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When Helmut Schadow sold his company on his 70th birthday and moved to California, his friends were surprised. They talked behind his back that his wife Ilsebill had forced him. After the collapse of the GDR, Helmut had done what he could to earn a fortune. He had started from very humble beginnings. His father had been a fisherman and he himself had started on the sea. His company eventually became the world leader in net production, but for him, it was always about the sea.
In California, Ilsebill, herself in her late 60ies, quickly adapted. She had the usual nips and tucks expected from very rich people there. She trained daily to become fit and earn herself a body fit for the beach. She worked hard, much harder than ever before. Back home, she had been in charge of accounting, here she was in charge of spending. She bought a mansion, cars and a fitting wardrobe. She invested the money and racked in the profits. Still, she was annoyed that her body just wouldn't do it anymore. She wanted to be fit and firm just like the other men and women on the beach. Still, she had to face reality: She had started too late, sitting in the office day in, day out. She would not be a perfect California woman.
For Helmut, it didn't matter. He had bought a fisherboat and spent his days under the eternal sun, rod perched from the railing. He loved his wife dearly, but he firmly believed that distance was the base of a good relationship. It had served him well for almost fifty years.

One day, he was out again, the boat drifting in the gentle breeze. Suddenly, there was a tug on his fishing rod. He instantly sprang to action and grabbed it firmly. This was a big one. Helmut was no fool. Big fishes need time to tire themselves out. As old men go, he was patient. He decided to outlast the animal, just as he had outlasted the competition. He smiled as the struggle went on. The longer it went, the bigger the beast seemed. Helmut was impressed. He vaguely remembered having read a novel on this decades ago. He had forgotten how it ended, but right now, he didn't care. Soon, he was completely absorbed by this fight. The beast tried to escape, but every time, he managed to keep it hooked. Eventually, the animal seemed to give up. Helmut started reeling it in. He was pretty certain Ilsebill wouldn't care about it. All this fishing seemed to tire her when he talked about it. Usually he didn't. As he saw the shadow approach under the water, he changed his mind. He'd tell her about this. He'd call his friends back home and tell them about this. He'd tell the papers.
Finally, the beast appeared. It was huge. It also was no fish. Instead, Helmut stared at the enormous form of an octopus. He stared at the thing. He had no idea how to get this on board. He'd have to take a photograph. Helmut struggled with himself: Should he go below deck and fetch his camera, at the same time risking that the beast would free itself? Just as he was about to reach a decision, the beast spoke:
"What do you think you're doing?"
The old man stared at the beast. His mouth fell open. It said:
"What's up? Somebody home?"
Helmut recovered:
"You can speak."
"Yes. So do you. I don't look too surprised by this."
"Of course. But I'm a human."
"Well, I used to be one. I am an enchanted prince."
"You heard me."
"This is stupid. You can't be an enchanted prince. Magic doesn't exist."
"Have you ever heard of a talking octopus?"
"No ..."
"That's because they don't usually talk. But me, I'm magical. I was enchanted by a sea witch."
"I'm sorry, but this is so weird."
"I know, but that's what it is."
"Okay. So what do I do now?"
"I would be very glad if you let me go. I don't want to die."
"I see. Of course, you're right. I'm really sorry. If I had known it was you, I wouldn't have ..."
"Nah, don't mention it. Just let me go and everything is fine."
"Okay. Just let me do this."
The old man clumsily freed the beast. It sighed.
"Thank you. You're a cool guy. That's really nice."
"No problem. Goodbye."
The octopus disappeared below the waves.

