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"Graah!" Amanda yelled as she racked a new personal best. Looking up at the 185-pound bar she smiled. That was a hell of a lot of weight for a girl her size to move, especially since she had only been lifting seriously for just shy of six months. She sat up and flexed a discreet most muscular flex in the mirror across from her and her smile disappeared.

She was insanely gorgeous, she had to admit, easily the most attractive woman in the gym, but she just couldn't get bigger. Sure she was a little more ripped, sure. Her abs showed just a little more and she was starting to see a vein on her shoulder, but she wanted mass and lots of it.

Amanda found herself looking around the room while she gathered her breath after her lift. She thought she could compare herself to the other gym-goers to lift her spirits. After all, huge or not, she was a goddess next to this bunch. It was 6 o'clock and the after-work crowd had started to pack the house. This wasn't a hardcore gym at all and that dispirited her a bit. She wished she could surround herself with the biggest and most ripped lifters in town, but this gym was literally next door to her apartment and $5 per month. That was too convenient to pass up.

She was beginning to feel better when her eyes settled on the bench next to her and the girl using it. Hannah was bench pressing 135 lbs. That sort of superiority would have made her incredibly happy if Hannah hadn't been getting the gains that Amanda wanted to the core of her soul. Hannah had joined the gym at the same time as Amanda. Literally. They signed the papers at the same time and had their gym orientation together. They had spoken a few times since then, but not often. They didn't have a lot in common. Amanda was a smoking hot successful stock broker in her mid-twenties, while Hannah was an 18 year old cheerleader recovering from a bout of anorexia.

During their short conversation on that first day, Hannah had gushed to Amanda about how great she looked. Now, however, Amanda found the tables turned. Sure, she was still more beautiful facially, and she out-boobed her D to B, but Hannah was getting the one thing that Amanda wanted more than anything. Gains.

In the last six months of pounding weights 2 hours per day, 5 days per week while using every supplement legally obtainable Amanda had been getting much stronger, she's added 90 lbs to her bench press after all. But she's only gained about 5 lbs of muscle to show for it. She's not even sure how that's possible. Hannah on the other hand has gone from struggling with the 45-pound bar to repping out triple of that, and she got the body to show for it. Hannah has improved her body from a sickly 88-pound skeleton to a shredded and curvy 140 (15 lbs more than Amanda) just by eating a little more and working out for 3 hours per week. This girl was a prodigy.

"Have you struggled with your weight your whole life?" Amanda heard a woman's voice come from the crappy CRT tv hanging over the mirror. "Have you joined every gym in town, popped every 'Miracle' pill you've heard of and just can't get the body you want? Well, we've got the system just for you." Amanda rolled her eyes. Another fad exercise program to take advantage of people looking to lose a few, she thought to herself. That is until she looked up.

The woman on the screen was perfect, or at least Amanda thought so through the terrible picture. Short red hair framed a cute face that sat atop a veritable wall of muscle. They had her attention.

"You've heard people say it: strong is the new sexy." Damn straight, Amanda thought. "Why shrink yourself down to nothing when you could look like this?" The spokeswoman flexed an arm that would look at home on any female bodybuilder. "Before using the Femiflex program, I was barely strong enough to get through the day. Believe it or not, that was just a year ago." The screen showed a comparison shot with the model and her "before" shot, which didn't look unlike Hannah when she started.

"You won't see any examples of our system in this commercial, because it's super simple. If we showed you any, we'd have no reason to sell the DVDs, but we guarantee results. If you aren't happy with your body, we'll refund the full purchase price AND pay for a year's gym membership."


"Ha!" Amanda laughed to herself. A little louder than she wanted actually. "They won't even show you what it is. Almost had me there."

She looked down from the tv to see Hannah getting up from her bench. The teenager stood up and flexed a mind-numbingly sexy double bicep pose in the mirror. Amanda knew that it didn't make any sense to flex biceps after a bench press, but she didn't care. She was in awe. Hannah turned to see her guns from the back and noticed Amanda looking.

