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First you should know that Brenda is only three years my senior.  She was
my sister s best friend when we lived in Albuquerque.  For three years,
they were on the drill team (sort of like a cheerleader).  She was skinny
and tried to stay that way.  The last time I saw her, she was sixteen and
I was thirteen.
My sister and Brenda had kept in touch throughout college.  They were
still good friends.  They both had graduated college and were working.  My
father was transferred to London.  I spent my senior year in high school
This brings us to this year.  I was working in London and living with my
father during the summer.  I was in my second year of college.  My sister
decided to come and visit us.  She invited Brenda and got excited when
Brenda accepted her invitation.  My sister and Brenda had visited each
other often, but, like I said before, I had not seen her since
The day arrived when I was to meet my sister and Brenda at the airport.
It s a long drive to Heathrow Airport from the West End, about an hour.
Thoughts raced through my head about Brenda.  I have to admit, I had a
crush on her when I was in middle school.
At the terminal, I greeted my sister and Brenda.  Brenda still had the
prettiest face I had ever seen.  I couldn t tell what her body looked like
because she was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants.  When I went to
hug her hello,  she seemed solid, but I thought nothing of it.
"God, Adam," Brenda said.  "You have grown.  Your as tall as me."  We
started to walk to the baggage claim.
"Really," I replied.  "I don t pay that much attention to my height.  You
know how short I was.  How tall are you?"
"Five feet, eight inches.  You know, Adam, it wouldn t hurt to put on some
weight.  It would fill you out a bit."
"Please don t get started with that.  I get enough harassment from my
mother about my weight.  Besides, I have a fast metabolism."
"She s right," my sister chimed in.  "But, that s funny coming from you,
Brenda.  You used to be skinnier than he is."
"Not any more," Brenda said proudly.
"You did fill out.  I felt it when we hugged," I commented.
"Glad you noticed," Brenda said smiling.  She winked at me and pinched my
"Brenda!" my sister yelled in surprise.  They laughed while I blushed.
She gave me a pretty powerful pinch.  I could still feel it when we
arrived at the baggage claim.
Brenda spotted her bag as soon as we arrived.  I was a huge black duffle
bag.  When I grabbed the bag and pulled at it, it wouldn t budge.  I gave
it a might heave and barely got it off the carrousel.  Brenda thanked me.
She said she would grab her next bag, it was just as heavy.  As her second
bag came around, she grabbed it and lifted it off the carrousel as if it
was as light as a feather!  I was amazed.
Brenda noticed my look of amazement.  "I told you I filled out," Brenda
said smiling.
We got my sister s bags and walked out to the car.  Brenda was carrying
her two bags with no problems.  She put her bags in the car with each arm
that was carrying it.  I thought that I noticed her sweatshirt tighten at
her arm when she lifted the bags into the truck.  I quickly dismissed the
idea that it was her bicep because the sweatshirt was too big, even if she
filled out a bit.
We put the rest of the bags in the back seat.  My sister said she wasn t
feeling too well and that Brenda could have the front seat.  As soon as we
hit the road, my sister was sleeping.
"So, what have you been doing with yourself?" Brenda inquired.
"Not much.  College is boring.  I was part of a fraternity, but that didn
t work out."
"Speaking of working out.  Why don t you?  Didn t you used to play
"Well, I used to play soccer until I blew out my knee my freshman year.  I
was told stay off it and I sort of went to pot.  I did play some soccer at
college.  I also hike a bit.  I have good endurance, but I don t seem to
gain muscle or fat, which is fine with me."
"I think you could build some muscle.  All it take is time and
"Right," I said, rolling my eyes.  "What have you been doing?"
"Well, the University of New Mexico was fun.  There was no drill team
there so I tried out for the cheerleading squad.  I got in as second
string.  They said that I needed more weight and power to be able to
manuvour like the regular cheerleaders.  I started to workout as part of
the cheerleader regiment that prescribed for us.  The coach recommended
that I do some extra work in the weight room.  I caught the eye of a
football player.  He helped me.  Needless to say, I made the regular
cheerleading squad the next year.  I stayed on the squad until I
graduated.  I wanted to be a flight attendant, but that didn t work out.
