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"Hey honey?" my wife Amy began. I knew her too well over these past 5 years of marriage. She was about to make a big request.

"Yes?" I responded to my lovely 28 year old wife. We were both 28, in fact, and I had met her at a bar maybe six years back.

Amy would go on to explain that she had a really good friend from college that would be out east in New Jersey where we lived, for a whole month. This friend was job seeking, and had several opportunities out here to secure a full time job, but was living in an apartment in Los Angeles.

Naturally, Amy had asked if her friend could live at our place for the duration of the time, and I obliged.

The next day, my wife was at work, and she called me to tell me that her friend Jessica's flight would be landing in an hour. Being that I lived an hour from the airport, I hopped in the car.

As I drove to the airport, I thought of how lucky I was. I owned a startup company and it was doing well, to the tune of a $250,000 salary while allowing me to work from home. My wife, still wanting to remain busy, was a secretary at a company across the bridge in Manhattan.

I needed to look for Jessica upon getting close to the arrival section, but I realized I had no idea what she looked like. Calling Amy, I was surprised at her description of Jessica.

At 6' 2" and 230 pounds, she had to be fairly overweight. I was still surprised at her height. Not many woman were over 6 feet, and I was at 5' 9" and 160 pounds. Yeah, I'm a skinny guy. Amy was 5' 7" and probably around 155 lbs.

I pulled up near the United flight arrivals, and I was looking around for a rather overweight woman when a lady knocked on my window. I rolled it down slightly.

"Hey, you're Brett right?" she asked. "I recognize you from the pictures on Facebook."

I got out of the car and went to shake her hand. "Yeah, I'm Brett. And you're Jessica?"

"Yes. Nice to meet you!"

My hand met her hand, and that is when I realized she was certainly not overweight. This towering, large woman was strong, and her grip at probably half power had just absolutely crushed my wimpy, pathetic handshake. I winced in pain and looked at her hand, which was extremely feminine with perfectly painted red fingernails which complimented her flowing beautiful blonde hair. Every feature of her face was so feminine it was hard to believe she was so athletic and built.

Looking back up, she had a really large suitcase with her.

"Here, I'll give you a hand with that," I said, attempting to lift it. I struggled mightily with this bag and had to set it down. "Wow, that's heavier than I thought."

"Yeah, I have a lot of clothes. I had to pay $50 extra because this is 70 pounds," she explained. "Don't worry, I got it."

She took the bag as if it was nothing and swung it up with a fair amount of effort. Stunned, I opened the trunk. What had I just seen? Her blouse exposed some pretty veiny and strong forearms, but as she lifted the bag, I saw a massive muscular contraction of her large biceps. Those puppies had to be at least 16.5 inches, and they were extremely ripped too. I could immediately feel myself getting hard, and so I walked back around to the driver's door and quickly tucked my erect manhood into my waistband of my pants. What an embarrassing start.

Jessica got into the car, and I felt the vehicle sink a bit as her massive muscular density relaxed. She let out a big sigh, and thanked me. I meekly nodded and said no problem, still a bit shocked at her strength and size.

On the way home, we made small talk, which ended up rounding a corner to her fitness.

"So Jessica," I began. "I have to ask you about your fitness."

"What do you mean?" she asked, a bit puzzled.

"Well, you look phenomenal," I explained.

"Oh, like the muscles?" she asked smiling.

"Yeah," I confirmed. "Like what was your regimen?"

"Just a lot of dedication, focus, and natural strength," she said proudly. With that, she lifted and flexed a bicep, which was hard and big, just like my trembling extension in my pants. Luckily we were at a red light.

"Um, green light Brett," she told me, uttering a little laugh as I turned my head to the road.

"Oh my goodness, it's so great to see you!" said the females in unison. Amy and Jessica hadn't seen each other since their senior year of university, and they wanted to catch up. Like a good husband, I got some snacks and wine for them as they chatted up their lives.

Leaving them alone and going upstairs to take a nap, I lay down for about 5 minutes, my head spinning with the display of muscle Jessica had put on. I am a female muscle fan, but I had never actually encountered a muscular female in real life. But I wasn't going to go out of my way to cheat on Amy, especially considering Jessica would probably tell her instantly if I tried.

I decided to grab a glass of water and headed downstairs. Passing the living room where they were talking, Jessica got up. She was now wearing a pink tanktop and white yoga pants, and I could see her full muscular arms and shoulders on display now, and a fair amount of her pecs. Let me tell you, the lady did not skip leg day either.