When Helmut eventually returned home, he found Ilsebill in her workout clothes. He smiled blissfully. She did look very good for someone who was almost seventy years old. There were a few wrinkles on her face, her breasts had a certain firmness and she was slim without looking starved. All in all, she was a very beautiful woman. Her blonde hair and her tan completed the look. Right now, she was on the row machine, pulling against a resistance Helmut was certain he couldn't match. He asked:
"How was your day?"
She grunted on and said:
"Busy. I did a lot of cardio and researched a new training plan."
"I see. Did you find anything?"
"Of course."
She continued. Helmut hesitated. When she was concentrating like this, interrupting wasn't a good idea. Whatever.
"I went fishing today."
No reaction.
"I caught an octopus. A big one."
No reaction.
"It was magic. An enchanted prince. I threw him back in."
No reaction. Then:
"The octopus told me he was an enchanted prince."
"Did you forget to put on your hat?"
"No. He was really nice and all. I let him go. He seemed like a nice fellow."
Ilsebill stopped what she was doing and stared at him. She seemed to try to decide whether her husband had finally gone crazy.
"If you're asking yourself: I'm not going crazy. I met him. He was cool about me catching him."
She nodded slowly.
"So you just let him go?"
"Sure. No point in keeping him. I can't kill animals that talk."
"I guess so. You could have asked him to grant you a wish."
"I think he was an enchanted prince. I don't think he was an enchanting prince."
"It couldn't have hurt to try. You always waste opportunities, even if they kick you in the face."
She got up, all sweaty.
"What should I have asked him for, anyway?"
"I don't know, you could have thought of me. Why not ask him to make me fitter? I would have liked that."
"Yes ... Probably."
"There you have it. You don't think about me."
"It was a very surprising moment, you know. I was a bit confused."
"I guess so. You could have tried, though."
Helmut sighed. No love tonight.

The next day, Helmut returned to the sea. Soon, he reached the area where he had caught the beast. Angrily, he said:
"Manntje, Manntje, Timpe Te, Tintenfischje in der See, myne Fru de Ilsebill will nich so, as ik wol will."
He then grinned stupidly. Talking like his grandmother had always made him smile.
Suddenly, the water bubbled and the octopus emerged.
"Hey. You're back."
"Whoa. Where did you come from?"
There was a short pause as the octopus gave him a long stare with his large black eyes. Helmut continued:
"Nice to see you."
"You too. What's up?"
"My wife is angry with me."
"Tough. Can I help you?"
"Maybe. She says I should ask you to grant me a wish."
"Okay? I thought you were an enchanted prince."
"I am. But magic is fine too. So, what do you want."
"She told me to wish her to be fitter."
"That's all?"
"That's all."
"No problem. Just go, she already is."
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it."

When Helmut returned home, Ilsebill was already waiting for him. She shouted:
"You did it, you really did it!"
She pulled open her robe and revealed some sculpted abs, powerful pecs and some strong quads.
"Whoa. How did that happen?"
"I don't know. Something came over me and this was what I look like now. I feel so strong and full of energy. Thank you!"
Before he could react, Ilsebill pulled him on the sofa, undid his fly and climbed on top of him. Within moments, he was hard and she was hammering her cunt against his cock. She gasped and grunted, her breasts bouncing as her super-charged body drove him to orgasm. As he came, he realized that she was just coming for the third time. She threw him to the ground and said:
"Put it in me from behind. Go!"
The older woman, now quite strong, got on all fours and guided his once again hard dick into her snatch. He pounded her firm butt and marveled at her muscular back. Surprisingly he came again. She gasped as she had him switch positions.
This went on for more than an hour.
Eventually, Helmut was tired. Ilsebill let him rest and got herself off first with her hand, then with a cucumber she got from the kitchen.


Over the next days, they spent a lot of time fucking. Never before had Helmut experienced this. Ilsebill was having the time of her life. Whenever she wasn't fucking him, she was either training or masturbating. Finally, after a week of excess, Ilsebill decided to take a walk on the beach. She wore a very skimpy bathing suit and showed off her fit body. Helmut went with her. He felt a bit of pride from seeing the admiring looks. His wife was the epitome of the sexy older woman. A GILF, so to say.
Day after day, they went there and Ilsebill was enjoying herself. Seeing the other women stare at her in jealousy made her even hornier. After every walk, she would fuck him hard.
Then, one day, they reached a beach volleyball court. Very fit young women were playing. People were watching the show, enjoying the view of their muscular, sexy bodies. Ilsebill's mood plummeted. That night, Helmut found her frustrated and decidedly not in the mood.
In the dark, he asked:
"What's going on?"
"Stupid octopus."
"He could have done more. You could have done more."
"What do you mean?"
"Have you seen those people? They were much fitter and sexier than me."
"So? I still love you and you look better than ever."