I now work at a bank.  I m in charge of security."
"Security?"  I was surprised.
"I majored in criminology at UNM.  Besides, you don t think that a woman
can handle bank robbers?"
"I didn t say that.  It just conflicts with the image I have of you.  Of
course that image is a bit out dated.  But as long as you are happy at
what your doing, all the power to you.  Are you going out with that
football player?"
"I did for a while, but he, uh, broke up with me.  I m not seeing anyone
now.  Why?"
"Just wondering."
"Uh huh," was her response.  She smiled and patted me on the leg.  "How
much longer till we get to your house?"
"About forty-five minutes," I replied.
"I m going to take a nap."
"Okay.  I ll wake you up when we get there," I said.  I looked at her.
She looked like an angel.  Her shoulder-length golden blond hair was in a
small ponytail.  Her pert nose and sweet mouth breathed in unison with her
still covered chest.  I started to feel some pressure in my pants.  I
quickly stopped thinking about her.  I guess I never really got over my
crush with her.
We arrived at home and went into the flat.  The set up was this.  There
was one guest room.  Brenda was going to sleep there.  I had two beds in
my room.  I was going to sleep in one and my sister in the other.  At
least that was the plan.  However, my sister came down with a fever.  She
was now going to sleep in the guest room, Brenda in my room, and me on the
Brenda was refreshed by her nap and ready to hit the town.  I showed her
around a bit and we had a great time. 
"You know, Adam, you don t have to sleep on the couch.  You can sleep in
your room," Brenda said over dinner.
"Come on, your the guest.  I will not have you sleep on the couch," I
"I m not going to sleep on the couch.  The beds are in opposite sides of
the room.  We re both adults.  I think we can handle it.  I promise I won
t rape you if you don t rape me."  She said the last sentence laughing.
At night, Brenda called her mother and some friends.  I over heard her say
that she thought I was cute.  My heart soared, but I had to be careful.
After all,  she was my sister s friend and both my sister and father were
in the house.  It wouldn t be right.
As I was thinking this, my father called me into the den.  He told me he
was called back to the United States on business.  He would be gone for
the rest of the week.  I had to take care of my sister who was still sick
and keep Brenda occupied.
This meant that I had to take to week off from work.  I didn t mind
because this also meant that I could spend the week with Brenda.
I prepared to go to sleep and started to read in bed.  That s when Brenda
entered the room.  She started to prepare to go to bed.  I spied on her
past my book.
The first thing she did was take off her sweatshirt with her back to me.
I saw her upper body for the first time.  And what an upper body!  I don t
know where to begin. Her shoulders were huge balls of rock hard muscle.
Her triceps were thick and huge.  Her striations were deep, which made her
triceps look even bigger.  Her back was animated with every movement.  It
was deep, dense, and immense.  The skin covering her back was paper thin.
Her wide back tapered down to an almost minuscule waist.  My penis was
erect before she got fully undressed.  I was starting to breath heavily.
Then she took off her sweatpants.  The first thing I noticed was her ass.
The two rock hard moons were breathtaking.  The striations were so deep,
you could see them through her thin panties.  Her thighs were humongous.
They were easily three times bigger than her waist.  The most amazing part
of this amazonian goddess was her calves.  They were the size of melons.
They were like beautifully cut diamonds.  They bunched as she moved about.
 My erection was throbbing now.
I quickly got up and ran into the bathroom.  As soon as I got there, I
blew my wade.  The orgasm was so intense that I fell to the floor.  When I
was done, I was completely spent.  That was the most intense orgasm I had
ever had, and I didn t even touch my penis.
Brenda heard my fall and knocked on the door.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"Uh, uh, yeah," I said.  "Don t come in.  I ll be right out."  I hurriedly
cleaned myself off and regained my composure."
