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"What the hell is «Buff Bubbles»?" - Lilly asked.
"Apparently it's a new soda. Must be a trial run." - Ben said, turning the can around in his hands. - "It has the Strongest Flavor in the World." - he continued, chuckling.
"Let me see that." - Lilly said.

Ben tossed her the can. The can was a neon red, so shiny it almost sparkled. Behind the name of the soda was a shadowy figure of what looked like a female bodybuilder flexing her biceps. The only thing listed for ingredients was – «100% muscles». This was certainly the strangest drink she had ever seen.
"I bet if I drink it, I'll turn into Arnold.  Get to the Choppa!" - Ben said in a terrible mock accent as he playfully flexed.
"In your dreams, weirdo.  Besides, you know soda just makes you gassy." - Lilly said.
"Hey, I can't help it if my body gets musical when I eat something.  It's a celebration of taste."
"You are so gross." - Lilly said, trying not to laugh.
"What are friends for?" - Ben said, grinning. - "Well, are you going to get one or not?  If it makes you buff, you can do the heavy lifting at work."
Lilly grabbed a 12 pack.
"Then what will you do?" - Lilly asked as they made their way up to the checkout.
"Supervise obviously.  I'll have to make sure the reclining chairs work properly, of course."
"Got this all planned out do you?" - Lilly said, as she payed for the soda.
"You know it.  Always one step ahead.  That's why I'm the man."
"Well then you can carry this." - Lilly said, holding out the soda.
"Sorry, tweaked my back this morning.  Don't want to risk any further damage."
Lilly rolled her eyes.
"Do you actually do anything at the gym besides stare at the buff girls?" - she asked, pinching his beanpole arm.
"Ow!  Those are tender in the skinny parts.  And yes, I also do drool a little." - Ben said, rubbing his arm.

"You are terrible." - Lilly said, smiling.
They got back to her house and changed into their swimming clothes.  Lilly had a big pool in her backyard, which was particularly nice on a hot day.  She brought the soda with her, having been dying of thirst ever since they left the store.  Ben jumped in right away, splashing all over the place.  Lilly gave him a dirty look as she took out a soda and sat down on the deck.  She slowly slid into the pool, the top of her shoulders just peeking out of the 4 and a half feet of water.  Ben was doing some sort of dog paddle at the far end of the pool, so she figured that she was safe for at least a few minutes.  She grabbed the soda can and popped it open.   Surprisingly, it tasted amazing.  Sort of like a mix between a Dr. Pepper and a Cherry Coke, it took her barely a minute to drain the entire thing.   Ben had been enjoying himself, just relaxing and cooling off, when out of the blue an enormous belch literally echoed through the air, making him nearly pee in the pool.
"What the hell, Lilly?  Was that you?"
"Umm.  I think so." - Lilly said, going red in the face.
"And you call me gassy.  That could've broken a window." - Ben said, grinning.
"It wasn't that loud." - Lilly's face kept getting redder.
"My ears are still ringing.  Pretty sure a jet engine would've run quieter."
Neither one of them seemed to notice Lilly's small shoulders beginning to bulge slightly higher out of the water.  Or how the distance between said shoulders began to widen. And the once non-existant trap muscles beginning to push the straps of her bikini top up and away from her chest.  Lilly felt thirstier than ever, so she brushed aside her embarrassment and grabbed another can, again not noticing that there was a distinct bulge of bicep muscle protruding from her arm as she reached up. She proceded to gulp down the whole thing once again. Ben backed up to the edge of the pool and put his hands over his ears as Lilly closed her eyes and licked her lips.
"What are you doing?" - Lilly asked when she opened her eyes.

The soda tasted so good. Whoever made the soda must've used some top notch ingredients, because she felt incredible. She could no longer feel any resistance from the water. It was as if she was floating in air.
"Protecting my ears, little Miss Piggy."

Lilly stuck her tongue out at him.
"I'll show you."
Ben's eyes got wider and wider as he watched Lilly down the entire twelve pack of soda. It occurred to him that her arm looked strange.  Every time she grabbed another drink, it seemed larger. But he just brushed the thought off. His eyes weren't very good at anything farther than five feet without his glasses on anyways. There was no way a soda could do anything but make you fat, so he didn't put much credence in it. Besides, she was probably going to explode from all the carbonation that just flowed into her stomach.