"Hey, Amanda!" The chipper cheerleader greeted her, "I just saw you pushing 185. That's awesome."

"Hey, thanks. It's a new one-rep max. 135 isn't bad either you know."

"I know, right! I can't believe I'm warming up with that now."

Amanda paused, stunned, not knowing what to say.

"I'm really hitting my stride and improving faster than ever before. That was my max just a month ago." Hannah continued apparently not noticing Amanda's brain melting. "Actually, I was hoping to go a little heavy today. Do you mind spotting me?"

As jealous as she was of this teenage phenom, she couldn't pass up this opportunity.

They each added 10 lbs to a side and Hannah slid under and pushed out nine smooth reps. Amanda didn't even need to reach to the bar let alone touch it. The tenth rep required more effort, but was never really in doubt.

Hannah stood up grinning ear to ear "I never thought I'd be this strong, Amanda. You've really been an inspiration to me. Watching you be so strong and so beautiful has been the driving force behind me beating my anorexia" The beginnings of a tear started to form in the corner of her eye.

Amanda was touched, which is an awkward mix with jealousy. Amanda reached up to touch the girl's impressively pumped shoulder, "I didn't know you felt that way. But you have done good work. That's all you." With that, Amanda gave her a curt smile and started to turn to walk away.

"Hey, you never unloaded your bar from earlier. Maybe I should give that a shot."

Before Amanda could get out a word of caution, Hannah was already under the bar finding her grip. Not wanting her unknown protege to kill herself she reluctantly stepped in to spot. Hannah found her hold, looked up and smiled, then her face went into a completely serious focus. Amanda helped her unrack and steady it before pulling her hands away. The bar lowered slowly to her chest and Hannah closed her eyes.

"Mmmmm..." Hannah let out a moan/growl that Amanda didn't find completely unsexual. The bar rose slowly but steadily, almost sticking 3/4 of the way up.

But it didn't stick. Before Amanda could react to help, the high school senior powered through the trouble spot and completed the rep. She had done it. They were officially equals strength-wise. Amanda was experiencing some seriously conflicted feelings: jealousy, pride, anger, impressed... lust? All of these feelings were fighting for space in her head. Hannah jumped up and again went into flexing her arms. Maybe she hadn't noticed before, but this teen powerhouse was seriously cut. She didn't just have the mass that Amanda craved she was actually more defined, too. Hannah pumped the flex again and Amanda couldn't tear her eyes away.

"Do you know how big your arms are?" Amanda hadn't meant to ask out loud, but it had just come out.

"Last time I measured, they were 13.5 inches, but that was a couple of weeks ago. I can tell they've gained a lot since then."

That was more than an inch bigger than her own, Amanda realized, and it's not even an updated stat.

Hannah turned toward Amanda and went into a crab flex staring into her mentor's eyes and grinning as wide as possible. Amanda couldn't meet her gaze, though. Her eyes were locked on the girl's unbelievable chest, shoulders, and arms.

"Look at us!" Hannah shrieked. "Two buff chicks lifting the gym! We're amazing! Thank you so much!" With that the raven-haired cheerleader jumped over to the previously stronger beauty and wrapped her arms around her firmly, but not too tight. Just as Amanda started to get comfortable with the hug she found herself lifted from the ground. "Can you believe it? In a few more months we're going to OWN this place!"

After a quick hug and smile, Amanda was driving home, and she was fuming. She busted her ass every day and this little punk catches up with her as if it were easy. The worst thing was that it WAS easy for Hannah.

Now at home, Amanda was standing in the bathroom posing in in the mirror, hoping to make herself feel better. She knew that most women would kill to have her body, but it wasn't enough. Her biceps were peaked, but Hannah's were bigger. Her shoulders were strong, but Hannah's were wider. She had a six pack, but Hannah's abs were more ripped than she could hope for.

