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Helena had single eight years when she was orphan. Their sister Gloria, ten years adult that she, had to throw to the streets to maintain it. Gloria never had problems to work as prostitute, and she even enjoyed with it. Its addiction to the sex was very strong and was an authentic admirer of the bodybuilding, for what they never lacked magazines of muscles in its house.
Helena was an enormous girl compared with the girls of her age. To the ten years 1'60 m already measured and at the eleven 1'70. With twelve years it began to play in the juvenile team of basketball of the city, and at the thirteen in the professional team. Soon she got bored. Although it was very superior physically to their partners and opponents, of a lot of bigger age that her, it was not attracted by the basketball: In their mind they were always present the powerful women that she saw in Gloria's magazines from small.

"I don't want another thing that to develop my body."
Gloria brought to her clients to house. The bodybuilding was quite habitual among them, since Gloria, besides being a beauty, made discounts to their hard boys, with those that she went to bed more for enjoyment than for work. They were unavoidable Helena's encounters with the muscular clients, which laughed at her for their weak anatomy.
When leaving the sport, Helena locked at home, and she avoided to leave her room when Gloria worked at home. It felt shame of what she believed that it was a lanky body and without curved, always obsessed by their muscle lack. This way, it began to be mounted a gym with the money that Gloria offered him, and to train. During four years it didn't leave their house, training and maintaining diet. Alone it left every day to their naked terrace to gild their body the days of sun, and to harden their skin, according to she told to Gloria, the days of rain or intense cold.   
To the 18 years Helena was already a woman of 2'10 m, an authentic giant of more than 150 Kg of pure muscle. Their skin was of an intense toasted color, and although no robe had covered it in four years in those that it was not bought neither a garment, was fine and soft, without fat some under her. Their hair was very black and short, preventing to hide neither a centimeter of its anatomy. Their body was carefully depilated, to exception of a coquettish and taken care triangle that surrounded its vagina. The muscles, of an almost inhuman volume, seemed in each movement that they will explode the skin that wrapped them. Their arms, of almost 60 cm, they didn't sing out of tune in size with their enormous twins. Their thighs were of more than 85 cm and the separation of their shoulders was such that they didn't allow him to enter of in front of inclination of none of the doors of its house. Their spectacular one and hyper muscular back ended up in a minuscule waist adorned with some abdominal of dream. Helena enjoyed seeing her own perspiration running among the deep fissures of her muscles.
Helena liked to go naked. She adored to see from their terrace to people to look for refuge of the cold while she felt the snow placidly to fall on their body. She loved the close contact of the sun on its skin the days of heat. But to all this a strange sensation was added: Every time was bigger the excitement when its neighbors leaned out to see it. In principle it was treated as a crazy one, but with Helena's gradual transformation, the comments passed being of fear more, admiration, and in some cases of desire. Many were those that crowded together to see every day to that perfect and unreachable creature. Helena, looked for those that dribbled undercover, and posing in front of them began to be anointed oils, being rubbed daintily with her two hands each centimeter of her body. Many were those that ejaculated before being able to attend the almost eternal massage that Helena treated to the enormous and erect nipples that crowned her enormous teats.
One day, Gloria fell gravely sick. Helena realized that the protection that its sister had given him during that whole time arrived to her end, and was the hour that herself took the reins of the house. Without doubting it, he/she thought of continuing their sister's career. Gloria was opposed frontly:
“I refuse to that make the street."
“If you made it, why me not?"