Lilly started to move towards him so he took a deep breath and ducked under the surface, pretending to hide. He could see her feet moving closer, but things got strange as he looked farther up. Lilly was very short, and thin with no muscle to speak of. There was an absolute colossal bulge swelling out from each leg, just above the ankle.  That got bigger with each step her feet took. Did she have some sort of allergic reaction to the soda? The monstrous masses on each leg ballooned outwards so much, they forced her to more or less waddle towards him.  Each step was actually creating waves in the pool, bouncing Ben around like a bouy in the ocean. But what was that on her skin?  Flashes of sunlight revealed long squiggly, finger-thick tubes crisscrossing eachother. Were those veins? Before he could truly get close enough to scrutinize the leg swallowing protrusions, a dark shadow covered the entire side of the pool he was floating in.  He was running out of breath anyways, so he popped back up to the surface.  It took him a few seconds to catch his breath, before he lost it again just as quickly.  Ben scrambled out of the pool and grabbed his glasses. Hands shaking, he managed to get them on his face, and then stared at the awe inspiring scene in front of him.
Lilly was so high on the orgasmic feeling pulsing through her body, that she didn't notice Ben go under the water. The moment she finished the last can, she closed her eyes and let herself fully relax in the water. The combination of the cool softness of the water and the blanket of warm sunrays was almost too much.  Was this what heaven felt like? The only thing that kept her from falling asleep was the sudden quiet. What was Ben doing? It wasn't like him to be silent for so long. Not that it wasn't peaceful. Sighing, she opened her eyes and looked around. He wasn't anywhere in the immediate vicinity. Maybe he went inside. Then she spotted something colorful at the bottom of the pool on the other side. It had to be him. Trying to hide. He was always terrible at hide and seek. The water seemed to be tossing and turning an awful lot as she moved across the pool, large waves cresting over the sides. And it seemed like she was looking down on things a lot more than she was used to, but again she was still on a sugar rush or whatever it was from the soda, so everything was a little dreamlike at the moment. She heard a splash in front of her followed by footsteps on the wood deck. She had to lean forward and down to see past her pecs. Wait. Pecs? Nah. That wasn't possible. That soda was really messing with her head. She saw Ben staring up at her with a shocked look on his face, jaw nearly on the ground.
"Alright, spit it out. Is there something on my face? And what are you doing so far down there? Did you break the deck again?"
Ben couldn't find words. Did she really not know? Her face was at least five feet above his as he stood on the deck, while her feet were still firmly planted on the bottom of the pool. Her head looked like a pea surrounded by mountains of muscle. Pecs surged out in all directions, rippling masses so thick and wide, he had no doubt that she could smother the Volkswagen Beetle she so adored. With every breath, every one of hundreds of striations thick enough for him to grab, popped out in a wave of muscle that continued to inch forward, as if waiting to gobble him whole. A bulging triangular mound of beef formed a wall of steel that blasted up over her head by several feet and traveled across on either side to connect to literal boulders of muscle. Boulders of muscle so immense if she were to lay flat on the ground, Ben would have to reach up to find the top. Capping off a back that stretched wider than the pool in an utterly insane v formation, were a set of lats that threatened to somehow stretch out farther than her elbows, as she stood RELAXED. How much further would her back spread? It already looked nearly as wide as a small plane.
Ben nearly passed out at the sight of her biceps. There was so much muscle meat packed onto her arms that the peaks nearly touched him, even though she stood about six feet away. The peak itself was wider than he was. Heck, the vein going across it was as thick as his wrist!  There was enough muscle in the peak of her bicep to annihilate the record for biggest bicep, male or female. Forget about the rest of the towering mass and what had to be triceps with horseshoes big enough to fit Babe the Ox. And for some reason, Lilly still seemed totally oblivious to the fact. Totally oblivious to the hundreds of ab muscles plastered all over a waist that was nearly as small as Ben's. Or the absolutely colossal set of quad muscles that seemed to take up nearly all the space in the pool, from side to side. One of her hundreds of constantly twitching quad "feathers" had more muscle than one of his legs. Her physique was all the more mindblowing knowing that she still wasn't flexing.
"Oh, come on Ben.  What is the matter?  Your staring is getting a little annoying." - Lilly said, rolling her eyes.
"How do you not know?  Just look at yourself!  You're gigantic!" - Ben said, loudly.
"What are you talking about?  You know I'm not...." - she paused after raising her arm up to move a strand of hair out of her eyes.
Seeing a bicep mountain explode upwards nearly twenty feet over the top of her head as she merely brought her forearm up, seemed to be enough to get the wheels turning inside her head.