She crawled into bed dejected, resigning to spend the evening watching tv to distract herself. As she flipped it on the same infomercial was on with the gorgeous bodybuilder. Amanda was straight as an arrow, but if she wasn't depressed at the moment she would have acted on some primal urges every time this woman graced her television screen. As the commercial came to an end, she had had enough and she was desperate. She scooped up her cell phone and dialed the number on the screen

Five Weeks Later

Amanda had intentionally adjusted her workout schedule to avoid Hannah. She couldn't stand to see her dream be realized faster by someone who didn't work as hard as herself. So she wandered into Fittie's gym at 11 PM hoping to find the usual sparse crowd. She was almost as lucky as there was only one person occupying the gym floor an hour before close. Unfortunately, that someone was Hannah.

While Amanda's training had suffered from her erratic new workout schedule, Hannah's clearly had not. Even from across the room, it was clear her growth had only sped up. She was standing doing alternating bicep curls with absolutely perfect form. She didn't so much as sway an inch. As Amanda lurked closer her heart sank further. The bulging teen was doing this effortless exercise with 45 lb dumbbells, making her arms surge to what AManda guessed was 16 inches.

Completely crushed, Amanda sneaked out of the gym to just give up and head home. On her doorstep she found something she had forgotten all about: The Femiflex DVDs she had ordered more than a month ago.

A note on top read:
"Hey, this showed up at my apartment sometime in the last month while I was out of town. My house-sitter brought it in and I just now found it. Sorry to have held on to it for so long!
Jeff, 6-B"

Amanda sighed for a couple of reasons. First, she had forgotten about ordering this and now was doubting it even worked. Second, she though about her neighbor, Jeff. He was a personal trainer at a hardcore bodybuilding gym and had the body to show for it. She'd do anything to be able to slip across the hall and "thank him personally" for the package, but she didn't seem to fit his type as much as she would like to. Every time she saw Jeff bring a conquest home, it was a girl almost as big and jacked as him. Yet another goal she would never achieve at her current rate of growth.

She sauntered into her unit and tossed the box onto the coffee table intending to leave it for later, if she used it at all. Dropping down on the couch she closed her eyes to relax and wallow in her misery. In the near silence she could hear a sound coming from the wall that she shared with her hunk of a neighbor. The sound was the rhythmic pounding that could only be one thing. The sound brought images to Amanda's mind of the stud naked, then of him making powerful love to a beautiful woman with an impressive musculature. This was getting her excited and as she was about to act on her vivid daydream she realized the goddess in her mid was none other than Hannah. The girl that tormented her in reality now haunted her mind. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't push the cheerleader's face out of her mind. Instead, she imagined that Hannah got bigger and more ripped with every pound on the wall. This dream continued until her rival had surpassed Jeff's gargantuan form and Amanda couldn't take it anymore.

Willing to do anything now, she popped in the DVD, cranked up the volume and pressed play...


After the obligatory FBI warnings and intro messages, Amanda's screen lit up with the same musclebound lady from the advertisement posing and flexing in front of a red background, clearly the product of a (not very well edited) green screen.

"Oh, jeez." Amanda muttered to herself. "This looks cheap already. Looks like I wasted my money and got my hopes up for nothing. Not sure what I expected."

"Hi, I'm Erin." The beauty on the TV interrupted Amanda's thoughts and refocused her on just how gorgeous this woman was. "Thanks for buying Femiflex! I hope you're ready to change your body and change your life!" The camera cut to a closeup of Erin's face showing that, unlike many other women that achieve this massive size, she still looked very feminine. "This program is super simple. So simple that we actually aren't even going to have you change your current diet or workout routine!"

"What?" Amanda smirked. "This really is a joke."

"I know what you're thinking. This must be a joke! I promise it's not, though. This was me just one year ago." The screen is filled with a picture of a sexy, if somewhat slim, girl on a beach wearing the smallest of bikinis. Her hands we on her hips showing off her narrow shoulders, tiny waist and pencil-thin legs. "I thought I looked good then. Little did I know how it felt to have a real body!"

