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I first became aware of having this "gift" back in college. I attempted to donate sperm at a sperm bank. They sent it for lab testing and I was told
that I was rejected. I spoke to the MD at the sperm bank and he explained that my sperm was abnormal. I asked him to explain and he said that if
I had sex with a woman who worked out that my sperm would act as a steroid. The MD said that it would have little effect on non-athletic women.
Prior to this talk, I already had developed a strong attraction to FBB's so this just whet my interest.
That was in the past.
I go into my bathroom and a massively musclebound woman gets out of the shower. She is a 5'5 tall redhead who must weigh at least 215 lbs of
female concrete. Her name is Jan and she starts to towel herself off as I begin to wash my face. Suddenly, Jan lifts my 190 lbs into the air, like I am an infant. I say:

"C'mon Jan. We did it 3 times last night."

My protests fell on deaf ears as she held me aloft with her left arm into the bedroom and dumped me on the bed.
"I know that I am huge already but I just want to make sure I get even bigger today, so I suggest that you submit to my musclebound supremacy."
I of course had another raging hardon and began to carress Jan's super amplified physique. Jan leaped on top of me and straddled my 5.5 inch cock which quickly became musclebound in response to her ultra femininity. She knew
that i would come quickly, which is what she wanted in this scenario. Her purpose was not to receives sexual pleasure as much as it was to
recieve a extra dose of my muscle seed. Jan was sexy as hell. Facially she resembled Margot Robbie and had the muscles to match. She was just using me this am to have a better workout. Jan relented and rolled on to her back and pulled me into her. She immediately flexed her musclebound arms since she knew that was what turned me on. Her biceps and triceps inflated to 17 inches and were as hard as my cock. I began to rhythmically pound away at her beauty. My cock was gripped snugly by her pussy as I caressed and re-caressed her arms, which appeared to be bloated with power. Her pecs swelled to the size of footballs when flexed.
As we continued knocking boots, I say the magic words which excite her the most: "Fuck me with all your musclebound power!"

Jan immediately rolls me over and is on top once again. With 5 more vigorous hip thrusts, I released my muscle seed into her pussy. I was drained but she got
up, wiped off her and my sweat, put on some deodorant, put on her sweats and grabbed her already packed gym bag.
As she was going out the bedroom door, Jan said:

" I am going to workout, I will tell you all about it tonight."

She knew it turned me on to hear her describe her feats of super human strength. I dragged myself to the shower, got dressed and went to work.

On the bus, I began to think about my relationship with Jan, I loved the sex but I didn't like her or her personality. Jan had become too bossy and possessive.

I dozed off on the bus... I thought back to what happened after the sperm bank told me of my abnormality. I had always been turned on to Fbbs, so I decided to see what would happen. In the campus health club, there was a 5'1 inch woman, who weighed maybe 110 lbs but was quite muscular. She benched 150 lbs and curled 40 lbs with a cambered bar. I finally got the courage to ask her out and we began to date. After a few dates, we had unprotected sex. She liked the fact that I literally worshiped her muscles. She continued working out as our sexual relationship intensified. After 6 weeks, I really noticed a substantial increase in her muscle size. I measure her for the first time and the results were: biceps 13', chest 35", thighs 23" and calves 13". She said that was one inch larger than her measurements, which were taken right before we started dating. She also noticed that she must much hungrier but fortunately she was eating healthy. She now weighed 125.
I continued to WO with her but her gains were clearly out distancing mine. Another benefit was she was much hornier. Twelve weeks after we started
having unprotected sex, she now weighed 135 lbs. She was benching  185 X10, curling dumbbells for 50 X10. She was waking me up twice a week and
basically forcing me to have sex with her. She would impale herself on my 5.5 inch cock and ride me to her satis faction.
Shortly thereafter, she came home from the gym crying. A girl accused her of using steriods. She said I don't understand. I am not taking roids or HGH.
In fact, she said:

"I’m not even taking creatine."

I guess I can understand their skepticism because of my phenomenal growth in a short time, she said, but I don't have any acne, hair growth, jawline growth or voice deepening. However, she was inconsolable. I decided to tell her about my part in this situation. Big Mistake…
After telling her of the source of her power, she became more demanding of sex. I had never asked for oral sex because I found it difficult to carress her gigantic muscles while receiving it. One night after nearly breaking the door down, she picked me up and stuck her tongue down my throat. Within seconds I had a raging hardon. She fished my cock out of my pants and swallowed my sword with the expertise of a experienced pro.
Within seconds, this fully clothed Power Goddess began to grow bigger and bigger. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a loose fitting long sleeved T-shirt with sandals. Surprisingly, she did not grow evenly. Her lower body began to grow first. Her big round bubble butt inflated with musclebound power. Her thighs quickly ballooned to over 36 inches and resembled two beer kegs. A few seconds later, I heard a loud riiiiippppp!
Now just her elastic thong remained. Next, her upper body began to grow quickly as well. Her tits floated on top of tectonic plates of muscle as the T-shirt was being stretched to the limit. Simultaneously, her biceps and triceps began inflating with power. She exclaimed:

"I can't believe how Big I am."

She then did a front double biceps pose and her bi's appeared to be 20 inches in circumference. While doing this posed, her shirt experience a cotton explosion as the structural integrity of the shirt was forever compromised.
Excitedly, she said:

"I think that I have stopped growing, let's weigh me."

She went over to my overweight roommates scale and said:

"Wow, I now weigh 220 lbs of muscle."

Amazingly, she was the same height as before so the addition of so much muscle made her look wider than she was tall. Once again, I had a boner but she said to save it.

"I want to go out drinking but I want you to stay home to service me later."
I told her that she didn't have any clothes to wear but she took my roommates clothes which barely fit her and left.
After she left, I decided that I not only had to breakoff the relationship but also that I needed to leave school. This muscle chick was not only getting too demanding sexually but she was becoming more and more erratic as her physical power increased.
Suddenly, my cell rang and it was my roommate. He said that my GF was at the bar and how did she get so huge. I feigned ignorance. He told me that he was pissed that she was wearing his clothes. I told him that I would explain everything in a e-mail, which I subsequently did. He also said that she just beatup the middle linebacker of the football team and expressed her intention of seeing me later that night. That was it.

I immediately packed my bags and drove off, leaving no forwarding address…


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