When I entered she was wearing a full length cotton night-gown.  That was
when I first noticed her breasts.  They looked like a huge D cup.  They
were protruding out like they were floating in the air.  It provided a
tent for the rest of her body.  The cotton cloth of the night-gown didn t
even touch the rest of her body.  It look like she was a floating angel.
When she saw me come in, she asked, "Are you okay?  What happened?"
"Oh, uh, I slipped," I said.
"You scared me when you ran past me so fast.  What was the emergency?"
"It was a guy thing.  Don t worry.  Get some sleep.  I ll see you in the
"Don t wake me up until noon, okay?"
"No problem.  Good night."
"Good night."
I woke up early and wished my father a good flight.  I then called work
and got the week off.  I cooked breakfast and waited for Brenda to wake
I heard her get up at around 11:30 am.  About thirty minutes later, I
heard her get in the shower.  It stopped.
"Hey, Adam" a voice called from behind me.  I turned around.  I was
completely overwhelmed at what I saw.  There was Brenda, dressed in a tiny
bikini, soaking wet, standing at the doorway.  I instantly felt a stirring
in my loins.  The woman who stood before me was the muscular amazon of my
Her chest was immense.  The huge expansion of her pectoral muscles were
thick with beefy muscle.  Her cleavage was enhanced by the deep crevasse
of her pecs.  The deep striations cut into her dense and thick pecs.  Her
shoulders were striated balls of thick muscle.  Her full breasts were
shading the most amazing grid of abdominal muscles.  They stood out like
golf balls.  Not only were her "six-pack" hard and thick, so were her side
abdominals.  Her huge, broad lats expanded with every breath.
Her quadriceps were mind boggling.  They sprang forth from an almost
non-existent waist.  The thick, cords of muscle were covered with deep
striations.  All together, her muscularly thick body was packed on with
more dense muscle than I had ever seen on a male bodybuilder.
"Come here" she said.  I shakily got up.  My robe did nothing to hide my
raging, throbbing hard-on.  She smiled.  As I walked closer, she slowly
raised her arms and began a slow concentrated flex.  He bicep grew and
grew and grew.  As I walked closer, it grew larger and larger.  When I was
standing in front of her, she had finished her flex, but held it.  Her
bicep was as larger than an American football.
"Touch it" she commanded.  I greatly complied.  Not only was she thick
with dense muscle, she was as hard as a rock.  She slowly brought her arms
down and tore my robe off.  My rock hard cock was ready to burst.  It was
sticking out of my briefs.  With a small tug, she released my cock from it
s cloth prison.
She brought me close to her and kissed me.  Her tongue probed every inch
of my mouth.  She then slowly slide her hands from my head to my naked
butt.  With a hand on each butt check, she lifted my up off the floor.
She pressed my hard cock up against her unyielding abdominals.  She slowly
started to rub my cock up and down she rock hard abdominal muscles.  She
was bringing to a state of ecstasy I had only dreamed of.  She was going
painfully slow and I was longing for her to let me come.
As she was pumping me up and down with her arms, they began to grow larger
and they were being pumped with blood.  I placed my hands on her biceps
and started to squeeze them.  I could not make a dent in the stone-like
muscle threw the paper thin skin.  My hands could only hold on to half of
the growing biceps.  Started to increase the speed.  Up   then down  ..up
.then down  up ..then down .up then down..up.then down.  Up and down, up
and down, up and down.
When the rubbing reached it fevered pace, my whole body shook with the
most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.  Streams of semen were
released and cascaded over Brenda s rock hard abdominal muscles.  She held
me firm as my body shook and spasmed.  When I was done, I passed out.
I woke up in my bed.  I was naked and I noticed that the sun was setting.
I heard Brenda talking to my sister.  Brenda told my sister to go to
sleep.  I heard her close the door, walk towards my door and opened it.
"Oh I m so happy your okay.  I got worried when you passed out.  How do
you feel?" Brenda said.