"Holy cow, Ben!  Are you seeing this?" - Lilly exclaimed.
"Of course I'm seeing this!  I told you." - Ben said, annoyed.
"I'm huge!  This is so awesome!  But wait... I'm not even flexing!  I wonder...  Do you think I can get bigger?" - Lilly said, her excitement bubbling out of control.
Lilly closed her fist. Just that simple act caused the mountain to shudder and grow another five feet higher, nearly blocking out the sun overhead. Lilly gasped as her smile spread ear to ear. She slowly dropped her forearm, level with the ground. But her bicep didn't shrink an inch!  All Ben could do was shake his head. This was just insane. A web of veins literally popped out of the skin on her forearm, continuing to puff out larger as she squeezed her fist until her knuckles went white. The ground under Ben's feet started to rumble as a huge vein, almost as big around as his arm bullied its way to the surface of her forearm, connecting to her bicep. It was gross, yet awe inspiring at the same time as he could see blood rushing through it, filling the monstrous muscle. Lilly's skin began to turn the same shade as the blood. She grit her teeth, as sweat began to pour down her face, her arm beginning to quake like a volcano ready to blow its top. Ben wanted to leave, but he couldn't pull his eyes off her arm. Even though muscles on a girl did nothing for him, he felt this burning curiousity eating away at him. How big could she get?!
Lilly rammed her forearm up into her bicep and the world exploded. A tidal wave of pool water slammed against Ben, knocking him off of the deck onto a floaty toy.  He searched around for his glasses as he snorted up water, finally locating them near his feet. He wiped them off as best as he could on his wet trunks and slowly stood up. Still a little wobbly from being flung backwards, it took him a couple seconds to fully regain his bearings. And then he looked up. And up. And UP. Lilly's mountain of a bicep had turned into a literal mountain of muscle, so big it punched a hole in a cloud overhead, the peak long out of sight. Ben climbed up the steps onto the deck once more and got a full look at the goddess Lilly had become. Her head had disappeared behind a wall of pec muscles, that to Ben's surprise, extended out so far that with every breath she took, they rumbled out within a couple inches of him.  He was close enough to feel the warmth radiating from every mutated, vein covered crevace, see the sweat droplets trickle down from the crest of the rippling hills of skin covered steel, and hear the seemingly forever stretching skin as the gargantuan hills of beef continued to slowly inch forward, closing the distance to where he stood.
"Ben! I got way bigger!  But, I swear it seems...."  - her voice was muffled behind the wall of muscle, before she suddenly paused.
Ben heard something that sounded like soft thunder coming from somewhere nearby. He slowly walked down the steps, looking around to try and locate the source of the sound. As he came around to Lilly's side, he couldn't help but stop and gasp once more. Her size was mindblowing. Nearly all the water had been thrown from the pool, about a foot remained at the bottom, splashing around under calf muscles that bulged out so much, they nearly touched the back of the pool. And of course the rumbling was coming from Lilly. Ben's eyes widened as he watched the cement blocks she called abs begin to distend as her stomach ballooned outwards, pushing against her chest, until she looked pregnant enough to pop out about a hundred kids.
"Uh oh." - Lilly squeaked out before unleashing a belch that made the last one seem like a silent memory. Ben fell to the ground holding his ears as the belch blasted through the air like a foghorn on steroids.  A hurricane like wind exploded from her mouth.  The belch bounced off of the steel curtain in front of her face and was directed upwards, pumping out enough regurgitated air to part the clouds. This went on for almost three minutes, enough time for nearly every window around them to shatter from the battering of soundwaves.  When Ben was finally able to take his hands off of his ears, everything seemed dead quiet.  Maybe his hearing had been temporarily knocked out?  He massaged his ears, trying to get them back in full working order.  But it hadn't been more than thirty seconds, when he heard Lilly say something.
"Ben,  I feel so ggggoooooddddd.   It's like having an orgasm multiplied by a billion!  So powerfullllll!  I just wanna..." - pausing mid-sentence, once again, she let out a long, loud, gasp.
"Oh no." - Ben whispered.
The ground began to shake so much, the little bit of water left in the pool, was splashing over the edge. The pool deck crumpled into pieces, the ladder falling to the ground with a thud. Ben watched a crack snake it's way up the side of the surprisingly resilient pool, before just happening to look up at the exact moment Lilly screamed out his name.  Her body detonated in all directions, growing so fast, Ben literally didn't have time to think. Within seconds, her feet had grown big enough to flatten the pool, soon filling the entire backyard. Ben got to his feet as quickly as he could, running past a big toe nearly as tall as he was. He could hear Lilly's giggles far overhead as her calf muscle bulged out so much they actually started to lift her heels slightly off the ground, all while approaching the size of her house! Ben was fully speechless as the calf muscle began to eat everything in sight, demolishing the fence behind and to one side, and crunching through the wall of her house on the other! He heard another crunch behind him. Her big toe had punched through the back of his house like it was made of cardboard, making a hole big enough to run a semi through! And she was still growing!!!


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