Jessica quickly approached me, and as I turned to face her, I asked what she was doing.

"Amy, watch, I will show you that I'm stronger than him," she began.

Jessica threw me in a headlock and forced my face right near her crotch, and those white yoga pants did not leave much to the imagination. Then, she twisted me over. I was now near the ground, still partially being held up by Jessica's strong headlock.

My wife looked at me as if I was a pathetic being and started laughing along with Jessica. Amy was loving every second of this. I always acted like an alpha, and I was getting woman-handled by one of her friends.

Jessica continued to woman-handle me, but strategically placed me in positions so that I could make eye contact with Amy. But Amy just continued to laugh, and so did Jessica. I decided my best way to reduce the humiliation and emasculation occurring was to laugh, not to mention my even more embarrassing erect manhood.

It wasn't a very genuine laugh, but I was showing my best attempt to my wife that I wasn't really trying and this was just a big joke. But truly, I struggled. My body was just too weak for this woman, and she wouldn't let go. Jessica had to know I resented this, but if I fought back and inevitably lost due to her superior strength, it would look even more embarrassing. We both knew this, so I had to continue along as if it was a big joke that I found funny, and occasionally try to slyly squirm out of her strong holds. Continuing, she placed my face right in her chest, the part that the tanktop leaves exposed, and I let my mouth open for exploration.

Pausing her laughing and enjoyment, she began teasing me.

"Ooooh, do you like these California built pecs?" she cooed, flexing her pecs. "Hot, sunny days that I would spend in the gym just pumping, sweating, and building. Mmmmmm."
 I could feel the rigidity and hardness of each muscle fiber with my tongue, including the veins. Was it sexy? Yeah. But it was extreme shame and emasculinity filling me at the same time.

The reality was that I was getting handled easily by a female in front of my wife, and Amy was looking at me with an amused look on her face as if I was some weakling. I wasn't, but I was like a child in Jessica's hands. She finished by forcing my body onto the ground, stomach first. Placing a knee on my lower back, I yelped in pain but forced a smile on my face. Amy had to know at this point that I was genuinely defeated. Jessica pulled my arm and leg so vigorously that I tapped the ground.

Releasing me, Jessica laughed, "Well, that was like playing with play-doh! Amy, could you tell me where the bathroom is?"

"Yeah, down the hall to the left," Amy responded, still clearly amused.

I could only hope that this was a one-time thing, despite how arousing it had been. Jessica sure was like a superior goddess over me, but hopefully she wouldn't abuse that power over me too much, or this would be a very humiliating and emasculating month...

The next day, I woke up to the sound of some heavy breathing. I looked to the other side of the bed, and Amy had already gone to work, leaving me confused and alarmed.

It all hit me - we had another guest staying over. I felt shame as I remembered picking up Jessica yesterday, and the events that ensued. Oh, how I wish that were a dream. How arousing and exciting, yet humiliating to be beaten by a woman in front of my wife! My manhood was already throbbing just at the thought, but I quickly tucked the erection into my waistband.

Heading down the stairs, I finally saw the full glory in front of me, making me stop right there. Well, half of the glory anyways. Jessica had her shirt off and was wearing only booty shorts. The woman's pecs were so defined and big, yet extremely stout so that she did not need a bra.

Jessica had a 25 pound weight on her back, retrieved from the home gym downstairs that I hadn't touched for several years. Her arms looked pumped and swole like a bodybuilder's, and she was performing push-ups.

I stood there, just watching her pump. I could hear her soft counting of reps. "46, 47, 48...". The hardness between my legs returned. Jessica hit 50 reps, and flicked back her blonde ponytail, exploding upwards to her feet, giving me a good view of her muscular back. She looked at the mirror 5 feet in front of her. Accidentally making eye contact with her through this mirror, I looked down in shame and continued down the steps, but it was too late.

"Hey Brett!" she exclaimed cheerfully, her beautiful face glowing. I could just sense the increased mental dominance she held over me now, not even caring that her pecs and nipples were exposed to me. Her demeanor oozed with confidence.

"Hey Jessica," I said meekly, trying not to glance at her rock hard body. Her inviting upper body was going to make this next month extremely difficult. "Have you had breakfast?"

"No, actually," she responded assertively. "I was wondering if you had eggs?"

"Uh, yeah, um... we've got eggs," I said in a weak tone, now staring at her body.

Giggling at my astonishment of her vascular, pumped up state, Jessica continued. "Okay, well I will make a few eggs for myself. Would you like any?"