"I m okay, but I m starved," I replied
"Good.  I made you and Alison some chicken soup.  Stay right there."  With
that, Brenda disappeared.  I heard her rummage in the kitchen and in no
time she was beside me, spoon feeding me.
She was wearing a robe.  It hide a lot of her muscularity.  However, it
could not hide her broad shoulders tapering to a tiny waist.  It also
accentuated her bust, to my pleasure.
"That s right eat it all up.  You re going to need your energy tonight."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You ll see.  Eat up now."
Many thoughts went through my head.  Why did I need my energy?  Then it
dawned on me.  "How did you know I was attracted to muscular women?"
"I noticed the bodybuilding magazines in your closet.  They were well
hidden, but you left one sticking out.  I can tell that your parents don t
know.  It s okay.  You re secret s safe with me."
"I had no idea you were so huge."
"I hide it well.  Not to many appreciated my muscles like you do,
especially since I m so big.  I m happy though.  I won the New Mexico
State Bodybuilding Championship last week.  Next month I m going to be
competing in the USA Bodybuilding Championship.
"Wow, that s great."  I finished up my big bowl of soup.  She put the dish
away and returned to sit on the side of my bed.
"I hope you don t mind me asking, but how big are you?" I questioned.
"I don t mind."  She pulled her robe sleeve up and held her arm straight
out.  "Put your hands around my arm."
I did so.  Her tricep was so big, my fingers were barely able to touch.
She slowly flexed.  My hands were getting farther and farther apart.  The
stone hard creature grew and grew under my hands.  The mountainous muscle
came to a climax above her shoulders.  I couldn t even palm the top of her
bicep.  When she was done flexing, her bicep was not the only muscle hard.
 "How big do you think they are?"
"I don t know, but they re huge and feel rock hard."
"Their twenty inches  round.  I can curl 175 lbs. for reps.  My max. is
210 lbs.  That s not the only big part of me.  My chest is probably the
thickest part of my body.  I can bench press 450 lbs. for reps and 477
lbs. max.  My quads are thirty inches  round.  I can squat 500 lbs. and
leg press about 1,500 lbs.  But I m growing everyday.  Could you believe
that 5  8   girl could weigh 200 lbs. and not have an inch of fat?"
"Yes and I hope it continues to grow," I replied.
"Who?  My muscles or Mr. Happy?" she asked, looking down at my pop tent.
"I can tell your ready for my present."
"What present?"
"You ll see."  With that, she left the room.  My room has two lights, one
my closets and Brenda s bed, and one next to my bed.  It had become dark
and got out of bed to turn on my light.  I read for a while,  waiting to
see what Brenda had in store for me.  I was excited to see what she had
prepared, but by the time I heard her voice, Mr. Happy wasn t stiff with
"Are you ready?" called Brenda from outside the room.
"Yea," I replied, as I put down the book.
Brenda s hand peaked around the corner and turned on the closet light
while turning off my bedside light.  Music began to fill the air.  "O! Oh!
O, O, O, Ooooooooooooo Oh!" went the Boy II Men song.  Brenda walked
sexily in front of the lights.  She was nothing short of awesome!
Brenda was wearing a tight one-piece skirt that clung to her muscular body
like a second skin.  The black sleeveless dress started at her neck and
stopped at the top of her thighs.  She started to pose to the music while
slowly striping off her dress.  Her biceps were now pumped full of blood
and threatened to burst through her paper thin skin.  The striations on
her thick and dense chest defied nature.  She rippled them with ease like
a male bodybuilder, making her full breasts giggle up and down.  Her golf
like abs were standing out in contrast to her tiny waist.  Her ass was
100% pure unadulterated Grade A beef.  They were huge and hard.  They only
moved when she flexed the striated half moons.  Her quads are almost
beyond description.  They were easy bigger then her waist.  One quadricep
muscle was bigger and thicker that my arm.  The striations were deep as
wiggled them and tensed them countless times.  Her calves were the size of
grapefruit, but as hard as a diamond.  She ended her routine with a most
muscular pose.  Her skin could hardly contain the massive muscularity it
was called upon to hold.