“You have a body that you can take advantage in more productive things that this."
“It could get money in many ways, but I believe that I will enjoy if I make it as you..."
It was not the most appropriate thing that Helena left naked to the street, but she didn't have clothes some. Gloria measured 1'70 m, and her skirts hardly entered in Helena's thighs. She was necessary to buy clothes and shoes for an extra-natural woman. Their sister could not make it. The gelid winter it also got worse outside, and Gloria was not under conditions to leave.   
After being convinced by Gloria so that it didn't leave naked, Helena decided to be sheathed in a fine sheet that was placed by way of tunic, only allowing to see her tan naked feet. When leaving the house it was being formed a commotion in the street to their step: a woman of inexpressible facial beauty and stature outside of the normal thing went for a walk barefoot and you grieve dressed. Before the looks that it caused in the men, it felt an almost uncontrollable desire to show all their splendor. Avoiding to be allowed to crawl for their fantasies, she decided to hurry to arrive to the store.
The sudden silence, for perplexity and terror that was formed to the youth's entrance in the store was only broken by its sweet voice:

"I want to buy myself something that is well...".

All the women that were in the store left, as if of an escape it was, while the tailor, panicky he/she told him:

"I don't believe that we find anything for somebody of your stature."
Did Helena smile and, believing that she would tranquilize the clerk, she allowed the sheet that only wrapped him:

“For my stature to fall"?

The tradesman, before the youth's surprise, jump to hide after the counter.

"Don't get scared", - Helena said, - “I don't want to make you I damage. I only want you to make me a dress. Don't you like my body?”

They come, caress him... The tailor hid even more. Helena wanted to be played, for what pulled up the gigantic counter of the floor with a hand without realizing, like she catches a book of a table, and she grabbed with the other one to the tailor. The tailor was one of the bodybuilding of Gloria's clientele, quite stout, more than 1'80 m. When lifting it of the floor, Helena recognized it, and elevating the voice tone, she told him Aim who have here... I seem You now ridiculous! Now it should ridicule you me to you, but I will enjoy more if you lick my nipples... Said and fact. Plus as a prize that as a punishment, the tailor began to lick suspended of Helena's arm that it took it repeatedly of a nipple to other as if of a dummy it was. After some minutes, Helena began to force him to lick all her body and to caress him. The tailor every time was more excited, until the point of wanting to penetrate her. Helena's opposition was overwhelming, throwing him a slight slap that threw it two meters back, and being begun to masturbate said the only one that enjoys.
Helena closed the door of the establishment, and she decided that she was already the hour of choosing a dress. The tailor began him to draw sketches of long dresses:
“You believe that I have cultivated this body for not shining it!! I Want that all don't look at another woman that is not me!!"
“Your body can intimidate anyone..."
“Do you find that you were being intimidated when you caressed me?"
Helena sat down on the counter next to the sketches, and after a sensual crossing of legs that made stand out even more its musculature, began to pass its hands on its thighs, after that which asked:
“Do you think that I am not a delicate woman?
The tailor observed amazed how the girl stopped daintily with her fingers in the deep fissures and separations of her thigh:
“You are the most beautiful creature that has never seen"
It was not necessary that Helena was necessary him comment some about the dress. The man put all his zeal in getting the garment that stood out all the beauty of a perfect woman. A brilliant rosy latex was the elected fabric.

