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It was about 7:00 p.m., whenever Professor Light exclaimed:

“I’ve finally done it.  I’ve created a formula that will make women infinitely strong and have the ability to grow muscles that exemplify that strength.”

Prof. Light had been working in his lab for months before finally finishing this project. He needed a test subject who was young and would be up for it, so he decided to ask his niece Lisa, who was staying with him while her parents were on a second honeymoon.

“Lisa, would come in her please?” - Professor Light said.
A few minutes later, Lisa, 13 years old, came in and said:

“What do you need, Uncle?”
“I need to test this formula and I thought that you might like to be my test subject. I know that it has always been your dream to be the strongest, most muscular girl in the entire world.”
“Oh, goody, I can’t wait!” - Lisa said.
“Ok, all I need you to do is to drink this formula and after about ten seconds, you will begin to feel a tingle.  Just to let you know, this formula will eventually were off and you will grow back to normal” - Professor Light explained.
“Ok” - she said.
Lisa ingested the formula and after ten seconds, she started to feel a tingling feeling course through her body and her body beginning to change. She grew to 5’ 11”; her arms grew to 15”, chest 36”, quads 22”, and calves 12”.
“That’s all?!” - she exclaimed, - “That sucks, I thought you said that I could grow as large as I wanted.”
“All you have to do is say how big you want to be and the formula will respond.” - Prof. Light said.
“I want 36” biceps,” - and no sooner did Lisa have 36” biceps.

She flexed and said:

“This is so cool!”
Prof. Light said:

“Why don’t you try out your strength in my special gym?”
Lisa said:

“Oh, I can’t wait!”
Professor Light set the bar to one ton.

Ttry and curl this?” - he said.
Lisa started curling and after about five repetitions, it looked like she was holding a twig. She exclaimed:

“Oh my god, this is so easy and light. Why don’t you up it to like five tons?”
Professor Light turned it up and Lisa again showed absolutely no strain what so ever.
“Set it to the highest and heaviest setting you have on this wimpy machine, Uncle!!” - Lisa said.
Prof. Light turned up the dial to 50 tons and said:

“There, that should pose a problem for you?”
Lisa said:

“I will need to get bigger in order to lift this.  I want my muscles to grow so huge, like 200” biceps, 400 inch chest, 100” quads, and 50 inch calves, all while keeping the pretty innocent face of a thirteen year old girl.”
Lisa started curling and after about 100 reps she said:

“Yawn, this is too easy and I’m bored with it.  I think I need to see just how big I can grow; that should be really fun.”
Professor Light said:

“If you’re going to do that, could you at least go outside where there is no one around and you wouldn’t make a scene.”
“Sure, besides this dinky laboratory couldn’t handle the muscle that is about be grown upon me and it would collapse instantly.” - She said.
Lisa walked outside and said out loud:

“I want to have biceps that are insanely huge, measure them at 30ft round, a chest that 60ft round, legs 20ft, and calves 10ft.”  About 5 seconds later, those were her measurements.  She thought to herself, “I’m still too small; I know I can get way bigger.  My biceps should be 60ft around, chest 120ft around, legs 40ft, and calves 20ft.”
Professor Light said:

“How do you like this formula and the results so far?”
Lisa said:

“I love it but I just want to grow so huge that this planet can’t take anymore of me. I want my biceps to be as big, tall, and round as the moon. I want my chest to be as large as the entire United States. My legs should be as big as the largest redwood tree, and my calves as large as the biggest SUV.”
Then, her biceps started to grow massive, adding 1000ft per second. After 10 seconds, she had biceps 6000ft, well over one mile. Then, it started to get out of control as her chest started adding one mile of muscle every second and her biceps two miles of muscle each second.
Professor Light said:

“She is a monster, but still has the innocent face of a 13 year old girl; hopefully, the formula will lose its potency soon.”
Her biceps were growing like they were shot out of a cannon, growing from 2 miles to 4 miles round, and so on for the next ten seconds. Her chest was growing from 1 mile to 2 miles round, and so on. Legs just absolutely enormous, growing exponentially; and last but not least, her calves the size of a compact car.
Finally, with one more massive flex, exclamation, and grunt:

“This last flex will do it. I will flex my biceps to the moon, my chest as large as the entire US, legs the size of redwood trees, and SUV sized calves.”
Her biceps grew uncontrollably until they were tall enough to touch the moon, about 237,000 miles high.  Her chest grew to an unfathomable 37,000,000 miles around, which is the size of the entire United States. Don’t forget about her redwood tree like legs and her SUV sized calves.
Lisa said:

“Oh yeah, now these are the largest, most powerful, muscles since the beginning of time. I make Olympus, Zeus, and Hercules, look like weak children.”
“Ok, I think you made your point Lisa,” - said Professor Light, - “besides, the formula only has a given length of potency and will wear off soon.”
Lisa said with a little bit of sarcasm:

“O.K. It was just so much fun to be able to grow big like that.  I can’t wait to come back and visit.”

A couple seconds later, she retracted her muscles back down to her original stature.
The next day, Lisa parents came back and said:

“Did you have a nice time?”
Lisa said:

“It was the best time I’ve ever had!!  It was just a blast!!!”


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