The camera cut to a comparison of the photo and current Erin striking the same pose. The difference was jarring Where before she was thin enough to fit into a high school locker, now she looked strong enough to rip that locker from the wall and fold it in half. Her shoulders had grown significantly wider, and coupled with her newfound hips gave her curves that would make an hourglass blush. Her waist only appeared to have widened by a small amount. Only now it was covered with the hardest and most deeply defined abs Amanda had ever seen, male or female. Her legs were no exception. Her calves were now as big around as her thighs were before, and her thighs were thicker than her waist.

As mesmerized as Amanda was by the goddess on her TV, her skepticism alarm was buzzing. "Sure, she's hot as Hell, but there's no way this is real. The before photo must be photoshopped or way more than a year ago. It might even be a different girl for all I know. How could this happen without even changing your routine?"

Amanda had a bad habit of talking to herself.

"We can't tell you the details on how it works, we just promise that it does!" Erin said, seemingly hearing Amanda through the screen. "We just ask you to do one thing whenever you eat or exercise. Wear this necklace!"


"No really it works." Erin reassured her viewers while pulling up a thin chain hanging around her neck. "Look in the box this DVD came in and you'll find your Femiflex amulet. As long as you wear it when you exercise and eat, it'll give your body what it needs to get into better shape than you ever imagined!"

After a massive smile from the massive woman, the screen faded to black and showed the same warranty as before.

"At least I'll be getting a free gym membership for the next year." Amanda stated, accepting this as a total loss. She lifted the amulet from the box to examine the trinket. On the long, thin, silver chain hung a surprisingly clear red gem surrounded with an ornately decorated silver border.

"Well, at least it's pretty." She said, still talking to herself as she slid the necklace over her head. "Why not give it a shot?"

--- Two Weeks Later ---

After having screwed up her workout schedule for over a month, the last two weeks had been thrilling for Amanda. After having the high of bench pressing 185 lbs, her erratic, and often lazy, training had made one sloppy press at 150 lbs her new max. Still a formidable weight for any woman, let alone one weighing only 130 lbs, it paled in comparison to the dreams she had for herself.

Now, after two weeks of wearing the Femiflex amulet, she stood staring at her old top mark, 185 lbs. She had done it before and the last fortnight had been the best in her time lifting. She was sure she could handle it.

Amanda slid under the bar and found her grip. She planted her feet and flattened her back on the bench, none of this arching business that powerlifters do to shorten the distance. She was going to make this count.

She found her breath and lifted the bar from the rack. The weight felt good in her hands. It felt like coming home. Like she had been here before and this is where she belonged after a long trip. She steadily lowered the bar until she could feel the cold steel against the underside of her prodigious breasts. This was her cue to push and push she did.

The resistance was intense, more so than she remembered. Had she overestimated herself? After all, she had spent five weeks slacking off, why should she have overcome that in less than half of the time? Doubt crept into her mind and she started to panic inside. The bar was incredibly heavy, but she had to keep pushing. She kept straining and pushing until the doubt was gone and her arms were straight. The emptiness left by her doubt was flooded full with confidence and against anyone else's better judgement, she let the weight down again.

This time, sure of herself and her strength, she powered through a second rep. And then miraculously a third, which expended all of her energy. She sat up victoriously and proudly. She quickly looked around the gym to see if anyone had witnessed her new personal best. Unfortunately she had the room to herself. This privacy, however, allowed her to pull off her long sleeve top leaving her heaving torso in only a gray sports bra.

She turned to the nearest mirror and gave herself a most muscular flex that brought the biggest smile of her life to her face. The veins in her shoulders that she had previously only barely been able to see had returned in force. Her pecs (the muscles, not just her impressive boobs) were larger than she had ever seen, and certainly more defined than that day she had been equalized by Hannah.

