right hand for
emphasis and I nod my head emphatically.  She then unties my hands and feet and
removes my gag.  Sam carries me out of the closet and says to her girlfriends "Girls I
want you to meet my boyfriend."   All of her friends then start cooing, "oh Sam he's so
cute.  He's so quiet and shy, Whats his name? Oh Sam, does he have a brother?  How far
have you guys gone?  Can I borrow him?"  They all sit down on the floor of her bedroom
and Sam sits behind me with her legs around my waist. 

She then says I want to show you guys something and begins to open and unzip my
shorts.  I try to pull her arms away from my shorts but she pulls both my hands behind
my back and holds them with one of her arms.  With her free hand she continues to pull
my shorts down and off.   She then uses both hands to tear my shirt apart and off me. This
causes her friends to gasp at this show of power and strength.   I am now sitting in front
of her in my boxers.  She opens up her robe and pulls me back so I can feel her immense
breasts against my bare back.  She then also begins rubbing my crotch area.  My penis
springs to attention and all 9 inches strains against my boxer shorts.  Sam's friends again
gasp and giggle as Sam works my shorts down displaying my large member.   All of her
girlfriends gasp with surprise, saying "Oh my God, he is so huge.  How can such a little
guy have such a big cock."

Sam's friends then moved closer and ask if they can touch it.  Sam responded "hey whats
mine is yours, help yourself".  Sam's friends then each excitedly take turns touching and
rubbing my member as Sam holds my arms behind my back.  Eventually one of her
friends decides to kiss it.  First tentatively then more passionately until her kissing
becomes licking.  Before long all of her friends are taking turns sucking my massive
penis.  While each is taking turns lavishing their attentions on my member, Sam
encourages others to use the polaroid camera to take snapshots of this activity, and to
make sure not to show her holding my arms.  Eventually I am so aroused and turned on
that I know I am about to blow.  Sam takes off  her  robe revealing her naked body
causing her friends to gasp again at how large and incredibly defined her body is.  Sam
then sits on my face and leans forward in a 69 position, she squeezes my wrist to let me
know to start licking.  She then pumps her mouth up and down my member until I finally
blast my load into her mouth.  Her friends cheer as she pushes up into a sitting position
and continues to ride my face.  One of her friends kneels next to her and begins to fondle
and suck her immense breasts, until Sam reaches her own orgasm. 

For the remainder of the night Sam and her friends had fun sharing me among each other
until her parents finally come home from their night out.  Sam pulls one of her T-Shirts
on over me which is of course ridiculously too big.  As she starts to escort me out she
pulls me aside and shows me the polaroids with the compromising photos of me and her
school friends.  She then says "boyfriend, lets make one thing clear, I own you now and
forever".  I knew she was right and that I had to accept my fate.  She continued, "My
parents will be gone tomorrow in the afternoon.  I want you here by 1, don't be late."


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