The next day, Helmut set sail once again.
"Manntje, Manntje, Timpe Te, Tintenfischje in der See, myne Fru de Ilsebill will nich so, as ik wol will."
He was nervous. Would it work again?
Soon, the water bubbled. He felt relieved. The octopus appeared:
"Hey, it's my friend from terra firma. What's up?"
"I'm really sorry to bother you ..."
"Don't worry, I'm not busy. I'm an octopus."
"I guess so. Thank you."
"So, what can I do for you?"
"It's about my wife. She wants to be even fitter."
"Don't sweat it. Just go, she already is."
"Really? Thank you, you're really generous."
"Don't mention it."

A strong wind blew Helmut's ship back home. Gusts of wind occasionally rattled its masts. He smiled. he liked it when the sea gave him a challenge.
He reached his house soon and found himself grabbed and lifted by Ilsebill.
"Thank you, thank you!"
"Did it work?"
"Oh yes! Just look at me!"
She put him down and flexed her arms. Where she had had strong, wiry muscles before, he could see powerful bulging biceps.
"Not bad, huh?"
She did a few more poses. She was now very fit and rather muscular. Before he could take it all in, she had him on the floor, sucking his dick until it was rock-hard, then went into a reverse cowgirl, letting her huge, steel buns do the rest. He came, she laughed and said:
"This is so awesome. Come on, get on top!"
She laid on the rug and slipped her hand over her blocky abs. Not only was she now in lightweight bodybuilder territory, she was also very good-looking. He grabbed her breasts and began fucking her. She was moaning as soon as his dick touched her lips.
Eventually, Helmut was completely exhausted. Ilsebill grabbed a dildo from the couch table and began furiously working her snatch. Her free hand touched her powerful muscles. She guided it all over her body. While Helmut rested, he heard his wife cumming over and over again.

After a few days of intense fucking, she disappeared for a week. Helmut was very irritated. He didn't dare sailing away. She could come back any day.
When she did come back, she was very relaxed. Her blonde hair was now much shinier and fuller, her breasts had grown to match her stronger physique and she seemed more flexible. Also, her tan was even and soft. He stared at her as she walked in, wearing a designer sports outfit.
"Ilsebill ..."
"Yes, Helmut?"
"You look incredible."
"Thank you. It's thanks to you."
"Yes ..."
He somehow expected her to instantly fuck him again. She didn't. Instead, she said:
"We have to go to the beach."
"We do?"
"Yes. There's something I have to show."
"I see."
Minutes later, they were striding through the sand. Ilsebill was striding, Helmut was trying to keep up with her. The hot sand was running into his sandals, she eschewed such signs of weakness. Instead, she proudly walked by the gasping and whistling beach people. When she reached the beach volleyball players, she immediately stole the attention. The girls tried to continue, but without an audience, it felt un-Californian. This went on for a few days. Every time they returned, she would screw his mind out. He was amazed by her strength and endurance. Her powerful body seemed to know no tiredness and her wicked mind left out no erotic thought.
Helmut was happy. He was enjoying himself, she was both calm and horny and the people were astonished.
All this could have lasted, had they not come by the muscle pen. There, Ilsebill discovered people who were even more muscular. For a second, Helmut hoped he could distract her, but no. She saw the admiration and fascination the muscular women there received. She gave him a long look.