Hannah. Thinking of her reminded Amanda how she would always flex after a bench press. With that, she moved into a double biceps pose and her giant smile somehow got larger, just as her guns had. She remembered practically drooling over the teens arms, but now her peaks were unmistakably bigger than Hannah's were on that fateful day and easily as cut.

After replacing her shirt, Amanda brought the amulet up to admire it for it's good work and gave it a kiss. This little red stone was going to make her dreams come true.


Another Two Weeks Later

Once again, our story finds its protagonist on the bench. Ever since that fateful day with Hannah, chest day, and the bench press in particular, was Amanda's favorite way to gauge her progress. She hadn't seen her teenage protege since she snuck sullenly away that night about a month ago, so she had no way to compare her physique to that of the young phenom. She could, however, compare herself to the mirror, which she gladly did.

Sitting up on the bench, the full size wall of glass showed her that she was well on her way to realizing her dreams. Amanda had been hard on herself in the past, but now she impressed even herself. She had only completed her warmup, so she didn't want to waste time flexing for her own gratification, but took a moment to admire the chest and shoulder muscles that were prominently exhibited even without provocation.

Not wanting to let herself rest too much she swiftly rose and slid a 25 lb plate to either side of the bar already holding 185. She smiled throughout the whole process thinking about that number. Just two months ago 185 lbs had been a point of pride. Now she was warming up with it and the last two weeks had her soaring through the 200s.

She laid back down and pushed a steady 10 reps reps out and racked the bar easily. She felt good today. If she wasn't alone, she would go really heavy for her next set. Without a spot, though, she'd only put another 10 lbs on.

"Wow! You want a spot for your next set?" Said a familiar voice with amazing timing. "You look so great, Amanda!"

Amanda looked up at the person standing behind her bar and saw Hannah standing over her with a giant grin. Sitting up, she was afraid to look at the younger girl. She had had some unbelievable gains the last month, but was unsure if she was ready for this. As proud as she was of her new mass, she feared that Hannah had kept growing as well.

She had to look, though. She had to compare herself to the girl. Starting at the ground she saw that Hannah was wearing long pants. This hid her definition, but the size was unmistakable. Her thighs had to be thirty inches around, and by the way the pants clung tightly to her form, they seemed to be rock hard. Looking back at her own legs, however, she realized she had no reason to be intimidated. Her own quads reached proudly over her knee, showing nothing but muscle. Her calves similarly had no fat on them and were actually wide enough to be visible from the front. Amanda was definitely bigger below the waist.

Working up the body, she could see that the girl had added a little bit of size since she saw her last, but not an unbelievable amount. Where four weeks ago she guessed that Hannah's arms were 16 inches, she could tell now that they were probably closer to 17. The biceps were cut and showed signs of sharp separation even while hanging at rest. Amanda's own arms were a little smaller, she had just measured them at 153/4" yesterday, but were every bit as defined as Hannah's.

Similarly to her legs, her torso was covered with a black t-shirt hiding her her abs and shoulders. Even so, the neckline plunged far enough down to pecs large and hard enough to make any of the men in the gym jealous. The shirt had the gym's logo across the top and it was stretched severely out of proportion by the young girl's dense chest and wide lats. Clearly tailored to hug a normal woman's curves, it fit snugly across the stomach and looked ready to burst at the shoulders and sides. Amanda began to feel her old thoughts of inferiority returning as she examined the beautiful hulk of a girl and lowered her gaze downward. In doing so she caught a glimpse of her own chest, freshly pumped from her set with 235 lbs.

Her pecs shined with sweat, emphasizing every striation on her thick chest. A trickle of sweat ran down the canyon between her enormous pecs and lead her eyes to her own colossal breasts. She had shredded most of the fat from the rest of her body, but her massive mammaries hadn't given an inch. If anything, they actually looked larger due to being held higher by the tremendous strength of her chest and back. Coupled with her intense definition, such large breasts looked fake, but they were natural and damn near perfect.

