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Hi, everyone!

It's Michelle, and I wanted to talk about another fantasy of mine involving my
'significant other', Christine. She went to the store yesterday to pick up some bodybuilding supplements for me.
Her truck pulled up to the house a half-hour later while I was standing in the driveway washing my car.
She said the store was out of the supplement I had sent her for, but the clerk had given her a little yellow bottle filled with these capsules, which was marked "Instant Mass". The label on the bottle stated
that one capsule would add incredible muscle mass, but
it works only for women. 

I thought: "Well, that can't be true!" 

Now, Christine isn't a bodybuilder as I am, but she is tall, and quite athletic, and involved in many sports, and figured that these capsules could give her a performance edge, so she asked me if she could take one. 

"Of course!" - I said, and as she stood before me, wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of jeans that hugged every sexy curve, she swallowed a capsule. In moments, she began to grow noticeably, as her shirt tightened over her breasts, and buttons popped on her now unbearably tight jeans, I guessed that she had added perhaps 25 pounds of muscle! She was turning me on with her new muscles! 

"I've never felt such a rush of power in my life!" - Christine said. 

"Is this what it feels like to be you?!" 

"I want more!!!"
With that she ran to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and ran back to the driveway where I still stood.
Without thinking, she just grabbed a handful of pills (at least half the bottle) and swallowed. What happened next was unbelievable! Christine was growing into a
goddess of superhuman muscular proportions! She let out pleasing moans as her muscles pushed her clothing to its limits and beyond! Her jeans exploded under the pressure of her massive thighs and expanding glutes, and her mighty chest began heaving and throbbing with power as her nipples became freakishly large! As she moved her growing arms into position to do a double bicep shot, her
shirt gave in and snapped off of her body like an exploding tire, revealing a massive chest you could never imagine!! Her biceps had to be at least 40" around!!! Her legs were like throbbing tree trunks! My naked muscle goddess reached beneath her Ford Ranger and effortlessly lifted it over her head with only an index finger! Christine had become the strongest being in the universe!!!
I had a dozen orgasms just watching my 7 ft. 2000lb. princess of power! I was overcome by her monstrous muscles and I reached for her super nipples,
grabbing them as though they were the handle bars of a motorcycle, thinking this would be the ride of a lifetime!!!

I decided I couldn't let Christine have all the fun (and the power), so I took the bottle of pills and swallowed the rest of them, hoping to become the goddess my Christine now was. Wow, I could feel EVERY muscle in my body grow to massive proportions! I felt the swelling and tightening of my muscles as my purple mini dress began to give way! Like Christine, my chest began throbbing and pulsating with muscle as my rock-hard nipples pierced through the fabric of my dress!
As I grew taller, my legs expanded to a mind-boggling size! My watermelon sized calves bursted through my pantyhose and high-heeled boots, ripping them to
shreds! I was becoming more vascular, as veins which resembled freeways became intertwined around my ever-growing muscles, bulging to phenomenal size! I called to Christine to bring a mirror, and she obliged, bringing one out as I started a double bicep pose which revealed arms over 45'!!! I was now about 6 inches taller than Chris, and about 500 lbs. heavier! My pecs were engorged
with freakish muscle as ten-inch nipples stood erect from my perfectly rounded breasts! Christine measured my chest. 

"My goodness! 107 inches around!!" - she said. My waist was around 28 inches, which made my super 55-inch thighs look gargantuan!I felt as though I could lift the planet!! I was now stronger than every man on the planet combined! Christine knew she was a distant second, although she possessed the strength of thousands. I think we'll go next door to Brad's house and show that so-called bodybuilder what female muscles can do!!!
Christine and I decided to go next door to that jerk Brad's house for fun. He is a bodybuilder and such a showoff. He thinks his 21' arms are so bad.
Brad has a gorgeous 18 year old girlfriend named Kimberly. She's about 5'11, blonde, with an incredible body, and Brad doesn't even appreciate her! He cares
more about himself and his Harley! She knows he's no good for her, but is with him because she is turned on by big muscles. We're going to teach Brad a lesson
and show his beautiful girlfriend what big muscles REALLY are!!!!

Since Christine and I both weighed over a ton, it was hard not to hear us as we walked through Brad's front yard. 

"What the hell... oh, my..!!!!" - was all Brad could say when he saw us. Christine was the first to speak, (Brad used to hit on her even though he
had a girlfriend) 

"Brad, Michelle and I are here to give you a lesson on how to treat women! And I believe we'll start with your precious Harley!" 

"What are you gonna do bitch?!," - said Brad. Christine walked over to Brad's motorcycle and began to gingerly lower her massive bulk on to it, and as it began creaking, she realized to motorcycle was not meant to support the weight of a 2000 lb. goddess. 

"First of all," - Christine said, - "I'm not a bitch, and women are more important
than mere possessions!" Christine squeezed hergargantuan thighs together and stood, holding the bikesuspended about two feet from the ground. She then begansqueezing harder, crushing the bike between massive amountsof bulging, pulsating muscle!! Christine's mightylegs exerted enough force to actually break the bike into two pieces, and the pieces fell onto the ground in a loud crash, as Christine just laughed, knowing that Brad was powerless to stop her! The loud noise woke Kimberly, and she ran out of the house to see what was going on. Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw! Christine and I gave her a wink, and she knew this would be the greatest day of her life....

18 year old Kimberly ran from the house wearing only a light blue shirt that exposed her midriff, and a pair of matching panties. Her beautiful blonde
hair wasn't combed and her incredible green eyes were wide with surprise. She was so turned on by the two of us that she had come when she noticed Christine wink at her. 

"Get back in the house, bitch!!" - Brad shouted at Kimberly. I walked over to her and told her that we were here to teach Brad that a beautiful woman is to be respected and treated right. She laughed and admitted to us that she was very attracted to our muscles, and asked if she could watch Brad learn his lesson. 

"Of course, honey!" 

I then walked over to Brad's brand new Chevy Tahoe, standing behind it. I was facing the back of the truck as I reached out, putting my open hands flat against both sides of the truck. I then slowly lifted the truck off the ground, raising
the truck's front end so that by the time the truck was above my massive shoulders, it was vertical! Kimberly was softly moaning with pleasure! I was pleased! With the truck held above me in a vertical position, i gently threw it over 20 feet into the air and caught it with my right hand. I felt like a Superwoman!! I then placed my left hand under the frame and got a better grip of it with my right hand so I was holding the two-ton SUV over my head. I flexed every muscle in my
body (to the delight of Christine and Kimberly) and began BENDING the truck into an upside down u-shape!
Metal creaked as glass broke as I folded it completely in half! 

"Yes, oh my goodness, oh yes!!!" - Kimberly was overcome with sexual stimulation upon seeing me perform a feat which took the strength of thousands!!!
Brad could do nothing but stare as I threw the twisted hunk of steel and plastic over his house into the back yard! Christine and I then gave a double bicep pose
which dwarfed Brad's 21' arms. Christine's boulders measured 41 inches, and my superhuman biceps peaked at 48 inches as Kimberly came several more times! Our mighty breasts were engorged with muscle as nipples at least ten inches in length protruded from them. Our legs were thick and muscular, like no man EVER could attain. I asked Kimberly how she felt. 

"Oh, my.. I've never felt soooo... good... oh my..!!!" - Christine said, 

"See Brad? That's how you treat a beautiful woman. Since your puny muscles can't please her I think she'll come stay with us!" - Kimberly giggled. 

"I wish I had muscles, too"


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