"I think I'll just stick with coffee and toast."

As I sipped on my coffee, Jessica walked toward the table, a plate in her right hand. It was piled with eggs and two toasts, along with a fruit smoothie made using our blender. I could see her biceps working effortlessly to support the plate, but yet they still bulged out of her arm.

Setting the plate in front of me, I could see how this woman got so much muscle. She cleaned up the whole plate, and me being as weak and skinny as I am, barely finished my coffee and toast before she finished her breakfast.

Jessica finished eating and set down her fork, resting her elbow on the table while putting her chin in her hand. "Brett, you need to eat more. Like, a lot more."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, but partially knowing what she was getting at.

"Yesterday when we were playing around, I was using probably 30% of my power, and I was wondering how you were so weak," she began. "But now I know. You barely eat anything!"

With that, a still shirtless and bra-less Jessica flexed her pecs and brought her arms up to form a double biceps pose. "You like that?" she asked with a pretty smile.

"Well, I mean... yeah," I said, fully aware of an erection along with my bright red face.

"You know Brett, you are a cutie, so I wouldn't mind if you wanted to touch and feel," began Jessica. "I wouldn't tell. I completely understand that you boys usually don't get to see a woman this muscular. I'm a rare gem, so I'm totally okay."

I sat silent.

"Well?" she urged forcefully. "Come on! Do you wanna feel me or not? I know you like female bodybuilders, Brett. You don't have to hide. Especially considering I'm one of the prettier ones." She winked.

I sat in silence still, extremely conflicted. I looked up to see Jessica sitting there, playfully bouncing her pecs. She had an amused smile on her face as they bounced. Left, right, left, right... so sexy and rhythmic. She stopped and looked up, a different expression crossing her face.

"You don't wanna feel them?" she asked, her biceps twitching as she laid her forearms on the table.

"I... I don't know... it's just..." I trailed off, mumbling weakly.

"Well, if you don't know," said Jessica menacingly, standing up. "I guess I'm gonna make the decision for you."

She walked over, grabbing me under the armpits and lifting me up from my seat to her eye level. She began to squeeze under my arms, which hurt like hell.

I yelped in pain for her to stop, and she set me down.

"Now if you don't wanna feel my muscles, you're just gonna have to settle for feeling their power," Jessica declared authoritatively.

Grabbing my head, the strong woman forced me into her uncovered pecs, squeezing and holding me there. My hands instinctively began to roam freely on her back and butt for a while, but I was also in serious pain and loss of oxygen. On the verge of passing out, I vigorously tapped her arm, feeling the bulging bicep power it contained. Jessica released me, and I slumped to the ground at her feet.

I thought that would be the end, but Jessica had more. She scooped me up and threw me onto a nearby couch, removing my pants in the process. Turning me over so that my erection faced up, she wrapped her elbow groove around the shaft of my penis, and began to flex on my already trembling manhood.

"You see that strength?" she asked. "This arm is stronger than your whole body."

My penis felt like it was going to let loose and explode. But right then, Jessica stopped and turned me around, revealing my butt, which was pathetic in comparison to her strong mounds of pure glute muscle.

Sitting on my back, she began to spank me. At first, it was light. But she increased the intensity to a point where the pain was unbearable. I started to cry. A grown man, crying after being physically humiliated by a woman.

"Please, Jessica," I cried. "I can't take it anymore. I love your body and I will do whatever you want. Just please stop."

Jessica obliged, and turned me around.

"Awww," she said, giggling sympathetically. "I'm sorry it had to come to this Brett. But that's all I wanted to hear." She bent down and gave me a kiss that seemed to possess a lot of power itself.

"Listen, let's go upstairs, okay?" said Jessica. "You can feel the full power of my muscles however you would like, and it'll be fun."

Jessica's 6' 2" frame picked me up, and carried me up the stairs as if I was a baby and she was an Amazon Warrior. What a tall, strong, dominant, and confident woman!

Jessica deposited me on the bed, and instructed that I take off my shirt and pants, leaving me in just boxers. She informed me that she would be going to change into red lingerie outfit, and told me to wait on the bed. I watched her musclebound body bounce off to her room to get changed, as I sat there, all shriveled up in just my boxers, stroking myself.

I was so glad my wife wasn't home to see this. Although it was sexy and extremely arousing, I had a feeling I was about to be sexually dominated to a degree that I had never thought possible before, and the humiliation that would ensue if anyone ever found out would be unbearable...


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