Looking back at Hannah, she could tell that other than her arms she finally outmuscled the young cheerleader. Feeling a large amount of inner joy, she decided she should probably continue the conversation.

"Hey Hannah! Yeah, a spot would be great. You look good, too. Still growing I see."

"I guess." Hannah flexed up her titanic arm and looked at it with a hint of concern. "I'm stuck just short of 17 inches on my guns. Between starting college and working here now, I don't really have the time I want to dedicate to training and nutrition."

"You work here now?" The branded T-shirt made more sense now.

"Yeah. The owner saw me in here a couple of weeks ago and assumed I was a personal trainer." She continued flexing her incredible biceps at different angles, seemingly studying it. "When I told him I was just a member, he wanted to hire me on the spot. Right now I'm working at the front desk until I can get my certification."

"Well that's awesome." Amanda said genuinely congratulating her. Now that she was retaking dominance she no longer felt any hostility toward the girl. "I'll be the first to sign up as a client."

That lit up Hannah's face like she got a puppy for Christmas. "OH MY GOD! I WOULD LOVE TO TRAIN WITH YOU! Why don't we start right now? How much do you want for your next set?"

"You know what, Hannah? I'm pretty pumped right now and with you spotting for me I'm feeling really confident. Let's make it 300."

"300 lbs?! That's crazy!" Hannah looked over to the bar and then back to its challenger. Amanda could feel her gaze on her chest and it felt good. It took all of her willpower not to unload into a crab pose. "But I believe in you!"

They add the impressive weight and take their positions. Amanda lays down and takes in the six large plates on the bar. Instead of intimidation, she was brimming with confidence thanks to the amulet resting on her chest. It also didn't hurt to have this goliath of a girl spotting for her. She found her grip and looked up to see the cute grinning face that topped the heroic body smiling down on her ready to help the bar of the rack.

After helping her role model balance the weight Hannah hesitantly pulled her hands back, leaving the bending bar to Amanda alone. Amanda could immediately feel the strain but didn't back down. She let the weight fall perhaps a little too fast, but managed with all of her might to stop it just as it pressed into the tip of her breasts. The quick drop brought Hannah's muscular arms in to help, but Amanda called her off with a rapid shake of her reddening face. She was going to make it and do it herself. She didn't know how, since it was taking all of her strength just to keep the steel from crushing her rib cage, but she was determined to. Hannah again pulled her hands back and that's when it happened.

Amanda could feel a warmth emanating into her core from the Femiflex amulet tucked between her breasts. This was the moment the tides turned. Amanda kept pressing and the weight slowly began to rise. It didn't get any easier nor did the weight seem any lighter to her, her maximum effort was now just enough to raise the bar. A low growl began to rumble from her throat and her sports bra began to groan as well, as her torso began to visibly expand to accommodate the pressure.

The sound of stretching fabric drew Hannah's eyes down to Amanda's flaring lats just in time to see the seam pop a couple of stitches. Her cute smile changed to open mouthed wonder as her mentor's body grew before her. She glanced over to see Amanda's pecs had clearly separated further and looked harder than granite. Her massive breasts seemed to be EVEN larger on top of the growing chest muscles. She noticed that the slow lift was actually nearing completion. Amanda was actually going to bench press 300 lbs! Her arms were almost completely straight now. Her arms! Hannah's jaw dropped even further looking at the blonde's twin pillars of strength lifting the bar. Her triceps had become downright absurd. They had already been shredded beyond belief, but now they were pumped obviously larger than just a minute ago. Her arms may have even been as big as her own now. If Amanda had had her eyes open she would have been thrilled at watching the awe projecting from the young bodybuilder standing over her. Instead, she had her eyes slammed tightly shut as she focused on the last few inches.

With a scream and a clang, Amanda slammed the bar back into the rack. Before her admirer could even congratulate her, she jumped off of the bench and flew into a most muscular flex. Her pecs and shoulders inflated larger than she had ever seen them before, and fat blue veins made themselves apparent as they rushed blood through her burgeoning muscles. She held this pose and admired her rapidly improving physique in the mirror until she heard another seam pop in her sports bra. She quickly released her flex before her top ripped, fearing that further posing would sacrifice her modesty.