"I believe that it is already", - the tailor said.
“Of that anything," - Helena replied – “My legs, my arms and my back don't cover themselves"
“The cold is still intense in this time"
“How cold?"
The result was a minuscule dress. Helena had asked him to be all the small one possible to be able the tightest thing to be possible. When Helena was placed the suit, the latex she began to open up and to adapt to her musculature like a second skin. Their body didn't give neither a millimeter, since only its powerful muscles were what was low its skin. The pressure of the suit even had any effect on its enormous teats, hard as marble spheres, in which its nipples were guessed that stood out more than three centimeters, as wanting to cross the wrapping that trapped them. Helena began to tighten her body before the mirror. The girl was an authentic mountain of muscles in movement. During more than half hour she was posing: biceps with veins about to explode, legs whose volume seemed to have been bent, back of which a perspiration that rollicked among the enormous and rocky bundles that conformed it sprouted...
“Oh shit, I am still a little skinny. I should continue training."
The man didn't give credit to his eyes. He observed in silence the show that the girl offered him with a total erection. It only repressed their instincts when remembering the brutal slap that before had delivered him.
“Good, it is not bad. It doesn't finish convincing me completely, but I don't believe that your mind is able to conceive something sexier. Do you see me attractive?"
“You are perfect. You don't need nothing else."
“Although I always prefer to go barefoot, don't you believe that she should have some shoes for this suit?"
Without answering, the clerk went to look for a pair of shoes for her. There were not problems for this, because in spite of their enormous stature, their feet were small and of great beauty.   
“I suppose that you won't want high heels."
“You suppose bad. I want the shoes with the biggest heel that you have. I want that when walking my teats they make shade to all man."
The shoes that she found were a sandals that it was never able to sell for the size of their heels, of 20 cm. Placed in Helena's feet they allowed to guess all their beauty, since only they had some small ribbons that held them. When getting up of the seat,  could the most sculptural woman in the history it turns: With their 2'30 in heels, it touched the roofs of the store. He loved the form that their twins acquired when being wearing shoes discovery.

"Goes, I will never stop to put on heels."
Helena began to come closer to the tailor. The femininity that perspired when walking wasass exuberant, and to each step it tightened each one of the muscles of its body without it broke the aesthetics of its to walk.

"I order you you to give me pleasure".

The man allowed all that had accumulated before without knowing to come out on what area to act. Everything was a cast of perfections: their arms, their back, their teats, their legs, their ass... Helena smiled seeing how a man enjoyed his beautiful body. This filled from excitement to the girl, which began to lose the control and to untie all their force against the tradesman, to which violated repeatedly in a brutal way and he left practically dead on the floor.

"I need a men!!"
"To for the dummies...", - Helena said before to leave the store and to go to the gym, in the one that they should be all some years ago those at that hour they ridiculed of her. The entrance in the same one was impressive. After demolishing the door of a punch, everything was in silence. The figure that crossed the entrance among the powder was unreal. Nobody wanted to speak, only to contemplate that openmouthed marvel. Some said whispering she is the small Helena, the prostitute's sister.. He didn't dare to say more when he had left Helena looking fixedly while she tightened her thighs slowly.   
Helena returned the look and she saw a shelf where there was oil for competition. She caught a boat and it began to be rubbed it, from the feet up, very slowly. Taking pains on their thighs.

“Mmmm,” - she said.

She like to be pretty after being anointed the whole body, allowed to fall the rest of the oil among their teats, while she laughed with the head looking to the roof. Their body shone under the light so that the she made glow like a goddess.
She began to walk among the machines before the silence of all that feared the unexpected reaction that could have the woman. She only walked and smiled, until it was located beside the banking press, where was Luis, a type that had been champion of some international tournaments. He was the strongest man in the town. Helena caught the weights that with great difficulty Luis could get up in his trainings, with a hand. Smiling and effortlessly it did bend the bar loaded with 250 Kg, while this said:

“Is it what you come to make here, suckers"?

When seeing that, did a type want to leave running of the gym, but did Helena throw the weights with all her force against him, exploding it.
“I want that you are my slaves. You will work for me, and you will give me pleasure when I request it to you this way."
“Wow, mega girl!", - Luis said while he rushed on her.

Helena caught Luis for the head:

"You were the one that more I liked . You could have had some privileges" - and it threw him a punch with such a violence that sank the fist in the skull.

"What disgust! Clean this they were several those that offered to clean it.”
"Now desire to enjoy you!”.

The 30 men that there was in the gym was thrown on her: some they kissed her, others sucked each part of their body, and each one of them went her penetrating. Helena was happy. Their ecstasy became licentiousness. The same as with the tailor, it began to violate them to all. After five hours of battle, the girl was satisfied among the bodies of the men that lay exhausted in the floor.
"You are charming. I wait for you tonight without fail they could not lack.“

They were their slaves...


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