She slow sexily sundered over to me.  The flexing of her quads as walked
towards me was driving me crazy.  Her gaze of sexual lust was almost
frightening.  Her erect nipples where almost as hard as the rest on her
body.  Her chest was heaving up and down after her exertion, but I knew
she could continue for hours.  When she reached my bed, she leaned over
and pulled the blanket away.  "I can see your ready for me."
She climbed on top of me.  Her weigh almost crushing me.  She leaned over
to my ear and whispered, "Do you want me?"
"More than anything in the world," I whispered back.  My hands had begun
to explore her body.  There wasn t an inch of her that wasn t harder than
steel.  The only exception were her full, heaving bosom.
"Why do you want me?"
"Because your so big and powerful and strong and muscular and hard," I
replied.  With that, she slipped my throbbing cock into her wet pussy.  As
before, she was working me slowly.  We were panting in unison as she
gyrated her hips unison to mine.  I was beginning to climax before her.
When she realized this, she grunted, "No you don t.  Not yet."
At that moment, her vaginal muscle clamped me in a vice-like grip.  I was
stunned.  I could help grown, "Oh your so strong and muscular, even in the
tunnel of love."
"You want to see how strong it is?" she huffed.
"Oh yes," was my reply.  She began to get on her knees.  As she did so,
she took my butt with her!  My large manhood was trapped in her!  Then she
began to gyrate her hips again.  With my ass still in the air, her
powerful vaginal muscles were working me back into a frenzy.  She worked
faster and faster and faster.  She finally put me back down as she was
pushing harder and faster and harder and faster.  And finally,  we came
together in a wonderful harmony for spasms.
When they subsided, I stroked Brenda s hair and she cuddled close to me.
She began to rub my stomach and chest.  I broke to silence first.  "Why
me?" I asked
"What?" was her reply.
"Don t get me wrong, I love what your doing.  But I can t help wonder why
me.  After all, I m a skinny computer nerd.  Not at all the type that
could possible be your equal."
"I don t know.  I guess it s because you make feel so good and excepted.
Beside I want to get bigger and I know you won t mind."
"By all means, get bigger.  Then maybe the second time I have this
experience it will be better.  I m just glad I waited."
"Waited?  You mean this is your first time?"
Brenda smiled.  "Then you don t know how far you can go."
"What do you mean?"
With the same devilish smile, Brenda slide one arm under my chest and the
other over me.  She lifted me (WOW!) and slide under me.  She positioned
me across her chest, put one arm on my stomach, and start to bench press
my 135 lbs. over her head.  Every time I came down she gave me a
passionate kiss while still holding me in the air.  She did this at least
twenty times with no signs of getting tired.  This feat of strength got me
instantly excited.
"That s what I mean," she said, eyeing my reaction.  "You like being
lifted, huh?"
"Oh, yes," I groaned.  "But I m beginning to feel dizzy."
"Don t worry, you relax.  I ll do all the work for my baby."  Brenda then
slid me vertically on top of her.  She grabbed hold of my erect penis and
gave a little squeeze.
"My, it s almost as hard as me."  She put her legs around my waist and
lifted me.  She than inserted me into her.  She certainly was doing all
the work.  Her huge quads were gently lifting me up and down as she
gyrated her hips.  Her humongous thighs were beautiful to behold.  I ran
my hands all over the deep grooves and massiveness of them.  I knew she
could instantly crush the life out of me.  This ride of pure and raw
strength had me climaxing along with the wonderful Amazon.  We fell asleep
in each others arms.
The next day, my sister was feeling better.  Since my sister was better
and with my father returning in another day, I could not have another
encounter with my beautiful amazon.  She would occasionally taunt me by
flexing her arm or flexing her rock hard ass.  Before she got on the
plane, she gave me a long passionate kiss while my sister was saying good
by to my father.  She grabbed my ass again and lifted me off the ground.
Oh what a feeling!  When I got home, I noticed something in my back
pocket.  It was Brenda’s number.


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