The next day, Helmut was on the now familiar route. The sea was a little rough, but he didn't care. Watching Ilsebill sink into gloomy thoughts and being angry at him was motivation enough for him to leave.
"Manntje, Manntje, Timpe Te, Tintenfischje in der See, myne Fru de Ilsebill will nich so, as ik wol will."
What was he doing? All of this was just increasing his problems, not solving them.
The water bubbled and hissed and the octopus appeared:
"Hi. Long time no see."
"Yeah. I hope you don't mind."
"Nah. It's okay. There's not much to do in the enchanted prince-business."
"So, what's up? Wife angry again?"
"You guessed it."
"So, what does she want?"
"She wants to be way fitter."
"Okay ... Do you think that's a good idea?"
"I'm really not sure."
"I'll take that as a 'yes'. Just go, she already is."
"Mhm. I see. Thank you."
"No worries. Enjoy."
"I'll try."

The trip back was actually quite tricky. The sky was cloudy, the sea was green. Holding the course required Helmut's every skill. He reached the harbor, proud of his achievement. This was quite the feat. He still had it, experience did count for something.
On the way home, he began to wonder what Ilsebill was like now. After all, her body had changed a lot over the last months. Her face was still as nice as always, although it had regained a bit of its youthful vigor. That was nice. He just hoped she wouldn't leave him for a younger man. Nah. They were meant for each other, always had been.
He unlocked the door.
Before he could even hope to react, he was lifted up. Ilsebill held him high in the air, sucked his cock until it was hard, then lowered him back down and slipped it into her waiting snatch. All the time, she held him with an iron grip. Through the haze, he could see that she had developed massive shoulders, bigger than the women they had seen at the pen. Her chest was broad and powerful, her breasts supporting by massive pectorals. She smiled blissfully as she came again.
In a short pause, she said:
"Oh, Helmut. You did it again. You made me a true beauty."
"I guess so."
"Just watch these arms!"
She lowered him on the sofa and flexed her biceps. They were huge. Even in his best years, Helmut could not have matched her. She grabbed his balls and started massaging them, first softly, then rougher. He was hard once again. She laid his cock into the crook of her arm. Turning her wrist this way and that, he soon found himself coming. She laughed.
"Not bad, huh?"
"I'm amazed."
"Yes, this body is perfect."
She did a most muscular pose. He gasped.
Before he could react, they were fucking. Her ridiculously powerful body grinding against his weak, old, flabby meatbag made him feel odd. She grinned as he came again and again.
Eventually, he just collapsed. He just lay there, breathing shallowly. She crouched in his face and said:
"Don't give up yet. At least show me your tongue."
He did as asked. Soon, her snatch was gushing. When he finally lost consciousness, he could hear her vibrators buzzing.

Over the next days, he discovered the joys of fucking her cunt while she had a vibrator up her ass. He wondered why, but she just told him she enjoyed this more. She also held him bottoms up, forcing him into a bizarre standing 69 pose. She also enjoyed squeezing and manhandling him. Helmut was amazed. Eventually, she relaxed a little and said:
"I'm going away. Just getting a tune up. Stay here, I'll be back in ten days. Got it?"
Helmut wasn't sure what to do. Waiting for more than a week without anything to do didn't agree with him at all. On the other hand, he didn't want her to get into an angry mood. After all, she was now easily able to tear him apart. He decided to stay put.
When she came back ten days later, her tan was deep, her teeth were pearly white, her breasts were big, her hair was incredible and her body was perfect. She immediately told him to get ready for the beach. Now was the time.
Helmut slipped on his sandals. Despite her advanced age, Ilsebill opted for a sling bikini. Before moving to the States, Helmut hadn't even known such a thing existed. Now, his wife of fifty years was wearing one. He struggled with the thought. She pumped up before joining him on the veranda. Her body was glistening with strength. She flexed her cobblestone abdominals and let her breasts dance by flexing her overloaded pectorals.
"Time to go."