She turned back to a shocked Hannah. "Well, what do you think?" She asked her unneeded spotter.

Hannah was too stunned to say anything. For the first time in her life the chipper cheerleader was speechless.

Amanda smirked and moved a strand of sweat-matted blonde hair from her face as she walked back to her beautiful disciple. She embraced the girl in a long hug, running her fingers over Hannah's impressively large and chiseled body, loving that her own muscles were now even better. With a peck on the cheek, she left Hannah to stand alone in her stupor and silently exited the gym with a smile.


Four Months Later

Resistance-free pullups had ceased to be an adequate exercise for Amanda a couple of months ago. These, however, were for pleasure, not business. Amanda hung nude from the pullup bar in her bedroom doorway slowly repeating the simple movement. A few feet in front of her stood a floor to ceiling mirror which allowed her to see every vein, sinew, and pumped muscle on the way up and down. This had become an every night ritual after the gym. It allowed Amanda to examine her progress and lust after the glorious body she had built.

And glorious her body truly was. The Femiflex Amulet had seemed to have maxed out and her gains were slowing, but she was satisfied with the results. Hanging easily motionless with her elbows at right angles, Amanda started with her arms admiring the sharp peak of her bicep which rose above her shoulder. As massive and as her incredible shoulders were, Amanda's shredded 19-inch guns cast a shadow over them.

She moved her eyes down to her torso and audibly moaned. Either she is a genetic freak or The Amulet did more than was advertised, because for as ripped as her entire body has become, she didn't lose a single cup size. Now her mountainous breasts sat high upon her equally mountainous pecs. Convincing anyone that they were real was a near impossible challenge. Purchasing shirts, too, had become an ordeal. Between her prodigious chest, boulder shoulders, and lats that nearly filled the door frame, Amanda had to specially tailor tops to fit that size while also accentuating her still narrow waist.

Amanda had become the perfect model of the hourglass shape. Beneath her abs, with definition never before seen on a woman, her hips flared out with the best ass that had ever placed on the planet. Amanda had never seen a booty this size on any woman and she couldn't be prouder. For all of it's mass, it was as firm and round as could be, seemingly defying gravity. Sir Mix-A-Lot would have had a heart attack at the sight.

Her legs, though were her pride and joy. Literally. She named her legs Pride and Joy. Her quads hung noticeably over her knees, the lack of any fat showing off every sinew in her thighs. Amanda pushed her legs straighter savoring the tightness in her legs and the added inches brought on by her flex. Amanda let go of the bar landing on her toes and spinning so that she could admire her calves. At 22 inches, Amanda mused, her calves were now larger than her thighs had been when she started lifting exactly one year ago.

The last year had been the best of Amanda's young life. Achieving her physical goals had given her mounds of confidence that had led to countless accolades in her professional life as well. Looking at her naked form in the mirror and seeing what she had made of herself, Amanda couldn't take it any more. She had to satisfy her urges. This too had become a nightly ritual after the gym.

As she lay on her bed and prepared herself for ecstasy, Amanda had a sudden realization. There were no bangs and sounds coming through the wall she shared with her hunky neighbor. This was odd for a Friday night, as he usually came home with one buff chick or another. She saw his car outside, so she knew he was home.

"He must be alone!"

Jumping up and judging a double bicep in the mirror, a smile cracked her face. "He likes 'em big, and I'm one of the biggest around. Hell, now I'm almost as big as him."

Amanda threw on her most revealing tanktop and a pair of jean shorts that used to be full jeans until she wore them one leg day to show off. With a fierce determination to get laid, she strode out of her apartment, crossed the short hallway and prepared herself before knocking. After cocking a hip, tossing back her blonde hair, and pushing out her inhuman chest, Amanda rapped daintily on Jeff's door.



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