She led him along the way. People stared, people stumbled over other people, wherever they went, gaping mouths, wolf-whistles and rubbed eyes followed. Helmut was certain that he was completely invisible now. He watched his wife's calves bulge as she marched through the sand, her confidence radiating like an invisible shield around her. She reached the muscle pen, the volleyball players following her dumbly. She climbed in, took two large dumbbells and started pumping out repetitions like there was no tomorrow. Everybody fell silent as she grunted, finally setting them down. The other muscle women stared at her as one of the men jotted down the incredible new record she had set. She let her long, blond hair flow in the wind and shot them a perfect smile.
Helmut could see her beam with happiness. She had the admiration of every person around. Every person?
Not quite. She looked around and her eyes suddenly locked on a massive male bodybuilder who was clearly warming up with the same type of dumbbells she had just used. Her face almost fell, but she faked a smile. With a wave and a gratious look, she left the pen.
As soon as they reached home, she broke down.
"Why? Why?! WHY!"
Helmut tried to calm her down. He tried to reason with her. He was desperate to make her understand that this was pointless. She looked at him with steely eyes:
"Get on the ship. Now."

The waters were wild now. Helmut fought hard to keep his course. The waves rose and fell. He had to use his full skill to keep it from breaking or capsizing. When he finally reached his destination, he was exhausted and tired. He had to wait a while to settle down. He was getting too old for this shit.
"Manntje, Manntje, Timpe Te, Tintenfischje in der See, myne Fru de Ilsebill will nich so, as ik wol will."
The water spurted and bubbled. Soon, the octopus' head appeared. It said:
"Guess who's back."
"I hope I didn't interrupt anything important."
"Not at all. I'm a cephalopod. I have no bones, so I'm always flexible."
"I see."
"Let me guess: Your wife is unhappy and wants to be even fitter."
"You said it."
"I thought so. Honestly, I don't think that's a good idea."
"I'm not sure either."
"Still, a wish is a wish. Just go, she already is."
"Er. Thank you."
"Just stay out of trouble."
"I'll try that."

Never before had Helmut witnessed such a horrible sea. Waves were rising around him, crashing on the deck, almost carrying him overboard. He struggled to even stay alive, let alone sail the ship ashore. Every mile he survived made the storm increase its fury. When he finally hit the shore, his sail was shredded, his hull was leaking and he was barely alive. He just managed to anchor her, then passed out on the pier. The sailors there revived him. A swig of some strong liquor was enough to get him back on his feet, but he was still in a very bad shape.
He had to spend three weeks at the hospital, just to get his forces back. When he was released, he was still shocked. Ilsebill had called him, thanked him, but refused to visit him. Instead, she had asked him to recover. She was really looking forward to seeing him again.
He stumbled home, eventually reaching his door. He fumbled for the keys when it suddenly opened. He stared at his wife, his eyes open in shock.
He had never seen anyone like her. Even the most insane bodybuilder at the pen was runty next to her. Her arms were massive, easily larger than his legs. Her chest was now almost as wide as the door. Her abdominals protruded, each muscle belly the size of a baseball. She breathed in deeply, her enormous, inhuman breasts rising and her muscles spreading even further.
She was hairless below her neck, he could tell because she was naked. Her entire body radiated luxurious health and power. She smiled.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"
"Don't mention it."
He sat down on the now rather destroyed couch. She walked to him and said:
"Want to fuck?"
He hesitated. He wanted to, of course, but he was also quite exhausted. She saw his conflict and added:
"Just let me do my thing."
She went down on his cock.

After a few weeks of recovery, Helmut felt ready for the beach. Ilsebill was now restless. She was pumping absurd amounts of iron in her home gym, parading around nude and sucking him off whenever she walked by. She also seemed to be permanently horny, her cunt and ass filled with larger and larger sex-toys. On some evenings, she was in a constant daze of horniness. Helmut was watching all this in confusion.
Eventually, she got ready for the beach. Helmut had to use a cane, she just wore a C-string and a tiny bikini top that barely covered her nipples. Soon, she led a conga line of admirers to the pen. Things stopped happening when she walked by. People with weak hearts collapsed. Men and women suffered from whiplash as she strode past them.
Ilsebill reached the pen, grabbed the biggest weights they had, shot her rival a smug look and started pumping out reps like there was no tomorrow. Her arms bulged to a mutant size, her brow was wet with sweat, but she pumped on. When she finally stopped, she didn't seem tired. Only bored. She grinned as the grown man started shaking in his speedo. The hyper-charged woman jumped over the pen's railing and walked to an enormous boulder next to it. She spat in her hands, smirked, gripped it and lifted it with supreme effort. She held it up like Atlas, then dropped it. Now she was done.
It took a moment for people to recover from the shock, but there was an astonished, yet roaring applause. She bowed down, nodded and waved, then left.

Back home, she said:
"That's that then."
He asked:
"Is it enough now?"
She hesitated:
"This is still human, isn't it? There's still a chance someone will eventually beat me. I wouldn't want that."

The ship had been repaired. It was still in a bad shape, but Helmut thought it seaworthy. He was rather beyond caring too. After all, there was no end to this. Even if he survived the trip, what could he do?
He got on board, cast off and soon found himself in an apocalyptic storm.
Later on, he'd be unable to explain how he even managed to survive, let alone reach his goal. Waves dozens of yards high tried to smash his ship, gales of insane power tore up his sails and cut his mast. The ship was almost sinking when he finally reached his destination. With his last strength, he whispered:
"Manntje, Manntje, Timpe Te, Tintenfischje in der See, myne Fru de Ilsebill will nich so, as ik wol will."
"Manntje, Manntje, Timpe Te, Tintenfischje in der See, myne Fru de Ilsebill will nich so, as ik wol will."
Please. He begged this trip not to be for nought.
"Manntje, Manntje, Timpe Te, Tintenfischje in der See, myne Fru de Ilsebill will nich so, as ik wol will."
No reaction.
He was about to despair when there was a bubbling noise. He looked at the water and a tiny octopus emerged.
Helmut asked:
"Is it you, my prince?"
"Nah. He ain't here."
"Where is he?"
"I dunno. He left for the coast. Waddaya want from him?"
"I have a wish. I know it sounds ungrateful, but could you help me."
"Nah. Go fuck yourself."
The small octopus submerged.
Helmut was confused. Still, he shrugged. He was alive, Ilsebill had gotten what she wanted several times, that was more than anyone could have asked for. He just had to go back now and tell her. She'd understand eventually.

The trip back was calm and easy. Even with the ship in a horrible shape, he got home without a hitch. He walked on the pier, took his stick and set off. The longer the walk got, the worse he felt. At the same time, he was just relieved he had survived. He knocked on the door. No reaction.
Had something bad happened?
He got his keys out and fumbled with the keyhole. Eventually, he unlocked it and stepped inside.
Helmut almost passed out.

Ilsebill was on the sofa, even more muscular. Her body was so over-loaded with muscles now that it was barely recognizable as human anymore. Her back muscles formed a sort of hemisphere that reached up to her ears. He wondered how she could even walk with quads such as these. The sad remains of the sofa lay crushed under her moaning body.
He slowly understood was going on. The octopus was there, on the land, fucking his wife with his tentacles. It said:
"So you like this, don't you?"
"Oh, yes, more, please, more!"
Helmut stared at the bizarre display. Finally, he coughed.
The pair slowed their game and looked at him.
Ilsebill said:
"Oh, hi."
The octopus added:
"How do you do? Had a nice trip?"
The old man asked:
"What the hell are you doing?"
She replied:
"What does it look like?"
"How could you do this to me?"
The octopus interjected:
"Actually, I'm a magic octopus. I do things like these all the time."
"I'm not talking to you."
Ilsebill blushed.
"He came over and told me he had heard a lot about me. We talked and then one thing led to another."
"Seriously? After fifty years of marriage?"
She thought for a moment, then said:
"I guess so. Things change."
Helmut took a deep breath.
"Fine. I'm going."
The octopus added:
"I don't mind sharing."
Ilsebill nodded. He went on:
"If you want to join us, go ahead."
Helmut said icily:
"Just leave me alone."
The pair stayed quiet, so he left. As he closed the door, he heard Ilsebill's moaning and the octopus' teasing.
Sailors have horns, he thought.
He leaned on his cane and walked back to the pier.



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